What Financial Freedom Actually Means
Nov 26, 2019
Have you ever thought that Financial Freedom is one of those terms that just "isn't for you".
Or maybe you think it means retirement... which is sooooooo dull.
Yeah, I get it. Let's chat... 'cause it turns out there's a few levels. And you don't have to wait til your hands a wrinkly to enjoy them.
If you're serious about getting there faster, make sure you join Investing Bootcamp before the price goes up. DM me for more info here.
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more money investing in ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, mr. Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money podcast.
Well, Hey, and welcome back. Or my money babes. I am on a bit of a high, because we have just finished the five day bad-ass money challenge. Where you in it? Did you just get massive results? Are you in the group? Are you like, have you been watching all the replays? Did you tune in live? Oh my God, if that was you, then I just want to say a massive, thank you. You've made it so fun. You've made it just honestly, like I just have enjoyed seeing all of your results and comments and it's been massive. Like some of you girls are getting thousands of dollars off the table and back into your pocket, literally from one phone call, I'm seeing others literally put away a thousand dollars a month that they weren't doing previously. Um, like literally hundreds of dollars like that. I'm seeing just constantly that the results you're getting.
It's so amazing. Like I just I've I've loved it. So thank you for showing up and thank you for doing the work like that's, you know, you're the kind of women that I love surrounding myself with, so that's really awesome. And I just want to say, like, can you imagine if that's a free challenge? Can you imagine if we can do that in five days? Imagine what actually working with me in private, in my private network, actually it looks like, so I did mention a couple of apps ago that, uh, something big was coming and black Friday is coming up and adding so much more into investing bootcamp. And I want to quickly tell you about what is changing and how big it's going to be. Cause it is kind of massive. So you're ready. The big announcement it's actually in two parts is that one I'm adding in my full money mindset training.
This is something that you guys have been damning me about. Emailing me about messaging me, posting about all the things. And I know obviously that this is a really big part and it is a big part of what I do with my one on one clients as well. And I kind of, I was going to put it into a different program, but you it's so important to really nail on all levels. And so I want to make investing bootcamp like the ultimate go to program for all your money stuff, creating wealth, which is obviously investing literally upleveling and upgrading your mindsets. And you can take that and apply that to all parts of your life and make more money and actually manage your money properly. So you can keep more and keep more on the table. So I'm adding in the money mindset training, which is huge.
I'm also adding in live calls, which means not only do you get all your view Q and A's answered, but it is essentially your money, babe mastermind. And this is huge because I spoke about this in the last day of the challenge that your network equals your net worth. And if you are consistently surrounding yourself with the right kind of vibe with the right kind of words, with the right kind of inspiration, with changing in upgrading your money mindset and seeing possibilities, asking the right empowering opening questions that actually lead you to solve solutions rather than shut down and say things like I can't afford that I don't have that kind of money or that's not in my budget or whatever it is that you find yourself saying, it's keeping you stuck. I imagine if actually you can change that and rewire that. And that's what happens when you get on something like a mastermind call.
So as you know, I've said before, if information alone is not enough, right, you actually need someone to hold you accountable and walk you through a proven path. So that is why I'm adding those two things in on top of everything else on top of all the training modules and the workbooks and the cheat sheets and all of the other trainings. And also all of my investing bootcamp babes get first access to the 2020 money, babe wealth retreat. I know I just dropped another bomb. What the, uh, yeah, so that same planning right now. So the 2020 money baby wealth retreat is the kind of reiterate that literally completely changes the game. Like if you've ever been, if you've ever been to seminars or immersions like UPW or date with destiny and it literally you walk out and your life is changed. That is what the money above babe wealth retreat is going to be.
And it's going to change your financial life, like your, your actual, your abundance and what you bring in and what you get going create. Anyway, I'm going to talk about more about that when I know more about how it's coming together, but because black Friday is coming up, um, I'm essentially giving you early access to the black Friday offer. And it also means that 2020 essentially investing bootcamp is never going to be at this price again. So there are literally a few weeks left of the year. You guys, Oh my God. And Chris is around the corner and this is the last time it's going to be offered at this price. So make sure you get your butt in there or DME as her, all of your, why the hell not you're in there. And let's come up with a solution to actually get you in the program and actually start changing your life.
So as this episode, no name is actually named, it's called all about financial freedom, right? And I want to talk to you about this because it's come up so much. And this, this idea around financial freedom can be so vague. And so many people say things like, Oh, that's for retirement. Oh, that's not for me. I'll never get there. Or that's something I just, you know, I don't even can't even think about because that's just so far away. I don't want to talk about this because the reality three of it is, is there a difference, like levels of financial freedom? Yeah. And it can actually main that we can start bringing financial freedom into your life now, rather than thinking, it's a later thing, it's not a later thing, guys. Your life is now. We want to bring in more freedom into your life now.
And the truth is financial freedom is actually not a number. Now, obviously the money side of it is real and that is part of it. But a big part of it is mindset. And the other part is like your lifestyle by design. Now that lifestyle does mean it needs the money part. And I'll talk about that in a minute, but essentially what it comes down to is first off, what is actually meaningful to you. So what is the emotional, psychological side to you that is act like that actually matters. So I've spoken about before for me, obviously how much the beach is a part of my life, infinity pools. And we take eight weeks holiday a year and we go on tropical holidays and you know, like mid week long lunches, like that's the kind of stuff I like. And time is friends. I love things like sunset cocktails and taking naps and going out for Mexican.
Cause I feel like it, and you know, just going off and finding the next idyllic beach break, like I love that kind of stuff. And that to me, shouldn't have to wait until I'm 60 or 70 or 80, whatever. Yeah. Also the idea that even then, when I'm in a position where I'm happy with the quote unquote number that we can literally like not even work again, I actually love what I do so much that I don't ever really imagine working because it's fulfilling and it's actually meaningful. And so that's always going to be a part of my life. And you actually see this in communities where the elderly that don't have anything to live for, have no purpose are actually disconnected from the community. More depressed, have more illnesses because they actually don't have anything to live for. And you might be saying right now, hold up.
I would be fine drinking cocktails by the beach all day every day. Let me tell you that gets tired. It does, honestly, this is why as human beings, we are wired to love, variety and love, change, and love experiencing new and different things. And yeah, sure. Lying by the beach, drinking cocktails is cool for like a couple of weeks, maybe a month, then you want something new and then the intelligent part of your brain, which all of you have, uh, then starts kicking in going, okay, I'm bored. I need some stimulation. I need to work out some problems. I need some challenges. I need to solve something. I need a purpose. And so that's why this idea of I'm just going to retire and never work again. Never actually we don't want to get to that point. We want to create a life for you now that you see as being part of your life forever, because like you literally wake up every day and go, wow, I just, I cannot wait to start my day.
And if that's not something that is part of your life now, then let's create that now and make that part of your reality now, not later. So it does your lifestyle cost money. Yes, of course. But we want to actually create something that you experience at least if an, even if it's like a small percentage of your life now. Okay. So what I mean by this? What do I mean? So I speak about the beach all the time, right? And yes, I've used that as an example for, so my husband, uh, actually negotiated with his employer. He has a job. He is not an entrepreneur like me. Uh, but he loves what he does. Right. Um, and he actually negotiated with his employer to drop one day a week, which means he works 20% less, right. Five days in a week now, only four days, 20% less.
And so now he has three day weekends every week. So it didn't, it wasn't that we had to wait until he was 60 to actually have that because what does he love? Well, he loves surfing and beaches as well. He loves, uh, like helping other people to learn, to serve. He loves just having more of a lifestyle. And I know that that word is like super vague, but a lifestyle, uh, rather than working in the grind nine to five, even though he loves what he does, but wanting to bring in more of like the balance. Right. And so that happened, God, it's actually been, I think, coming up to a year and a half now. Um, and so that's actually been a reality for like the last year and a half. And what's happened is I've started to drop down massively on my workload on Fridays.
Now I don't do any client calls. I'm only online for like an hour or two often on a Friday for whoever actually needs me inside investing boot camp. Uh, and then otherwise like the rest of the day is ours to enjoy. And so you might be kind of sitting there thinking, Oh, I can't do that. Like, that's just not, that's not a reality because I'm living paycheck to paycheck and uh, you know, it's just not possible or it's something that we worked towards. Right. I know that a lot of you probably know my story already by now that I w I'm not bright now where I was 10 years ago, it's taken me 10 years to get to this point, like building up a million dollar portfolio from nothing didn't happen overnight. But what I do know is that we can start adding things into your life.
Now that actually make the levels of financial freedom, more real and realistic for you. So the level that you might be at right now might be at the paycheck to paycheck level, or you might even be in there I'm in debt level, which I've been into before. And so we need to get you up to, uh, the next level. And that next level might be, uh, to the point where you start investing and you start making that a reality so that you're no longer living paycheck to paycheck and you have financial independence. And that again is part mental and emotional and psychological, and part reality, like part physical, because you actually have the money. So you kind of get to a point of financial security, right? You're secure. You had a debt, like you've got a plan in place that, you know, your wealth building.
And I actually have this inside investing bootcamp, it's called the a hundred K success path. I map it out for you so that you can see how fast we can get to you to your first hundred K. And so that might, that level might be the first level. Then the next one is kind of where you have enough to like quit your job, or like we've done dropped down our workload. So you bring in that balance into your life now. And that might be more like, you know, financial independence, right? And then there's enough for you to be financially happy to cover your needs and some of your wants and still save some money. And then the next level is, okay, you, everything that you have in your investments, meaning your golden goose. And we want to make your golden goose as fat as possible, because like this means that she's going to lay more golden eggs and those eggs are what you can live off, right?
So the bigger and fat and happy, happier that golden goose is, it means that you have more to live off and you can live a richer and abundant life and care and, um, you know, give to others as well. So the more we can add, uh, into your golden goose, meaning the more we can create assets, uh, means that you can get in hit this freedom, this big financial freedom number faster, uh, and then like the ultimate financial freedom is beyond that where you just essentially live off the interest of the interest. So you can retire way earlier. You can, you know, or buy all of your kids, a house and all that sort of stuff. But at first, just start with the first layer, just start with that first one, because that's still one of the financial freedom levels, right. And then we can get you to the next one.
Like, and of course I've spoken about all the ways to kind of get there, do the inner work, have a strong money mindset, because that's a really big part of it. And then look at what a financial freedom lifestyle actually looks like for you. Do you already have some of those things? Can you bring in some of what is really important to you? Like where you think it's going to be a later in life thing, can you bring some of that into a life now and possibly create part of a financial freedom of level or a stepping stone or a baby step now, and then keep working on the next level? And like I said before,
As the actual
A figure matter. Yes it does. Does the, the money part, the physical number matter? Yeah, it does. And the reality is that money makes the world go round. Like it, it's the saying for a saying, it's, it's not a false belief. It's not like a, you know, some belief in your head that is a myth and not true. The reality is it is true. Money does make the world go round. And it, the reason for that is because it's an energy exchange. We use money to exchange for goods and services, and we use money as a step in for the energy exchange that were essentially buying or selling or receiving. And we use money to essentially prove that we value something. And that's what we have. That's why we use it. And it's global and it's handy. And it's just by default, the thing that makes the world go round.
And that's a good thing. Like that's not a bad thing. Energy is literally just energy. It's a stand in for what we value. So when it comes to the actual dollar figure that we need to work out for, you always bear in mind that this is going to shift constantly, like, think about where you were five or 10 years ago. You probably thought back then that you could just live on a little bit more money if you had just a little bit more. And what happens when you make a little bit more money, your lifestyle changes you upgraded left, or right. And then you earn a little bit more and then you're like, well, I could keep earning a little bit more. Have you ever fallen into that pattern of thinking there's never enough? And I just want more income. And if I just had, or earned a little bit more than I'd be better off, then it'd be easier.
Then I'd be able to get ahead. I'm guessing some of you have had that thought pattern before, right? And I used to think this too. Here's the thing. It will always shift. There is always another level, meaning you need to be able to manage the money you have now because having more of it is not going to help. And I know that probably some of you are like, that's not true. If I had a million dollars, then I'd be fine. And this is part of the reason that so many lottery winners, in fact, like over 90% of lottery, winners lose everything and filed for bankruptcy within the NEC within the two to five years, uh, after they actually look, uh, win the lottery. And it's because they don't have the right habits, they don't have the right behaviors and they don't have the right mindset.
And often it's actually because they don't even know what it is that they value and what financial freedom is to them or what, what they, uh, see as being important to them. And so that's a really big one and I want to touch on that because someone else, my lifestyle beach time and holidays and naps, and, you know, time having long Rosa lunch with friends that may not be something that the person next to me once. And that's cool. That's fine. But you have to work out what's right for you. Like there is a distinct lack of flashy cars, fancy hand bags, or posing in front of a millionaire mansions. Right. And is a millionaire mentioned on the beach in my goal and vision. Yes, it is. But I don't also don't care about Gucci handbags. I just, I don't, I probably will eventually, but right now, to me, it's not worth it because to me, if I can put another two or three or whatever, $5,000 or however much, they cost into an investment that actually pays me money and it gets me further ahead and fattens up my golden goose, then that's more worth it to me.
Like, because I know, I know that that gives me financial freedom, both in the mental and emotional side, because it gives me so much freedom, uh, mentally and like complete lack of stress around money. Uh, so it is just worth it to me. Could I currently afford a Maserati? Yes, but I don't want to, because I want that money sitting in something that pays me money that makes me more money. That makes me money in my sleep. Do I want him as a righty? Yes, I do. But what the latter is just more worth it. To me, it's more of a desire. It's more of a drive. I also don't judge anyone that wants to go out and buy that and is okay that their financial freedom happens later. And if they want to pause that then fine. Uh, so it's just working out what is important to you and knowing that that will shift and change and that's okay.
And knowing that there's always another level, like say you get the millionaire mansion. Well, then there's a nother multimillionaire mentioned, say, you hire a boat four times a year. Well then there's owning a boat and then there's a bigger boat and there's a boat with a helicopter and then there's a private jet. And then there's, whatever else. I remember very clear memory of going to a friend of a friend's, you know, family, whatever I mentioned. And it was an insane mentioned, uh, when we were in living in London. And it was like literally the kind of driveway that is lined with trees and they had a Butler and, uh, a full time maid, like to just go and clean up off to you and the head at, in house chef. And I just remember thinking is, it was absolutely insane. Like just so crazy. And it was like I said, a friend of her friends, you know, family members.
And he said to us, he was going off for work. And we were staying in his place because it was like six or seven bedrooms. And, uh, he's, you know, we commented on how amazing and beautiful his place was, this like insane mansion and these manicured lawns and just amazing. Uh, and his response was, yeah, wow. You know, my neighbor, he has a boat on the Harbor and I just remember thinking, Oh my God, that was the moment for me. Yeah. It hit that. I realized that it clicked that I was like, it never stops. It's never, ever stop. There's always another level. And that's not meant to scare you or shake you or do anything. It's just for you to understand that there's always more out there. And that is not meant to be scary. This is a good thing. You should have more, you deserve more.
You're worthy of more. And it's amazing and incredible. If that's something that you want, if it's not, then that's cool. That's cool as well. That's, that's also fine, but it is also out there and available to you if you want it. And if you're prepared and committed to go after what you want. Okay. So what have you got to do now? Well, you've got to work out. What's meaningful. Go, go away and work out the stuff that's meaningful to you. Is it infinity pools like me? Is it page time? Is it eight weeks holiday? Is it that you want to drop down and, you know, drop a day of work a week? Like get clear on what the levels of financial freedom mean to you? Is it initially just that it's getting out of debt, stop living paycheck to paycheck and starting your freedom fund and starting to invest and starting to build that golden goose.
Maybe it is. If so, like make that a reality, you know, you can come and join me and the other babes and let's actually make that happen and work on all parts of it. Right? What do the inner work I use as example all the time, but it's orchard. There is no one single thing that will get you there. It's not about writing down a goal and then leaving it and never coming back to it. You know, for another six months you got to do this work. Like that's just part of it. You can't do it once you can't do that. You know, mindset work once it's constant because our brain is constantly evolving. All right. That's it for me for today. I like, I would like to hear what your financial freedom visions are. What does it mean to you and where are you taking yourself until then? If you haven't done the money about as challenge, get into the group. And if you haven't joined investing bootcamp yet, then make sure you DM me or message me and tell me what's holding you back or tell me how you can get in. All right, bye. Until next week, I'll see you then.