This is What a Millionaire Looks Like
Apr 16, 2021Are you also reallllly sick and tired of seeing Lamborghini posts on Instagram, or yet another designer handbag with zero context except how you can "get rich real quick and make $1000 a week with this forex MLM company"? Urgh. Yeah, me too.
So I want to have some #realtalk on what a millionaire looks like. I recently shared on IG stories that our net worth is approaching $1.1million... but I want to share with you how I actually live my life and how I got here (from zero).
I'm a huge advocate for BOTH. Both living your life now and creating an abundant financial future.
I even give you some really helpful things for YOU to think about and do, so you can create the life you want now, and later.
P.S. Have you watched the free investing webinar yet? Head here to get access: https://go.mswealthy.com/investingbootcamp
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So you're here because you want more out of life, more money, pleasure, flow, freedom, luxury. Here we are all about an unwavering self worth and a net worth. You love to talk about. My name is Simone Mercer-Huggins. I'm your resident unapologetic wealth queen. So far I've built seven figures from the ground up. And this community is now doing the same. The Ms. Aldi movement is here to help you be more of the bad-ass queen. You were born to be so tuned in for everything, investing money, energetics, millionaire, mindsets, and everything in between. If you want to be a powerful player in the money game, you are in the right place. So welcome to the kiss, my money podcast.
What's up beautiful people. Welcome back to the kiss. My money podcast. This episode today has been inspired by what seems to be to me. I mean, it's not something that's new, it's been happening for a long time. The Insta rich, I don't even know what you call it. Seen to say trend. I don't even want to call it a trend because it's a really ugly thing. But essentially Instagram highlight rail of people acting like they're rich or seeming like they're rich. And it creating this really awful, ugly, unhelpful comparison game, but also not actually revealing, like what is the actual truth behind people's situation or how they lived their life. And I think it's also, um, partly been, I guess, spurred by a little bit of, I don't know about you, but I have definitely been sent or approached or DMD a bunch of stuff around Forex and slash MLM, Forex opportunities I put in inverted commas, all put unity is basically anything that combines Forex and MLM.
You can pretty much guarantee is a scam. I'll probably do a whole podcast episode on Forex for people to understand, because I'm getting more and more messages about it, of like, what do you think about this? What is this, you know, what is that a nut? And as a trader, as an genuinely profitable systematic trader and have been for the last six or seven years, I know a lot about the actual trading industry Forex. Isn't something you typically invest in. So it's a different strategy. It's not an investing opportunity, but I'm sure that you have probably seen a lot of like, you know, make a thousand dollars a week from your home, or like join this Forex MLM and just recruit people. And, uh, I mean, I could go on for it if felt like ever. So I could probably record a whole separate episode, but it actually did.
It inspired me to record this episode, particularly because I was also having conversation with a girlfriend recently where she was like really shocked about one of her ex colleagues who got engaged. And she was talking about how, you know, she kind of like is marrying into all this wealth because he drives a Porsche. And I was like, well, you know, what else is it is, did he come from wealth? Did he like create his own wealth? Um, and she couldn't really tell me much else about their actual financial situation, because most people don't talk about it, right? Like most people don't talk about money and this is the whole point of Ms. Wealthy movement, but it really, it started a conversation with least I shared my perspective and a different way to think about it around. Do you even ever know what someone's financial situation is? Unless they literally tell you, and it can seem from the outside that people are making a ton of money, particularly with an Instagram highlight rail. And I am sick to death of seeing Lamborghini posts and I don't know, whatever, you know, whatever the other trend is like fancy design of bags. And like, this is how much you can make if you do this thing. And it's like,
Can you
Actually share genuinely how you're doing as a company, as a business, how profitable you are, like the background of it, your net worth your assets that produce an income. Like it does get me a little bit tired. I don't want to spend my time hating on the industry, but sometimes it really does boil my blood because I do have people still every week in my DMS asking me about how quickly they can make money and then comparing investing to like some thing that they heard on a Forex opportunity when they know nothing about trading, nothing about investing and Aquinas, trying to create like kind of a get rich quick situation without any pudding in any of the work, understanding anything, investing in proper education, getting the knowledge and understanding and, you know, getting like competent and confident at it. And so I want to give you another perspective of like recently I shared them, my IG stories, uh, the, I track out quarterly net worth, and I share that we're almost at 1.1 million.
Um, the Gulf, the in 2021 is to get to over 1.2, five mil. Then I have a bunch of other goals too, around like revenue for the company. And, um, you know, what I want my trading account to get to, and I want to buy a second investment property. And I even showed in my Instastories a split of how much I have in my investing account, how much I have my in my trading account, because they had different strategies, uh, how much I have in property equity, not like the total actual value of the home, but actual equity and what I have in cash and what I have in crypto. But that also doesn't really show you or tell you how I actually live my life, whether I drive a Lamborghini or not. So I wanted to share like, just
Real talk, how
I live and like what I do and what I spend my money on. So you can give a cat a little bit of insight, particularly because like, when I first started my investing in general, before I first started investing, I used to think that a million dollars was a lot of money and I'm going to be real with you. It's genuinely not it's for real, not a lot of money. It was about 20 years ago. And it was definitely about 40 years ago. But with inflation, it's becoming less and less like a million dollars. Isn't the same value in terms of dollar amount. And for us to retire, we want to be retiring on a solid chunk of money. And there's no right answer for everyone because it does, it is based on your life and your circumstances and your age that you want to retire and where you live.
And a lot of different factors. It's something that I talk about in investing bootcamp in detail. So you know exactly your financial number that you are going to be comfortable with and then your stretch target, for example, around your financial number in terms of your net worth. So just real quick, net wealth, if you don't know, is your total assets minus your liabilities. So asset is things like a say, for example, you have a home or an investment property, and the value is $500,000. But if you have a $250,000 loan, then the actual equity. So the actual value minus liar by liability, the asset minus liability is therefore $250,000. So it's not that your net worth is the value of things. We have to subtract any liability, any loan, any car loan and credit card debt, anything like that, because we want to look at total net that's.
That was what net means. So when it comes to assets, as well, remember, not all assets are created equal. For example, crypto doesn't pay an income. It doesn't like it's not an income producing asset, but it is extremely volatile and you could've made a ton of money in it in terms of capital gain. If you own a home, it's also not an income producing asset. You're tied to that fixture. It has to be something that you literally live in. Sure. You don't have to pay rent, but you're paying a mortgage until it's paid off. You hope obviously that the, the value of that property will go up and will go up more than the total that you've paid, including that all of the interest that you paid on the home loan, but it's still not an income producing asset. So someone that owns a investment property and is receiving an income, it's a different, it's just, it's a different wealth metric and there's not a right or wrong way, but you need to realize that it always comes back to your goals.
And what's important for you, how you want to live your life and realize too that what your definition of freedom is, is very different to someone else. To me, financial freedom is about having income producing assets, always because then I can decide how do I want to live my life and where I want to live my life. Uh, and particularly for someone like me, I'm very restless. Um, I w you know, my husband and I have lived all around the world in different stints. We've lived in, uh, Brisbane and the gold coast. We've lived in Sydney. We've lived in London. We came back to Sydney. Then we went to Dubai and lived there for a bit. Then we came back to Sydney, then we've moved to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. And then we moved back to Sydney for a bit. We were planning on moving to the us, uh, last year, like the kind of the beginning of last year in 2020, before COVID hit, obviously that completely dissolved, and that's not going to happen, I think anytime soon.
Uh, but it's definitely a possibility. We are looking at potentially living in the U S for a little bit. And so if I have a home while it's not an income producing asset, I'm tied to that location, which I don't want to be, but for other people, they want to stay in those, you know, one place and just have that one thing. But you still need other investments to pay you an income because sure. You're not paying the actual living costs, but you still have living costs. Um, and so this is why it's important where a lot of people talk about, Oh, but I have a home, I have a home, but what about other investments that actually grow wealth outside of that? So that was a slight tangent. My point is I wanted to talk about how, how I live my life and that I don't drive a Lamborghini.
Um, and it's also a choice. So I've spoken, you've probably heard on other podcasts episodes, or if you're an investing bootcamp member, then you know, my process that I talk about in commando cash around money management and putting away and paying yourself first, paying your future self first 20% of your income. Now, if you're beginning, or if you're currently on a low, lower income, then at 20%, it might be too much of a chunk, but you can always start small starting with a sub account, starting with $10, starting with 1%, starting with 5%, whatever it is that is realistic, but also where you can live your life. And when I say live your life, I don't mean like you go out for dinner every night. I mean, you know, you still want to be able to enjoy things in life, but you're not blowing every single dollar that you own.
And, and rather, and so this is just something that I have done for a very long time of saving 20%. My husband and I have both done. We've been my husband, Pete and I have been together for, I think about 15 years now, which is a really long time. So I'm 37 and we met very young. I didn't expect to meet, you know, the love of my life that young, but we did. And it's beautiful. And so we've always both been on board. So at times when we've learnt less, or when one of us has had an income, like in 2008 in the middle of the global financial crisis crash, like, um, I took a while to, in between contracts. I was contracting. And when we were living in London at the time, and I didn't have a job for a bit, and then there was a period of time that Pete didn't have a job for a bit.
And so we've definitely been on lower incomes, but we still always put away 20% of income. And it's just something that we've just always been really hotline about because financial security, independence, freedom having, you know, the things that we want and still living in life now is really important to us, to both of us. So it's been a blessing for one, one person is like a little bit weak one month. And I was like, Oh, do we have to put away that chunk of money? Can we just, this month, can we just maybe spend it right? And so there's always, there's always going to be an opportunity every single time to spend the money instead of save it and invest it. And this is why automation is so important because it takes away the decision fatigue that a lot of us get around. Do I have to do it?
You know, so now it's automatic and that is the beauty about creating a habit. Even if you're starting really, really small. It means that the most important thing is that you actually just build the habit and you create consistency because you don't save one time. You save, every time you get paid, you don't invest one time. You invest regularly to build wealth. That's the most effective way. And so it's about the habit and that's why starting small is perfect because it gets you in, it gets, you started, you start to learn more, you start to iron out the kinks, you build the confidence and that that's literally how you, you build from there. Right? Anyway, I digress. The point is I wanted to, I wanted to explain that we saved 20%, regardless of, regardless of income or whatever that is at the time when I first started Ms.
Wealthy, um, like I guess most businesses in the first year, I didn't make a lot of money. I was, you know, laying the foundations of building the assets, essentially it was building the website now is learning how to communicate to people. And I was building content. And so in the first year I barely made anything in the second year. I spent a lot of money on coaching and development, which I always have done in throughout everything in my life. And so it wasn't really until the third year, I'm now into my third year, even in the second year was the first year I hit, um, multi-six figures. And that is still quiet, um, a fast growth for a new company, but I also, wasn't new to the financial industry. I've worked in the financial industry and corporate. So this is what I mean when I say like financial growth is never going to be this really smooth upline trend, it's going to be up and down.
And sometimes Rocky and sometimes goes in circles. And like, when I sat in my company, I had Zurich income for that year. Uh, the other thing that's happened that is very different that out of the norm, that not many people do is a couple of years ago, actually, probably about three years ago. Now my husband went quote unquote part-time. So he went from five days to four days. Uh, I don't know why part-time is considered anything less than five days, but anyway, he works technically a part-time basically he works four days a week. He works in a job that he totally loves. He is a management consultant and it's very intense industry. And he kind of essentially was like, well, I want to be in this industry for a really long time. I want to progress to partner in my company eventually. And to do that, I want to still like, not burn myself out.
And so he went to four days now, obviously that's a 20% hit to income, right. And this is why it's so important to get really clear on what you want. If we were purely focused, like as a couple or as a family, when have kids currently, but that is the plan for 2021. Um, if we were purely focused on money and income only, then he would not have done that, but it was so for him to have like the level, you know, some level of freedom in his life and enjoyment in his life now, whilst also working towards, you know, true financial freedom, like asset freedom. And so that he did that about three years ago. And it's not something that most people do.
And it's S like
Shocking and surprising when people hear that Pete has done that when, you know, for those that don't know him, if they're just met him for the first time, because it's not a common occurrence, whereas most people do have the ability to start conversations with their company to go four days a week. And yes, it was a little bit scary of like, like we're going to take a 20% income hit and we're in, you know, kind of the prime, like I'm 37, he's currently 39. Like at the time he would have been, I think when he started conversations, he was 35 with his kind of company. You know, he took some time to start the convo and like start planting the seeds for it to happen.
And at 35
Most peoples don't do that. Unless the reason is, well, I'm, you know, going part-time to look after kids. And that's not a holiday, like work being a parent is probably more intense as a job than having an actual job. So this is why it's so important to get clear on what you want. I hear a lot from people say that I just, Oh, you know, I just wouldn't work. And I just want to retire and not work. But the reality is you would get pretty bored pretty quick. Like, I know a lot of people have dreams to travel and take a holiday, but after doing it for a few months, like, I don't know how many of you have travelled for a few months at a time. Like, um, I've taken a few kind of six months sabbaticals here and there.
And when,
Well, for me, when I was kind of reaching six months, I was like, okay, I just really want a stable place that I can call my own. I'm sick of like, moving, you know, places. Now. I just want to like, put some roots down and meet some people and not be like constantly on the go. And so eventually it does get to a point where you want the stability a little bit. Um, at least for me it was. And so what happens beyond that thing that you want? And that's the question that I want you to ask yourself of like, well, once I have this thing and then what, so how can I bring that into my life now? And does that mean you go four days a week? Does that mean that I don't know you do the opposite and you start a side hustle because you, I really want to put something into your passion or do save up money to start your own business or company that you've been wanting to start for a really long time so that you can leave your job or do you start it on the side and then eventually set, uh, you know, set an income goal for your company or business to then leave your job, like whatever it is in your life now, how can you do and have the thing, create the thing now, because we're all about having it now.
Right. And it's also perfectly okay to have things that you want now and still work towards more things that you desire. So for example, one of the things that I desire, but I'm not particularly, like I've been thinking about it for a while, but haven't, it's not being like, this is a really big pull for me is I want a Mercedes AMG. And the one that I want is about $200,000 here in Australia. Like, because in Australia are a little more expensive than in the us, or even in the UK. And so 200 K on a, on a car to me is like, that's a lot, that's really quite expensive. And I just haven't valued it up until this point until recently where I've started to think, you know, what I'd really like to drive that car. I'd really like to be in that car and have the experience of that car and that, um, you probably heard me talk before that.
I love luxury, like anything, five star hotel, business, class flats. I love, love, love of luxury, fine dining, nice restaurants. Like I really, really value it. And for other people it's like, I couldn't care less. Right. And this is why it's so important to be really clear about what, what do you like, what do you want to spend your money on? What is valuable to you? And for other people, a car just might not be anything like, I don't want a Lamborghini or anything because to me it's not very functional, but a luxury Mercedes, um, is, and, you know, then the next person is like, well, I want a Tesla, which the Tesla X at the top end of its range is also about 200 K, but I went for a test drive and I sat in it and I drove it and it just didn't feel very luxury.
I want to help the environment and I want to help the earth by having an electric car. But it just, I actually didn't like the feel of it. It wasn't, it wasn't great. Maybe they'll start creating kind of a more luxury feel inside, um, eventually. But anyway, my point is that we drive a Honda CRV, like it's, it's called the luxury model, which basically just means it has a sunroof and leather seats, but it's not an expensive car. We bought it second hand. And again, to me, that is, it's just something that I have a belief around because it's not valuable to me to own a new car because it depreciates 20 to 30%, the second you it off a dealership. And so we bought a second hand, we bought a cash outright. Um, we didn't own any credit cards or have any personal loans.
And if you've been around here for a while, you would know my story started with $20,000 of credit card debt. And that was like my rock bottom of starting to learn how to manage money. And essentially kind of where my journey started that got me to here, because that was the, not enough, not another day, I can't do this anymore. And I had to, you know, come clean and then learn another way. And I know the feeling for me of what having use to me, what is, was useless, credit card debt, not earning anything like you can have debt that is investment debt that earns you an income, like for example, investment property, uh, then, but then to me, like a personal loan or a credit card for stuff that I had nothing to show for it really, I just, it was because I was 19 and the bank gave me a credit card and, you know, I didn't grow out with a lot of money. So having extra money, it was like, Oh my God, I can actually buy things. Now. I want, like also, obviously I didn't have a great mindset money mindset at the time because I didn't understand the value of money. I didn't understand my habits around, um, buying. That really didn't mean anything, but it was just because I hadn't had the experience of being able to buy what I wanted really like growing up.
We live in North Bondi in Sydney, Australia. Now the Eastern suburbs of Sydney, like where I live is a fairly affluent area, but bundle can be a bit of a mix. You can have like backpackers and then you can have, you know, not particularly wealthy people, but then the surrounding suburbs are quite wealthy, like double Bay in Vaucluse and a bunch of other areas
Too. But the actual
Palm and that we live in is not an expensive apartment, but we have been looking for the last maybe year to move and to get a beach view place. And I distinctly remember, uh, when a friend came over, I was probably like, it was the start of our friendship. I was like, it was about three years ago because I have currently been in my, in my current place, uh, current apartment that we rent, we don't own. Um, I've explained before my methodology around renting, not owning here because it makes a lot more sense financially to rent and not own property here for like a two bed apartment is like one mil plus. And it, to me is not a wise investment to buy an investment property here. It also doesn't make sense, um, because you would be negative negatively geared like, yes, goodbye for capital growth, but that's a lot of the capital growth has already kind of skyrocketed, um, already.
So I'm just not sure how much it has left in it, where I currently live. And so from a renting perspective, I actually also offset a lot of costs to the company, which you can't do when you own a home. So owning a home is often an emotional decision, not a financial one, and that's perfectly fine. It's, there's no issue doing that. It's just really important to understand that that's what you're doing it for. Obviously money is there to spend and for us to have feelings and emotions around the thing that we want, money is a tool to bring in our desires. And that's perfect if a home is what you want, but don't ever walk into a home situation, buying a home situation, thinking that you're doing it for the best financial decision, because often it's not, when you do the numbers on owning a home, I've spoken about this in there in another episode.
Uh, it actually doesn't always make a lot of sense financially. So I would just always be clear about what you're buying the asset for and what is the actual intention anyway. So the point is we don't own where we live and it also means that we get to move around a lot and that's something I enjoy, but we've been looking to move to a new place for probably the last year. We actually started looking in March last year, and that was the kind of start of COVID hitting here. And it was, you know, very unstable. We didn't know what it was initially and how long it was going to last. And so we almost like we almost signed on a property. And then it was like that weekend that carpet started hitting and then some things changed and the tenant ended up staying there. So we couldn't move in.
And so since then, we've literally been looking for a place to move into and nothing has come up. And it's definitely testing me from an energetic perspective because, you know, I speak about spiritual work all the time, and this is testing me because yes, I do believe that everything is working in our favor. And if it's not this, then it's something better, but can I tell you, Oh my God, this is testing my patients in something that I've never experienced before, because the place we live in is, is fine, but it's, I've, we've now outgrown. It kind of energetically essentially. Um, we, we really have outgrown it and I've been looking for something that is an upgrade essentially. And it's just not something that we can find at least for what we want and any, anything that we could move into does feel like, and I don't want to do that.
I can just doesn't feel aligned. So it does feel like a little bit of a, what are we doing? We staying in this place, or why don't we just take a stepping stone up anyway, again, another tangent. But so we live in a property that isn't a lot of rent for our area. It's actually not that much. It's like $700 a week, but so that is actually very, very low for my area. And we are moving to something that's probably going to be double that. So it's a very, very big jump, but it's something that we've been ready for for a fair amount of time. And in terms of like all this stuff, honestly, like we don't go out to dinner every night, but I do love going out to dinner and we often do it maybe three times a week, particularly over the weekend.
Um, like I said, I don't own a Lamborghini. I don't own designer bags. That don't mean much to me. I do own some nice dresses by a brand. I love called Camilla that does really beautiful silk things because I like, it's great to feel good in what you're wearing. Um, I love Lulu lemon. I own some little bit torn shoes. You know, I own some nice jewellery, but like whatever. So there's not really, like if you have read the book, the millionaire next door, he does talk about how basically most people that got to where they were in terms of being a millionaire and having a lot of assets or having multi-millions is you save a chunk of money. You pay yourself first. You usually the benchmark is like 10%, but these days, 10% does not get you to where you want to be this, which is why I talk about 20%.
You save 20%, you spend the rest and that's it. And you always save 20% even when your income increases and it's, you just keep saving 20% and you keep investing and that's it. And it, it sounds really simple, but it's not easy and it is important, but if it were easy, everyone would do it. And it's so easy to go and spend everything you earn. I get it. And it's also easy to spend more than you earn by having credit card debt. And, you know, I remember maybe like five years ago, um, when maybe even like four years ago, when I think Pete was talking about going to four days instead of five, and then, although not all of our friends, but a lot of our friends around us, but just spending what they earned. There was a big chunk of difference because we were saving 20%.
Plus Pete also took a 20% decrease, you know, and we share finances. So we both have our own accounts and our own money. And we also share joint money as well. Um, I manage all of our finances. I'm a trader as you know, and also an investor. And I manage both the investing count and the trading account. Um, but it was really actually quite hard to see other people go around, spending everything they aren't, because that's a significant difference from a 20% cut plus saving 20% meant that at the time we went, we didn't have as much discretion discretionary spend to just go and blow was the same amount of money that most of our other friends at the time, um, were. And so it is, it really did feel like different and it felt hot at the time of like, can we just go and spend this?
Like, can we just like take a break for a bit and just go and spend this money? And we totally could have, and there would have been nothing wrong with it, but our financial future and security independence and growing assets is so important to both of us. And so that's why we, you know, stuck to the habit that we have built for so many years and kept at it. So we haven't always lived in like amazing places, but I guess in some ways it's also been easier because I didn't grow up with a lot of, uh, money. And, uh, it was, you know, kind of the norm for me. So I've also done a bunch of energetic and money mindset work around. The more we do upgrade and things have started to take off recently with that, you know, I miss wealthy the company growing and also Pete and his income, um, increasing as he moves higher up his company.
And as our investment account has started to grow, you know, and surpass 1 million. Now it is starting to feel a lot easier, but that is because we put in the work, I guess, both practically, but also energetically around growing everything over time. Like it's happened over time. And at the time, like when you're, when you're putting in, you know, a thousand dollars here and a thousand dollars there and growing your investment portfolio, and it's like, you know, at whatever 300,400,000, it just feels like it's moving so slowly. But when you hit that big milestone of a million, and then you realize, well, if that million dollar base can earn 10% a year, then it by itself is just earning a hundred thousand dollars as an asset portfolio. And then that compounds year on year, every year too. And obviously I know the compound interests new graphs and I've seen it and it always happens over time, but when you're in it, it definitely feels slow.
And that honestly is the secret and the key, it feels boring and it feels slow because in the beginning it is, but then things start to accumulate and start to like, you know, that snowball effect, essentially, which is, I feel like now were just hitting us, starting to hit the beginning of the snowball, kind of taking itself, you know, off, down the mountain. And like just picking up more momentum. It's starting to feel a little bit easier now, but I will say, I will say this and I want to share this because so many people. And I definitely thought, um, when I hit a certain amount that all my worries will go away. They do not. It's not like you hit this magic number and then you just don't ever worry about everything. Again, having mental financial security comes with doing the work, it just does meaning doing money, mindset, work, doing energetic work, but also the practical, like more education, more knowledge, like more practice, more building the habit, more consistency.
And that is just constant work. Meaning it's just something that you constantly do. Having a community around you that are all doing the same is so important. And I encourage everyone. If you don't already have this yet, then to definitely get a community around you, your network is so important. I can't even explain this to you. I remember really early on in my career, people telling me about like, Oh, your network's really important. Your network's really important. And I just, not only did I not listen, but I actively, um, really thought that people telling me that piece of advice was useless. And like, what are the, what are you talking about? Like, that's really dumb. I genuinely like almost ridicule people that would tell me a piece of advice. And now I'm finally getting it. Like, I mean, I've, I've got it over the last few years about how important, you know, work is, but, and the quote of you are the five people.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with really is starting to sink in more and more because if you're surrounding yourself with people that are in debt, they complain about their job that are low income earners, that aren't doing anything about it that think they're going to be stuck in a low income forever. That, um, don't get resourceful, that don't look for opportunities, and that's going to create your same reality. Or if you surround yourself with people who talk about money openly, who want to increase their income, who talk about opportunities to talk about investing, who talk about money, strategies and wealth building and who normalize wealth and who, you know, want to go out and create new ideas and new ways. And like, that's going to become a very different average. And this is why having a network and a community of people who totally get it is so important.
And I'm starting now to really see the, in the community that we're building inside investing bootcamp too. Because now that we have more members, we have like almost 150 members, which is quite small, but that's also really beautiful because now there's actually like more time that we can all spend together and get more time and attention. I'm in a couple of other communities, too. One of them being Denise Duffield-Thomas. I talked about her before she has a program called money bootcamp, and it's a fantastic money mindset program. She focuses on money mindset for entrepreneurs, but you know, her work is important and you can go and pick up her book, actually, it's called get rich, lucky. And, you know, she talks about community to her community is over 6,000 people. And just seeing people talk about money in a normalized way, really does bring it back.
Every time I go insular and think that I shouldn't share, for example, my revenue targets, or I shouldn't share my income or I shouldn't share whatever. And I have to come back to reminding myself, that's a whole point of this mission to normalize money, to normalize wealth, to talk about it openly. And sometimes it is really scary, but I do the work and I show up, right? So hopefully it's an inspiration for you to talk more openly to, with everyone around you and to start to go, okay, what is actually important to me? What do I want, do I want to Lamborghini? Do I do these designer bags actually mean anything to me and also realize too, that having all those external validation look rich on the outside stuff, doesn't make you more worthy. It doesn't make you more successful. It doesn't make you a better person.
It just simply means that maybe they have some more wealth than you do. And maybe they don't, maybe they have a ton of credit card debt. Maybe they don't, maybe they literally borrowed it or used it for a set shoot, or maybe they didn't. I know plenty of like, and I'm not going to name and shame them, but I know plenty of people in many different industries, unfortunately, business coaching industry is full of them where people talk about their revenue or that talk about like hitting a sales talk, you know, surpassing some milestone, but they don't actually show you the numbers behind it. You can have a million dollar business with $1.5 million in costs like this. It's not hard, but what is harder is creating a million dollar business with $200,000 of costs and the rest be profit. And so it's really important to know that we don't always know the full story and that seeing flashy cars and design of handbags is not the full story.
And it's important to come back to what you want. What's important to you and that having more wealth, it doesn't make you more worthy, more successful, a better person. Um, but in saying that I still want you to be really wealthy because nothing bad happens when conscious women create more wealth and build amazing things for them and their family. Okay. That's the whole point, the whole mission, the whole it's the whole vibe. So with that, I'm going to end it here. I hope to see you next week for another episode. And if you ever want to drop into my DMS
Staff, make sure you do. I love you saying hi, if you're not part of the Ms. Wealthy movement yet, make sure you head over to Instagram and hang out with me. There I am at Ms. Wealthy official. And if you need anything else, head to Ms. wellthy.com, you can get all the info that you need. Find us on Facebook as well. And I'd also love if you can drop a review on iTunes, it supports us massively, and it means the freaking world.