Three Money Beliefs Keeping You Broke

Jul 15, 2020

What happens when you imagine living a wealthy life?

Just step in to this for a moment...

See yourself driving that fancy luxury car that you’ve always wished for. Feel the rich leather and the purr of the high powered engine.

See your 'straight out of a luxury magazine' home and your overflowing bank account.

All the bills are paid on time. No more debt and a thriving investment portfolio.

And then, listen to that quiet little voice that tells you it’s not possible.

Watch the next thoughts that rush through your mind:

I’m not good enough

I don’t deserve to live an abundant life

I’ll have to hustle so hard and never have a life

There isn’t enough money in the world for me live luxuriously


Now feel that limitation. The constraint, the shrinking. The resignation.

That’s the story you tell yourself about why you can’t be rich.

So this episode covers the three toxic money beliefs (the stories we tell ourselves and believe to be true).

Tune in, and get your new money mantras to combat them! 




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If you want to keep on animal and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money.

Oh, hi. Welcome back to the podcast. I, I said, I'd be with you last week and I wasn't and I'm so sorry. I, uh, I have been so focused on abundance aligned and you know, the transformations in there and delivering the whack and doing the work. I mean, you know, what I love about what I love about mindset work is even when I'm coaching my clients, you know, like it's also, it's a two way, like th there's a two way transformation that happens. And that's what I love about abundance of mind. And I mean, really any program, you know, it's, uh, it's just like a reaffirmation of the same work. Like, and I do the same work. I'm doing the same work that everyone else is doing inside of buttons online that we've been doing this week and that we are going to continue to do.

Um, and so if you haven't joined us yet, Oh my God, come, come and join us. I'm going to put the link in the show notes. You can totally catch up and just do two motors in one week. Um, and even if you're listening to this months down, the track, uh, abundance in line is an ongoing program. So it's, it's going to be continuously open it because, because, because, because this is continuous work, it's not a one it's not a one time thing. And that's why, that's why the program is designed the way it is to consistently remain open. Um, because it's just, it's a constant, right? And you can go through each of, really like the four, the core four, the core four elements, um, and just come back to it or, you know, progress through the four and then come back to three and then go back to two. Or like, there's just always like once you do it, and once you go through the steps, because we always reached another level, we always, there's always another level. There's always another level. Um, and the more, the more that you get there, there's going to be, you know, this different element of different limiting beliefs with different energetic work that needs to be done. That that comes up like new level, same devil, but it looks different. And even when, you know, whether it's incremental upgrade or quantum leaping,

There's still this, like, you know,

This happened recently with one of my clients. I'd like the stillness uncomfortability around like, Ooh, like really holding this new amount, like holding this, this quantum late with an income, right? Because we all have like these, these money thermostat, these energetic money thermostat set levels that we have around everything around what we can earn around what we can keep. Um, and when you quantum leap at it's a who, you know, really like stepping into this, holding and having receiving that. And, um, this is, this has actually come up so much with, with one of my, with actually number one, my one on one clients, uh, this week, which is really why I was so cool to do this episode now. Uh, even though I know I still, I have been promising the story of financial fraud and it's coming. Um, but I was really cool to do this, this one, because this is what happens when a lot of the work comes up for, you know, a number of my clients.

And if it's full, if I'm seeing it across the board or I'm getting DMS, or, and it's at this collective, it's the same work. Like, it's the same thing. I know that collectively it needs to be addressed because everyone else is going, going through the same thing. Like if it's specifically about this, you know, one area or this one block, or this one, like limiting belief around money or around, you know, stepping into your worth, like whatever it is specifically that comes up. I notice that it's like a collective energy, which, which is true. Like collective energy is so powerful. And so, because this is coming up so consistently, and it really is a theme right now, I wanted to talk about these three money blocks and really who really hone in on what's been coming up specifically because you are probably going through the same stuff and that, you know, really that's around wanting what you want, like really stepping into wanting what you want, owning what you want and just wanting it because you want it.

Uh, and why we don't step into like, why we don't honor it, why we deny it. I, you know, I talk about denying our desires all the time, and this is, this is coming up really solidly. And so I know that this is also coming up for you because we are all in the same energetic field. Like, you know, it just, it's just how it works. And I also know that when I, when I take a quantum leap in my own work, like when I'm working with my coach and that's the same with Mike, my coaches, coach, and whatever. Um, when I take a quantum leap, when my coach takes a quantum leap, when we move and shift and progress, that affects the field around you, that affects me. Like my coaches work affects me because I know her she's going through stuff. And you know, that expansion impacts like her field and I'm in her field.

And the same, you know, when I go through like a shift, it affects everyone in my field, including, you know, my close one on one clients and including everyone in a button's in line. And even if I'm in investing bootcamp, um, and you know, with the women and now, like we all go through that same shift together. So I want to talk about, I really want to talk about like the core three limiting money beliefs, and I'm going to call them blocks. Look, I don't, I don't love the word block, but I do feel like it's probably the best way to explain. It really is just a limiting belief. And there's so many, I mean, there's so many limiting money, beliefs that look different or sound different. And really what I see is it coming down to three main themes, which is what I want to talk about today, so that you can see like where the consistency, but they consistently see is it's like, it really is just, it comes down to three main ones.

Um, and just also let you know that you're normal, right? You mean you're human being. And, and I have this too. I go through these, these beliefs too. Like I have them on a certain level. Um, like whether it, you know, some of them used to be a lot stronger now than not. Um, or I hit them in, you know, in some areas in some way, but I can work. It's not as intense. I can work through a foster. Um, and it's hitting me because I'm just constantly progressing and at another level, but it's not as though I don't face these ones. Okay. So I am human just as you are. It will come up. It's just, you know, I have a lot of tools now, um, and I've done a lot of work of how to work through it. Um, anyway, so regardless of what belief comes up for you around money, like, I don't deserve it, or I can't ask for that.

Or, you know, I just, I really don't see myself earning more than w w what about $10,000, $20,000, uh, you know, $30,000 a month, $3,000 a month, whatever the money is a really, really anything like I can't afford that still. It's a, it's, it's a, it's a limiting belief. Like why can't you? And we let our current reality, our current physical reality dictate that we are so conditioned to, to let that really dictate the life that we want. And so what happens is we don't ask for what we want, and this comes, this comes from so much, like so much of our conditioning and really three parts of our life that happened from our upbringing. And I could tell you story after story, after story. Um, but you won't have them to, you know, these, these events, right? These specific of events that happen in your life or, and, or modeling.

So like who you model in your life growing up, you know, most of the time it's our parents, or, you know, your grandparents or whoever raised you, brothers and sisters, a massive impact. So it can be specific incidences modeling and then verbal conditioning and the other three real areas that impact our conditioning, that really form our beliefs, right. That form, literally what we believe in. And this happens right on tire life. And it's, it's happening still now. So you are still receiving verbal conditioning from the people around you, from TV that you watch from advertisements and not necessarily like literally verbal, like spoken things that you see on the bus, right? Like we are given ads constantly about how we need to improve our image, put on makeup, be skinnier. I mean, the entire health industry is about being skinnier, right. Um, being prettier is the makeup industry. Um, so we are just conditioned constantly, and it happens the same with money, like so much, you know, around that you want this holiday that you want this car that, you know, this means success that, uh, you know, this bank is better.

Like whatever,

It's just constant. So we have verbal conditioning, constantly our life. And here's, here's the clincher. Here's the thing. What happens is we believe it to be true, meaning we believe what we believe is actual truth when it's not, and it's not, you like you didn't come into this world with pre formed ideas, preformed beliefs about literally how money works, how the world works. Like you can't, you actually entered this world with a blank slate. I mean, you have some, you know, epigenetic D like some epigenetic conditioning from, from your parents that is passed down, but not to the degree that you have it, like actual thought patterns that you have. And so the actual reality is every single thought is, is literally just a story that we've believed to be true, but it's not truth. It's just a story because whatever you believe, Oh, that's my phone. Whatever you believe to be true is not my belief system. Right. And so this happens constantly like in our life. And we have no, it come up all the time. What do you think? You know, British people agree, or like, can't have more money. Like you can't live luxuriously and you have to hustle really hard. And the, the three beliefs that it really comes down to that I see consistently, or it comes back to whatever it is. The sources always comes back to these three, the first one being.

So the first one is that there's a limited supply of money. And this comes out because we see money as being like this, this finite thing, right? Like if you take money off someone, if someone pays you that they are losing that they have less, but they don't have, they don't have less money. It's like, it's like blow or air. Like you breathing. Doesn't prevent others from breathing. Like money is just energy. Money is just energy. And so at its core, this belief that there's a limited supply that like, someone else loses, if you make more, right. Or like, if you become really, if you become really wealthy that therefore there's going to be someone on the street, like that's just scarcity mindset, it's scarcity mindset, and it's holding you back and it's keeping you small. It doesn't take away from anyone else. Right? Loving your partner, loving your kids, loving your friends.

It doesn't take away love from anyone else. Like does, you can, the more love you have, the more love you can give, you can just, there's just more love, right? And it's the same with money. It's not binary, it's not finite. Um, and also the truth is also money. Doesn't come from people. It actually comes through people. It flows through people, people are paid and they pay things out. Right. And then they make more money and they pay things out. Like it just, it flows through people that I'm just not paid to you, or it doesn't flow through to you. It's going to flow flow through to someone else. And it's just whether that wants to be directed to you. If you want to allow it to be directed to you, money's never stagnant. It's never like, it doesn't, it doesn't, but it doesn't like to sit and just, you know, it's like, imagine it like water.

If you let a pile or like a puddle of water, just sit there and lie stagnant and not go anywhere and not flow and not move it literally like it becomes old and stale and it starts to grow mold. Uh, because I mean, we made money up. Like we made it up. It's an energetic exchange. We made the concept of money up. And so first it was like, you know, actual metal and paper, because it was just easier instead of having to trade, you know, certain things at the market and trade certain things like we would literally be like, okay, this is like, this is enough. And they came up with a concept of, this is just now like this metal thing is, um, an indication, a representation of me showing you this other thing, because we've very big exchanged it now. Right? And that's how money came to be.

It's literally just an energetic exchange. So to really help you here, I want to offer you a new money mantra that is money comes and money comes and money comes. I am open and ready to receive it. I'm available for it. I am ready for it to flow to me. And really just like, sit in that, you know, continue to repeat that back to yourself, continue to tell yourself that because remember the belief that you have right now is not true. It's not true. So what if you could believe something else? What if you could believe that money comes and money comes and money comes and that, what if you could believe that if you were just simply open to it, if you just want it, if you're ready to receive it and you're available for it, that it will come to you. Isn't that a little bit more empowering?

Isn't it? Uh, okay. Toxic money block. Number two, that, and I say this so much, that the only way to get more money is to hustle harder. Like meaning that more effort equals more money. Like how many times do you see it to make more money? I have to get a side hustle to make more money. You have to work harder to make more money. You have to get a second job. What, if you could do the same thing and receive more money, he could do the less and make money. What if you could nap money? And this is quite literally what I work on with my one on one clients and what we eventually do. I promise you get to, we start to create new rules, rules for our lives. And I say allies, because I do it for myself too. So the rule is I make money when I sleep.

And why, who said that? Why can't that be true? I mean, it's, it's true for plenty of people in the world. Why can't it be for you and whatever you receive in your mind, whatever thought process you receive in your mind. When I asked you that question is forming a limiting belief. And so I, this is where I really invite you to call that in and to like, look at it, write it down and ask where that came from. So this whole idea about hustling is hard. I like 80 hour work weeks. You know, you'll sleep when you die working nights, working weekends, like chugging coffee, to stop yourself from crashing and burning and like hustle culture and all w do we own, do we not see this about this whole like busy mentality? I cannot stand busy. I cannot stand it this whole, like, how are you?

I'm busy. Like, it's like, Whoa, what is this? Um, you know, this like banner of achievement, and it's not like we've been misled. You have okay, by, by promise that you have been misled to believe that working is harder. That's slaving away that hustling your ass off will give you more money. That's not how it works. Like look around you. There are plenty of pot working people who are completely broke. I mean, I certainly know a number they're not in my field, but I know of them. Um, and again, this is just crappy scarcity mindset. Now, what I'm not saying is that you can't not work. I mean, work is required. Like work is required. It's not like the secret where you sit on your ass and you watched Netflix and money just comes to you and you do nothing. That's, that's not how it works.

That's unfortunately, one of the biggest pieces of the movie that is missing, um, you know, it doesn't just like appear. It has to, it has to be a co-creation. Well, it is a co-creation with the universe you are creating with the universe. And so it's about taking aligned action with your goals. It's about really looking at your desires, your wants, and then taking line action about what feels good about what's inspiring about what is inspired about what is exciting about like this anticipation and like, Oh, like, you know, you can just like, feel the energy surging through your body. Like I am, I'm not going to kid you. I I've had plenty of 14, 16 hour days, but it's because I'm just like, I feel like I'm on fire and I'm lit up. And I just like, I'm loving what I'm doing. And I have plenty of weeks where I will work.

I didn't even know, like eight hours a week, maybe like maybe. And so it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both, but it it's really about the difference of being inspired and taking line to action instead of Adeline of alignment, hustling to exhaustion, like notice the difference, right. And when you're in that inspired action, it's like, that's actually where the fucking magic happens because you're creating that, that is crew creating. That is alignment with the universe and it moves when you move, it moves you. So I w I just want you to check in with yourself, or you do, like, if you were hustling, quote, unquote, hustling, are you doing it because you feel aligned? Are you doing it because you feel inspired and excited, or are you doing it out of fear that if you don't work harder than you won't get money and that's, and that, that's the only way for you to get money, because, I mean, here's that, here's the truth, money, money doesn't have to come from your job.

It can come from all sorts of sources and right now you might be going. Yeah. But how similar, how, um, and that, and that's part of the surrendering process. I mean, I could spend a little five hours talking about the how and how you surrender again. That is what we do in abundance aligned. And, you know, I'm giving you some, like a snippet of insight into this. Um, but really the NBA is like, money can come from many different sources. It doesn't have to come from hard work. Okay. So I want to offer a new money mantra to you now that is, I don't need to hustle harder. I only need to take inspired action and cocreate with the universe. I am a co-creator, I'm a powerful creator. And I can create just by being and like how much more empowering is that, how much more like that feels so aligned, even just saying that out loud, I was like, Oh yeah, I like that.

Like that, that feels good. Okay. Toxic money block, number three, that you're not good enough worthy enough. You don't deserve it. I mean, I mean, how many of us have had this, like double hands up me all over? I mean, I've spoken about my wellness journey before about how I've been in depression over it. And, you know, if, if that is you right now, if you've been through that too, if you feel like that's currently what you're facing, babe, do I get it? And trust me when I say zero judgment, zero judgment, because our conditioning and the stories that we create, literally put us there. And like I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart can say, I know, I know what it's like. I have been there. And this also still comes up to me like who it can catch me sometimes. So it was also where I have my, you know, my own coach to call me on my own shit and to show me a different way to, you know, open my mindset up, to open my mind up.

And so really how, where I see this happening is if you deny your desires, even, even if, if you deny the fact that you want to be rich, like I see this happen so much. And then the rationale comes in it's okay. I don't need more. I can get by with what I have. Like it's not necessary. It's just this constant denial of what you desire is this constant denial. Like what your soul actually fucking wants. You are here to be abundant. You entered this world to get what you like to literally receive what you want. Universe wants you to have what you want. The one, like the universe wants you to be inspired, to be alive, to feel abundant, more abundance, creates more abundance. And yet I see so many women deny the fact that they want to be rich, like deep down, because they don't want to be seen as whatever, you know, self-absorbed, they don't want to be seen as the very thing that they judge in other rich people. And, you know, that probably sounds really harsh, but it's true. It's true. And really like deep down, I know that so many of us do, but there's these belief systems around what rich means, and there are negative connotations and there's a belief system around that. You don't deserve it. That somehow somewhere along the line, you want worthy enough enough for what I mean, you were born, you were born worthy. This second, you entered into this world.

You what you are literally

No different to the next person, to Elon Musk, to bill Gates, to me, to Oprah. You're you are no different to any of these people. You are just as worthy, just as good enough, just as deserving. And how I see this show up in other clients is undercharging, particularly for female entrepreneurs. Over-giving so giving time, specially giving time, or this shows up so much giving time, because we feel like we need to add more value. We need to give more waiting to like, you know, just constantly giving given gifts. And it's actually just a complete lack of boundaries. And I can say this fully, because I have been there, I've been there, I've done it. And it was consistent for me repeatedly. Okay. Total and utter lack of boundaries around your time, around what you give around, you know, even like asking for what you want.

It also shows out by apologizing for taking up space, preventing yourself from speaking up, like how many times have you not spoken up in a meeting? How many times have you not asked a question? Cause you feel like it's stupid. How many times have you apologize for interrupting someone for, um, you know, I don't know, just bumping someone, even though it wasn't your fault, like this idea of like taking up space. How many times have you apologized for like talking too much for crying? The apologizing is really apologize and be taking up space, which is this underlying is this that you don't believe you're worthy enough or deserving enough to have that space to take up that space. I also see it when women really meaning anyone, but it happens a lot with women, deflect compliments. So like, you look really pretty today. Your dress looks really amazing.

You did a great job on this. Like well done on, you know, having a record sales month, deflecting it by, you know, giving credit to something or someone else. Oh yes. But, and there it is. That's the butt, right? Oh, it was because of this rather than just receiving it rather than just receiving the compliment and going. Yeah. Thank you. Like, yeah. I do feel good about that. Like yeah. Thank you. I'm also rejecting gifts. Like, Oh, you shouldn't have done that. Oh, how many times you said that in your life shouldn't have done that. You didn't need to do that. Well, why you're rejecting it? What if they wanted to? Why can't you receive it, right? Why can't you just receive that? Because here's the truth. How we do anything is how would you, everything, a pattern is a pattern is a pattern. And if you're rejecting that, if you're deflecting that it shows up the exact same way with money, it also shows that by minimizing wins, which is kind of like deflecting compliments, like, Oh yeah, like a ton of wasn't me or minimizing wins by not celebrating by not recognizing yourself, but not talking yourself up by not like talking literally about how great you are.

These are all signs of how really like deep down, there's an unworthiness belief. And therefore you were subconsciously rejecting money and blocking abundance. And that sounds harsh as fuck to say. And it feels like I just, I truly can. I, it feels like I reached in and like ripped out like tugged at your heart. Like it feels heavy. Right. But it's the truth. And I know that the work I do here in ms. Wealthy has to be, you know, about unapologetically making you uncomfortable so that you can step into how powerful you actually are, because I know it's there and I just need you to see it too. So remember that everything is energy, including money. And even though we've been told this, you know, I'm not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough and a lot more help, hurtful, bullshit. That's why we shrink.

That's why we play small. And that's why we wound up, who am I? Who am I to be rich? Like who I, to do this thing? Who am I to receive this? Who am I to be like, deserving and worthy and good enough, and like step into this power and be a powerful co-creator and like, who am I? Right? And like I said, how would you, one thing is how we do everything. And it's not just blocking from more money. The truth is you're more, you are, you are so heavy and you don't need to do anything or be anything you just are, you just are worthy. Okay. So the new money mantra here is that I am worthy of being rich and abundant because I am, I am worthy of my desires. I'm worthy of everything that I want because I wanted, Oh, how much better does that feel?

So I really want to invite you. I want, I want you to rise up and I want you to break the chains of the bullshit money blocks. I like, and really let yourself step into the powerful woman. You are the rich abundant woman that is inside you so that she can rise. I mean, this isn't about you becoming someone else. It's really just letting go of the crap that is stopping you from really being you and really what you're here to be, who you are. You're here to live the life that you desire and deserve. And one, and I don't want you to settle for mediocrity and I don't want you to shrink or play small. So I'm going to put the link in the Sherner as to abundance aligned, because this is the worst that we do on all of this, on all of this to really look at what's holding you back and how to rewire so that you can be more unapologetic in living this rich life.

Like more unappealing apologetic about stepping into the real, the truly abundant version of yourself. Ooh. Okay. I'm going to leave it there for today. Bye. I hope you've enjoyed today's episode. I love you. Remember abundance is waiting for you. Okay. Bye bye. Till next week. Thank you so much for tuning in today, babe. If you loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more cost and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Welty official, even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will see you next week on another app.