Manage money with rich b*tch ease & be the dominatrix of your finances
Ever felt any of these...
“I should be able to...”
“I work hard but I can't get ahead”
“I make good money but I can't hold on to it”
"It’s always a struggle no matter what I do"
Have you been trying to manifest and "work on" getting better with money...
maybe by journaling for 3 hours a day, yelling affirmations til your eyes bleed & creating an inner dialogue akin to Cruella de Vil every time you spend *anything*
And yet you STILL feel lost knowing WHAT to do with money
>>> (let alone how to be exceptional with it) <<<
You might think the answer is that:
✖ you have to cut ALL spending
✖ you have to work harder
✖ you should NEVER have a limiting money belief again
✖ you have to earn 10 X more money
✖ you have to chain yourself to an excel budget
Here's the truth:
It's NONE of those things
(phew... did you just exhale??)
The reason managing money seems out of reach is you've never been shown how to be in control of the flow of money in a way that fits YOU.
You've been told it's all mindset, "act as if", manifesting and energetic work.
(You can work on money mindset all day long, but it still doesn't help you practically manage money)
Because money is both strategy and energy.
Money is framework AND frequency.
I'm here to show you the former.
It's what every single millionaire knows how to do.
Because they know there is a sequence to wealth - and it starts with being able to practically manage money.
(AKA be the dominatrix of your finances)
Inside CA$H RICH, I'll show you this exact sequence.
It's the strategy and framework you've been craving all along.
What's even more potent is that you WILL:
✦ have massive money mindset "blocks" eliminated
✦ manifest wayyyy more money in to your life
✦ feel incredible energetic shifts that bring in ease and peace
Knowing how to command money is one of the most valuable skills ever. Period.
I want you to be liberated by money.
Hold more of it
Keep more of it.
Make more of it.
With the exact system of how to be in control of the flow of money easily and quickly…
- The easy rich bitch money management method with step by step guides with short action plans that take 15mins or less.
You can finally stop trying to be “better”, you can give up working “harder” at it and you can release the loop of money going out as soon as it comes in.
Imagine instead of money feeling like whiplash between anxiety and struggle street, you get to relax in the ease and flow of money - watching your balances gradually increase. Imagine feeling excited to look at your accounts (never feeling overwhelm or dread again). - The Bank Account Playbook so you know to set up your accounts and finally feel like the dominatrix of your finances - knowing with total certainty that that your wants, needs and future life is taken care of.
Imagine going shopping without looking at the price tag, and booking that ticket to the Bahamas (with CASH not credit). - How to eliminate money stress and Automate your Money so that you’re not having to pay (or miss paying) bills at the last minute.
Which means you feel supported in having your money take care of itself while you sip cocktails with friends, chatting about how confident you’re feeling at about money. Now that’s #sexyAF - Set up for Savings Overflow so you’re practically secure, and ready to start investing for passive income and having assets work FOR YOU in your sleep.
Which means instead of having to choose between saving, spending or investing - you’re doing all three simultaneously - living your wealthy life now and feeling that “OMG is this real” as you watch your savings and investments increasing while you still get to keep your date nights. - Get your Guilt Free Spending Number and tell money stress to F* right off.
Imagine never needing to transfer money from your savings account again… and you get to buy that cute sweater you’ve had your eye on without checking your bank balance… walking out of that shop with your head held high (not with ‘oh fuck I should really return this’ thoughts) - Clear Ditching Debt Guide so that you never have to own a credit card again (unless you want to).
Imagine having an overflow of money in your accounts, instead of having to work out how much you owe (or what you’ve “overspent” every week). No more wondering when the student loan debt is going to end. No more confusion.
Imagine framing that $0 balance on your credit card, shedding a tear knowing you’re never going back to that old life. - The Variable Income Playbook of how to manage variable income so that having yo yo income doesn’t even matter.
Which means 30 days from now you’ll not even notice every time it’s payday… and you never get that ‘insufficient funds’ notification for that Friday night cocktail ever again just because you’re waiting for funds to land in your account - Joint Bank accounts Set Up so you know how to navigate money with your lover, even if you having different money habits and different income levels.
Imagine… instead of hiding your recent shopping from your partner, you feel excited to show them what you bought (knowing they’ll feel excited for you too).
Instead of money being the main source of stress and Friday night fights, money gets to be a fun conversation you have over a glass of wine… even talking about what investments you want to make together. - Be Your own CFO (for Business Owners) so you have clear money split between YOU and your business.Which means you can step in to being a CEO and paying yourself as an employee - finally knowing exactly where your money leaks are and where to optimise for scaling your company.
- Money Belief Activation to clear the feelings that:
- There’s never enough
- It will all be taken away
- I don’t deserve money
So that you can clear the unhelpful subconscious patterns (without spending 5 hours of journaling and mediating every day)… even if these limiting beliefs have been plaguing and restricting you for years.
Which means you will experience immediate and lasting release from anxiety so that you are CLEAR of unhelpful thoughts and finally at PEACE (true financial freedom).
Imagine naturally having more focus, intuition, logic, clarity and energy to see and create opportunities for more money and to BUILD wealth.
Imagine the seemingly perpetual toxic money loops that feel like being in stuck mud… and eliminating it (in 20mins or less). This is THE transformation to having an unbelievable pleasurable relationship with money. Just the relief of it being gone makes you cry tears of joy… let alone the wealth you’ll create with this eliminated. - Lifetime access to all content
I’m not giving you vague concepts.
You make real, lasting change and get this DONE as you go through each section.
Ready to be liberated?