The exact routine I use to re-wire my brain for abundance
Feb 05, 2020What you put in to your mind on a consistent basis becomes your reality. And we have decades of programming that we have accepted as our own belief system (through our parents, friends, siblings, co-workers).
So even if you've tried money mantras or affirmations and they've never worked, there's a reason why. The conscious brain does not accept them as truth, because our reality (and our belief system) says "that's not my current reality."
Instead, we need to rewire the subconscious mind (the brain that actually does the work) and circumvent the conscious mind from blocking the new programming. This episode covers the daily practices I use to do exactly that and attract abundance in to my life.
And now, you can do this yourself!
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I've spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone Masa, Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kiss my money podcast.
You guys, I just had the most amazing weekend. I've been meaning to record this episode for a few days now, and it's going to end up late on the podcast. Um, but I've just, honestly, the last couple of days have been so Epic. I've been helping all of my info investing bootcamp babes in there and having our live call sessions and some of the questions and, Oh, has just been amazing. I'm going to be sharing some of those questions in later episodes because I think so many of them are going to be really powerful for you to hear, right. Uh, but for today, for today, I wanted to talk about like my daily process that I use to massively set myself off a success and literally create the life that I want. And, you know, I know that this is a really big field, a really big area that has been so many books written on like the 5:00 AM club.
And, um, knowing that you need a daily routine and like a daily practice, um, to like literally use every single day to master. Essentially, I know that so many of you know, that that's important, but you don't know what to do. And it's interesting because 2019 was a really good lesson for me in, in so many areas. Um, but I, the lesson came really through learning about business and learning how to grow and scale them as wealthy as a, as a company. Um, but also the lessons applied to so many areas of life too. And that was that I need to find the right thing for me, the right thing that is aligned. And that feels right for me, that works for me because I went into, you know, a lot of business programs and coaching trying to apply some practices that just didn't flow.
It didn't feel right. And because it felt out of alignment, it didn't work right. And it wasn't my tone of voice and it wasn't like all these things. And so it's, it's been a process of coming into my own and it really of only started falling into place. It felt like towards the end of last year. So in December of last year, and finally decided to feel really good in December and has just carried on in January an hour and fab, and I'm really excited for what 2020 looks like for, you know, not only the, like the business, like ms wealthy, but also being able to impact more women and being able to really show more of you, how to make financial freedom, a reality, how to master money, how to feel better about finances, how to create more abundance. Um, and so I want to say that when it comes to a daily practice or like daily things that you put into your life to attract and create the life that you want, um, I'll say, you know, pick the things that work for you.
Okay. So even if you've read the 5:00 AM club, honestly, it didn't. Yes. I get like, I get all of the practices and why it's important, why you need to make it a priority, because if you don't do it, um, particularly in the first part of the day, and it's a bit like exercise then for so many people, it doesn't happen. Right. And I know for me, if I don't exercise in the morning, then it doesn't happen. I get to the evening and there's no way, the only thing I'd go to in the evening is yoga. Uh, but at the same time, 5:00 AM often doesn't work for me, even though I, I like to go to bed really early. The reality is it doesn't happen all the time. And so I actually use practices that feel right and aligned for me. And I'm going to show you and share them with you so you can pick some, or you can use all of them, but I, and this is, this is a statement that really seems really granular and massive, but it is, I am not.
Over-exaggerating here this routine, this, these practices, these rituals that I use every single day have genuinely are the basis of how I set myself up for success and are the basis of how I create the reality I've now created. And so I like, I genuinely want you to take these seriously because when you implement these on a consistent basis, like not just do them once, but on a consistent basis, they begin to shift your life in ways that you have no idea, like, honestly. So I hope that you can take some inspiration from these. Um, and even if you've tried other ones, like give yourself a break for kind of going, that didn't work for me, right? Like if you've ever been to any of Tony Robbins, his programs, he teaches a breath work practice. I kind of like getting into state practice where you like breathe in and out quite rapidly whilst also doing certain arm movements at the same time.
And it's about, you know, it's kind of literally putting your body into a certain state and it's kind of like a form of, of, of a meditation, but also, uh, like a body practice. And it does not work for me if you've been to one of his programs, you'll know that you'll know what I'm talking about. It doesn't work for me. I don't like it. I don't enjoy it. It just doesn't, it's never flowed. It's never, I felt like I was always forcing it. And I made myself feel bad for not wanting to implement that or not wanting to like, use that. I've, you know, previous coaches of my own have also told me that I should implement things. Like I have to get up at 5:00 AM and do all my 5:00 AM things. It also, it doesn't always work for me. And so I protect my sleep.
Like nothing else. I am so protective of my sleep because, and I'll, I'll talk a little bit about it, but so much happens in our subconscious mind and in our body around healing and processing, um, that it's just, it's so important to protect this with your life, because if you don't get enough sleep, it like sleep deprivation is used as an actual, um, what's the word, you know, through word, uh, Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue. Um, I'll think about it later. Uh, but yeah. Yeah. Like sleep deprivation is absolutely horrible and it's no wonder that so many moms go into postpartum and, you know, because you were so sleep deprived and you put your body into the so much under so much stress and that stress like sleep deprivation equals stress and stress is the leading cause of all, um, illnesses, all like literally all, so many things STEM from your body being under stress.
And so that's why sleep is honestly, it's so important. Okay. So I'm going to be talking to you about my, the things I use daily. And I kind of realized when I was making notes for this episode, that when I wrote them out, I didn't actually realize that this is how many I do. Um, but I will say that most of these, uh, take very little time and then the others are actually ones that you do in net time, meaning no extra time. So there are things like when you're in traveling or you're driving in your car or you're on your way to work or you're running, you know, and you're, or you're at the gym, like whatever, you can use a lot of these things in conjunction with the time you already spend. So these are not meant to add, you know, massive amounts of time to your day.
But the rate like reality is we all have 15 to 20 minutes, right. For setting yourself up properly. Um, and these are the things that I use to literally rewire my subconscious. And I've spoken a lot about this, about why it's really important. Um, but essentially your, we have our conscious brain and then we have our subconscious brain. And if you think about our conscious as being the, it's kind of like the captain of the ship, it's like, this is where we're going and your conscious brain goes, we are doing this. And then all of the little Workman, you know, in the background, like, okay, this is the direction. Like we gotta do this. And so they start steering the ship and they start like cranking the engine and like whatever else. And so think of your subconscious mind as the workhorse behind everything behind the pilot, like making behind the driver, making the, the, the coals of where you're going, like making those decisions.
And so what happened is if we have a conscious mind that has, you know, blocks or limiting beliefs or stories about you not being able to have something well, what's going to happen with your subconscious mind, your subconscious goes, okay. And literally an ax and delivers what you have asked for it is on believable, the power of our subconscious. I've spoken about this before about, uh, how many operations it's actually doing in the background. Um, and this is why it's so important to rewire the subconscious. And so a lot of these practices, I'm going to tell you about, uh, actually, um, circumventing our conscious mind. So coming from the inside, coming from the subconscious, because there might be things like, for example, daily mantras or affirmations that, you know, when you read them or hear them that your subconscious immediately goes, Nope, like that's not true.
And so it never actually gets ingrained into our subconscious mind because there's this consistent block that doesn't get back that doesn't literally seep into our mind. Okay. And then some of them are also not necessarily around the subconscious mind, but they do work in a way to fully form, I guess, like your success, if that makes sense. So the first thing I do is I make my bed now sometimes paid. My husband does, is, um, if he doesn't and I'm the last one to get up, which is most of the time he is an early riser, he also travels a lot for work. Um, so yeah, the first one is making my bed. I, I had never used to do this. Um, but it is honestly, it really makes a difference because I noticed that when I walk into my bedroom, that everything neat, it doesn't feel cluttered.
And when Y space around me doesn't feel cluttered, my mind doesn't feel cluttered. Does that make sense? It's a really simple thing. It takes 30 seconds. It was even like, I think someone's, I can't remember. I think someone did a Ted talk or like, there's this big speech on actual the impact of making your bed each day. Like, I'm not even kidding. Go and look it up. And it was like this X Moraine that used to come on, like this entire forces and he made everyone make their bed. And he talks about why it's actually really impactful for your mind and body. Um, the second thing, and this is not in the order that I do them. I am not a, I'm not like a stickler. I don't have like these strong rules around how I do them. You know, I've spoken a little bit about alignment and flow and just like, when it, when it feels kind of, um, right.
Uh, I don't go to Pilates at the same time every day, like my routine changes and that often, you know, works for me. Sometimes I get into these like routine States and I like having everything done at the same time. Um, but then others, I just let it flow. So it's in no particular order, but I'll tell you when the things, when the things are that I do them obviously make my bed or do in the morning. Uh, and then I will do a often, I'll either write out my goals every day or do a meditation. And meditation is not in the way that most of you think. Um, so first one. Okay. So writing out goals, I used to, I used to actually write out about 20 or 30 goals that I have for the next one to two years. And when I first heard about the practice of writing them out every day, it was taking me like 10 minutes to like literally, you know, write out a line for every single one.
But what was, what I learned in that process was that actually, it was really good for me to feel into my body and my intuition and go, is this actually something that I want? Or is it that something that my ego wants or is this actually like, after I've written this out for like, you know, seven days is this actually I've written this out so much now it's just not feeling like something I wanna do. Um, anyway, so was, I was writing them out consistently and I was taking me kind of a while every morning until I did this, um, proper like aligned goal setting, um, sort of, I guess, workshop program, course training, um, on actually looking at what are the major things in your, like, if you look at your wheel of life, right. And in that wheel, like a look of, think about a cheese wheel, right?
And then, you know, you cut off the cheese into each section. And like, if you look at each area one's career work, one's finances, one's health and vitality, one's relationships, ones, you know, fun one's spirituality like, and you write on each scale, what they are like, are you a seven out of 10? Are you a two out of 10 for spirituality? Are you, you know, a three out of 10 for finances? Are you a nine out of 10 for Korea, whatever. And then you look at that wheel as a whole. And it's like, if it's really wonky and everything, like one area's like fine, but then the other areas, like not, not great. If you imagine like riding a bike or driving in a car with a wheel like that, it's going to feel really clunky and it's going to feel like it just, it doesn't feel good.
Right. Because all these things are out of alignment. And so when you think about, uh, your goals and where you want to go, then you can actually like, in each area of your life, like if one's a two out of 10, then would that actually impact your life massively if you brought that up to an eight or a nine, right. And then look at, when you think about all the goals, like I have goals, like I want to go back to the mold days. This year, I had goals around business. I had goals or relationships. I had goals around. I wanted to hire a boat and have a party. Um, uh, what else I wanted to do? I wanted to do a manifestation retreat in April with Catherine's and kina. I wanted to like, do all these other things. Like I kinda, I kind of remember the list now and it wasn't until I did this training that it was like, actually, if you boil down your goals and look at what is the three things, this probably like, you could probably look at all of them and it's like bunched into categories, right?
What are the three things that would dominate all of the other goals that you want? Right. And so for some of them, it might be spirituality or for some of them that might be actual physical things that you want and therefore money is going to do that. So maybe it's, well, actually I need to go and get a raise, or maybe I'm not happy in my job. And at that is, is creating so much stress in my life. Like maybe you can never get out to the gym and you're eating unhealthy because you're overworked and you really don't like your coworkers or whatever it is. What is the one domino it's actually not you putting in a health routine or going to the gym? The one domino is actually, I need to change my job because I also have other goals around, you know, I've asked for a raise at work and they're not, and they're not approving it.
And I know that I can actually earn a lot more for the role I do. So I'm going to change my job because that's going to domino all these things. I'm going to therefore have more money. I'm going to probably be more fulfilled. So I'm going to learn more and grow more at a different company. I am going to have different coworkers and just have a refresh to S like, space, right. I am going to put boundaries among bike, my new employee around making sure I put exercise at my lunch break or whatever. And so if you think about like the one domino thing, and so for me, it was actually around, um, my, like growing my business and scaling that to the next level, because I was looking at well, how do I impact more women? Like, how do I actually, I have been doing in the past a lot of one-on-one clients and I enjoy them because I massively transform people's they know women's lives, but what I love and what I'm loving about this current round of investing bootcamp is I get to impact so many more at the same time.
And then we get to tackle all these other areas. And like, then these women now have this tribe. And they're just like saying things that I can't even believe. Like now I have this spec space where I can talk about money and ask questions and like, feel like this is like, I'm, I'm in the right place. Right. And that's not really possible with one-on-ones. And so for me, it was like, yeah, I really looking at growing ms. Wealthy, growing the podcast, growing, investing bootcamp, getting more women in looking at doing, um, physical events this year. And then I had other things that was like, actually, if I domino all these other areas, then all of those little goals are taken care of. And so now I just write out three, I actually have four. One of my goals is to move this year. We currently, so we rent where we live.
It doesn't like when you actually do the numbers, it doesn't stack up to by where we live because of the, um, return and all this sort of stuff. And yeah, when you actually do the numbers, the whole myth of rent money is dead. Money is most of the time, often, completely untrue FYI, but I'm not going to go into that today. Um, anyway, so where you, where you rent, where we live and I have wanted for a while to move, like we have a nice place. It's a too bad. It has a couple of balconies, our pug, you know, he's happy here. He likes it. It's like close enough to the beach that we walk. And it's a really nice community. And I live in North Bondai, but I actually, as you know, I'm sure by now the beach is such a big part of my life.
And so I have one to move to when you and your apartment, and it's just come time where, and I kind of realized that that was impacting a lot of things. I want the outlook of actually looking at the ocean, looking at the water. Um, I want a, I just want a different space, right? Like it's are places modern enough and all that sort of stuff, but I just want a different space that it's kind of, it's on a different straight, that's a bit closer to the beach. Like, you know, a couple of minutes instead of seven minutes. But when I started to look at like, why certain things that I wanted, like the mental space, the actual, like proximity to the ocean, I realized that our out home was something that I could domino. So now I have, one of my goals is to move into a two bed ocean view apartment in North Bondai.
And that's going to dominate a lot of other things as well. And you know what it wasn't until I started writing this down as an actual goal, that I started doing something about it. Meaning I started to actually look like I've been talking about moving for months now, I guess what? I didn't, I haven't done anything. I didn't like maybe looked in line like a couple of times, but not consistently. I haven't set up alerts, like to notify me of new, you know, properties. Um, I've even gone. So now in the last few weeks I've gone to inspections, I've gone to look at properties, I've got clear around like what I want. Cause I've gone to places that look great, but aren't quite right. Or like look right in line, but don't look great. And so I've got really clear and specific about the place that I want to live in now.
And this is also impacting and telling the universe what I want to, and I'm taking a line to action around it. And so just look at like your goals and don't have 20 have like three max four. So that was a long way of saying, write out your goals every day. Um, and it also means that every day I'm going, is this what I want? Is this, is this what I'm working towards? Is this still important to me? Like, is this, is this going to dominate all the things that I want? And I get to remind myself every day of what I'm creating and then I get to step back into the intention of what I'm creating and guess how long this takes, like literally like 20 minutes to write out four goals I have for, you know, three to four. It's like, it's like 20 minutes.
Everyone has three minutes. It is being the most powerful process I have implemented into my life. Um, okay. So that is number two. I'm going to go through these other ones a little bit faster, cause it's already been 20 minutes. Okay. The other one is meditation. And so I used to meditate with, um, an app called Headspace. You probably heard of it before. Um, it's low. It's amazing. I love Headspace. I've done all of their meditations. Um, it's just a really easy, gentle way to step into a meditation. And like, if you have a kind of person that's, I just can't, how do you even do it? I don't get it. Um, it's, it's just a really like, it eases you in and guides you, right. I've also done transcendental meditation training before and yes, I found it powerful, but recently I've actually been using other foams of meditation.
That for me have been way more powerful. And this meditation in particular is a guided one, but it's very specific to what I want to work on and what I want to create, which is around no more financial abundance. As you know, you guys, I'm a big financial abundance is a big driver for me, um, which is also why I teach it. Right. And so I've been using, uh, amazing meditation around money that really helps to rewire and clear the blocks around lack and scarcity and there not being enough. And, uh, you know, also the fear around it. So I've actually been using that. It's like 10 minutes, it's guided, meaning there's talking the entire way throughout. And I've actually been, just been loving that. So I've tried different things, obviously I've used Headspace before and they have amazing, uh, specific categories of what you can work on.
Like patients, compassion, empathy, um, patients like just amazing, amazing, amazing things. They also have a few on sleep. They, so I would encourage you to check it out if you'd never have. Um, and I, you know, like I said, I've switched it up, right? So now I use this meditation that I'm just really super into, uh, around financial abundance and it's like 10 minutes. And also a big note here is it's not about making it perfect. Like maybe your mind does wander off the entire 10 minutes. That's not the point. The point is the practice, because the next time you do it, if your mind is re like reminded and the whole point, um, I won't, I could spend hours talking about why meditation is so powerful, but it's essentially, you know, look it up and do your own research because when you do, when you read about why it's important, like you realize why you have to do it and why it has to be part of your daily practice, it honestly comes the mind from the monkey mind, right?
Like we all have it, like the monkey, [inaudible] like a million things at once. And most of our conscious thoughts are actually just repeats. It's just repeating the same thing from previous, the previous day and the previous day and previous day, because we've been wired from zero to seven to think and believe certain, certain things, which is exactly what we think and believe now. And so the meditation is just a space for you to calm your mind, reset, regroup, and just create that like, whew, like clarity, right? So that is number three, number four, I excise and move every single day. Um, if most of the time I go to Pilates, sometimes I go to yoga. If it's not, then I just go for a walk along the beach or a walk with my dog, or like, I'll do something with my husband. Um, I'll occasionally do a spin class.
Like this is not specifically something I do every single day. Most of the time it's Pilates. And if I can't, I will definitely walk. Um, I can't stress this enough. It's so, so, so important. Um, okay. What's another one. I have daily reminders. So this is really freaking powerful to rewire your subconscious. Um, and because what have you heard your entire life? What have your parents believe, right? Or whatever, whoever raised you, whatever they believe. And so you can't just do one thing once, like read some mantras or do one meditation once, or like you don't have reminders that you look at one time. It's not going to work because you've had years of conditioning to think and believe a certain way. So I use an app and I encourage you all to download it. I'm not associated with it. I just found it. Um, some people set daily alarms in their phone, um, and they call them certain things.
And I'm going to talk about what, what that is in a minute. But I actually use this app because I don't, I, it like alarms going off at the same time every day, because then my brain I've noticed in the past, my brain started predicting them and I'm like, Oh, that's telling me this thing again, already know. Um, whereas I use this amazing app and it is it's gentle random reminders. So they sent, they send you the reminders throughout the day, but at random it's a completely randomized. And, uh, I just love it because I don't know when I'm getting it. And I don't know what, um, what reminder is going to tell me. So when I say reminders, it's actually, my mantra is money mantras. Um, and I'm gonna read out the ones that I actually use. And I'm going to tell you the app to go and download it.
This, this is only on my phone. Um, I have looked on an Android phone for one of my clients before, but it was only really brief. And I couldn't find one that replicated this app. So if any of you can do some searching for me and right in DME, on Instagram or post in the Facebook group about what app you find on Android that matches this. Um, but on, on, on iPhone, it's called yap. Why a double pay? And I use this to put in, um, I'm just finding it on my phone. As I am speaking, I put in specific random reminders and it sends them to me throughout the day. So I actually have seven. Um, and you can program what they say. So I'm going to tell you what mine is. The first one is my success is inevitable. The second is money comes to me easily and frequently. The third is money is an unlimited resource and it is always flowing my way. The fourth is money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
The fifth is, I am highly paid for being me. The six is, it is easy for me. Oh, sorry. I know that's wrong. You are worthy of feeling good. This one is actually a recent one that I added. Um, after seeing Gabby Bernstein, that's just a really, I'm actually going to change it to, I am worthy. I am worthy of feeling good. Um, it's just an amazing reminder that, you know, especially with whatever's going on in the world, particularly throughout Australia, we've had devastation, um, and the things right now with the coronavirus and just seeing so much, so much horrible stuff going on. Sometimes it's really hard and I've been in this place too. And that recently around how can I possibly have all this? I might have all these amazing things. How can I possibly have all this abundance in my life when there's so much horrible stuff going on outside?
And, um, the lesson that I need to consistently remind myself of and remind you of too, is, well, first off in Gabby Bernstein said it perfectly, you are worthy of feeling good. Um, and, but also it doesn't serve you. It doesn't serve me to live in lack and to live in scarcity and to bring myself down to a lower level of consciousness or bring myself down to a low, lower, uh, you know, level of living or being, um, because that doesn't help anyone. It doesn't, it doesn't help you. It doesn't definitely doesn't help me, but it also doesn't help me inspire or impact you. And so living from a place of, well, how can I actually step into abundance and then impact those around me? Uh, and then the last one I have is thank you for my million dollar a year. So I am looking at scaling and growing my business through crossing the million dollar Mark this year.
And it might be different for you. You could have a business or you could have a, you know, particular pay increase that you're after at work. Um, and by the way, if you haven't recently asked for a pay rise and you need the training on that, I actually put it in my Facebook group. I give it away as a free resource. I also give it to everyone in investing bootcamp and encourage them to do it because the more you make, the more you can put away and save and invest and create and build wealth faster. Right. And plus not only is there a gender pay gap that's alive and kicking butt, but also, uh, women tend to negotiate less than men. Um, we just, we don't do it as, as much, and we accept less than men on average. So w which is all of what all the studies say, um, right.
Daily, daily reminders. Okay. So just a reminder that the app is called yep. Why AWP plays someone on the Android? Tell me what one, um, you can use. And I set it up and I get them randomly on my phone every single day to remind me of all of those things, the end, you know, the more I hear it, the more I go, yeah, that is true. Like the first couple of times you're like, Ugh, I don't believe this. Cause I'm living in this lack or I'm living with this debt or like, whatever. Um, now the other one I've actually added to this is number six, the other one I've added to my daily routine. This is actually quite recent for me is something that I picked up when I was at Gabby Bernstein on the weekend. I bought a couple of her books, but then also bought, um, an inspirational card deck.
And now I pull a card every single day. So obviously I've only been doing it for the last few days, but I have been loving it because it just, it really helps me just this such powerful intention words. They're just the affirmations that are really like, they feel good. And they just remind me to come back to myself, come back to my energy, come back to my intuition. Um, come back to feeling good, come back to what earliness come back to love. Like, um, and I actually pulled a card for you guys pulled a card, um, to read to you for this podcast episode. And I just pulled it now. And it is, I trust that my gut reaction is the truth underneath the surface of my fears, actually that is not the card. That is the card I pulled for myself today. No, I, this is the card I pulled for you, but you're welcome to also take that one.
The card I pulled to you is there is always a solution of the highest good. Ah, I love it. Um, so you can find, you know, car decks like that in a lot of shops or online, uh, and just a really how, you know, it's less than 60, less than 30 seconds, honestly. Um, and it's just a really beautiful, like coming back to you practice, I've, I've been loving, adding, uh, number seven. My, the seventh seventh thing I do is, um, is my passwords. So this is on my computer. This is on like thing, you know, my, my email or things that I log into changing your passwords. Just something that you are working towards, like one of your goals, which I spoke to, you know, I'm going to turn that off, um, which I spoke to you about before, like your number three or four goals, right?
Um, changing your passwords. Like this is not my password, but just an example, million dollar a year or 150 K like, you know, career or like whatever. Um, it might not be, it may not even be money related. It might be something else. Um, but change all of your passwords because it's another one to subconsciously reprogram your mind around what you want. And so what happens like when you're typing that in, like, if you have a password at work that, and when your computer locks that you log in again, you know, max have the same when you have to like log in. I have all of my notifications on. So all of my, um, computer and phone is, um, completely buzzing. I'm so sorry. Uh, so yeah, changing all of your passwords on as much as possible because the more you repeat and the more you listen to yourself repeating the same thing over it con consistently reprograms.
And so all of these things stack on each other, right? And once you set them up, that's actually no extra time doing it, um, because you're typing in the passwords anyway. So once you change them, there's no extra time. Now the eighth thing I do is I will listen to podcasts and this is actually not something I do every single day. Um, because you know, for whatever reason, like most of my schedule or whatever, but I will listen to podcasts if I'm walking to Pilates or, or if I'm driving to pick up my husband from the ferry, or if I'm, you know, just like in the car, driving up to the shops or whatever, I will put on a podcast, or if I'm walking my dog and I put on ones that are really inspiring and, and intentional for me. And because whatever you feed your mind with, like, I don't put on, I am a massive, I love Spotify.
I love my Spotify playlists. And I actually follow Gabby Bernstein. I follow some other people because like you gotta be around. I can remember be really intentional with what you are, feeding your mind with what you are listening to because your subconscious mind picks up the most incredible things. Do you ever got home from, you know, being at the shops and he started humming a tune and you're like, why did I even hear that from, I didn't have the radio on, I wasn't playing this song. And most of the time, like sometimes you don't even, you kind of pick up where you heard it, but your subconscious probably picked up. Maybe it was like playing very faintly in the background at the shops, but you weren't paying attention. Uh, or, you know, maybe someone else was humming it as they walked past, but you didn't consciously pick up on it.
That's the kind of thing that your subconscious mind does it picks up and listens to everything in the background, even though you don't consciously notice it. Um, even things like having the TV on, in the background, I never like, I would, I know some people that listen, like have the news on, in the background all day, what does the news do? They just consistently tell us fear-mongering stories, like show them and have like an occasional funny cat video. But, um, I would never have the news on because it doesn't ever, it's never, it's not constant feel good stuff. Right. So I'm really intentional with what I feed my mind when I listened to my favorite podcasts. Uh, Jim Fortin, uh, James Wedmore, he's more of a business podcast. If you're a business owner, entrepreneur, he's amazing. Uh, Chris harder the same, kinda the same with James Wedmore.
Uh, but Chris had a, does have some, his podcast is called for the love of money. He does have some stuff that isn't business related, which is really powerful. Uh Catherine's and kina, uh, as you know, guys, I've been massively into Katherine's in kina lately. She is manifestation, babe. She has a podcast called manifestation pipe. Um, and it's literally all about money, abundance manifesting, not necessarily just money, but can be relationships too. Um, and also like reprogramming the mind and all this sort of stuff. She's amazing. And also, um, there's a podcast called Abraham Hicks, uh, which I really love too. It's actually not run by like someone that has actually taken some of her recordings and put it up, but I've listened to that in the past and just found it really powerful. She has this thing called, um, daily morning, morning rampage. I think it's called.
And it's just about like flooding, flooding your mind with a rampage of amazing stuff. Um, when you like, look her up on podcasts, you're like, you'll see it. Um, it's like, I think it's the only one. And then in one of the episodes, it is called, um, morning rampage or something, something rampage. Um, and I used to actually listen to that almost daily as my meditation, uh, because it's just a flood of just like, like literally rewiring a flood of like hearing. Like it's good to feel good. It's amazing to feel good. Today is a new day. I'm excited for this day. I can't wait to see what this day unfolds. Like. Um, I feel good. I intentionally feel good. I always redirect my mind to feeling good. Like just, there's just she, the way she does it is just incredible. Um, so that's number eight.
Number nine I do is money tracking. So every single day I track money and guess what? Some days are going to be zero, right? Um, if you're a business owner, entrepreneur, some days are gonna be their full career woman. Some days are going to be Xerox at the taste you get paid, right. Except what happens with all the other money in our life. Do you pick up money on the street? Do you get given a coffee for free? You know, are you gifted something? Uh, do you get a random check in the mail? I, you given a refund for something most of the time, this actually happens on a weekly basis at least, but we just aren't tracking it. And so when you start tracking your money, I just have like literally a little paper calendar that I have up next to my desk in my office.
And I track every single day money that comes in. Like I said, I found 5 cents the other day. I picked it up and I said, I love money. Money loves me. And I tracked my 5 cents because what you appreciate expands what you focus on expands, like what you consistently commit your mind to seeing expense, right? And some days will be zero. It's not about it being zero. It's about you being intentional, you being focused around tracking and paying attention to the money coming into your life. Um, so that is number nine and number 10 is my pre sleep routine. So now, uh, I've spoken about sleep briefly about how important it is. But one of the things I do is I take my, um, uh, powder vitamin magnesium and valerian root. Um, magnesium helps relax your muscles, um, and it helps kind of just like calm your nervous system.
And valerian root is actually used for, for to relax your nervous system, uh, around getting ready and preparing your body for sleep. So I T I drink that. I often also drink like a sleepy time tea before bed too. And it's just like a really nice nighttime routine, except that right now it's summer. And it's freaking hot at the moment that I haven't been, haven't been doing it. Uh, but I'd love that in winter. Uh, and then the other thing that I do with my pre-state routine is I rate, so I'll just read for like 15 or 20 minutes. Um, currently I'm reading universe has your back, um, by Gabby Bernstein, but I've read recently read in the last few weeks, Catherine and Keenan's book. I've also read Denise Duffield Thomas get rich, lucky bitch spoke. Um, um, I'm a self I'm a nonfiction junkie, but, um, so I will read because whatever you pro preprogram into your mind before your, your subconscious goes to sleep is the most important time because your subconscious spends what like seven, eight, nine hours overnight reworking healing processing, you know, sifting through and like sifting through all the thoughts and things that you've done that day.
And so when you leave the day with something that programs the mind in a positive way, in a way where you want to leave it for eight hours, think about what you're doing before your bedtime. Are you watching a horror movie, you watching, um, you know, Lauren order or CSI, like, is that what you want to be leaving your subconscious mind with for eight hours? Because it's not our conscious mind that is processing for eight hours. It's our subconscious, and this is how this is what happened. This is why we need us have conscious mind. It's constantly working even when we're asleep, because if there's a loud sound or if there's a fire, or if like something happened, what ha what does our subconscious mind do? It wakes us up, right? So it's constantly listening in the background and it's constantly working in the background.
And so you want to be really clear about what you do with your mind before you leave it for eight months. Um, so I always make sure I read something that, you know, and then other things is like, I I'll journal or I'll this I'm not consistent with this every day. It's just something, if I need to like, get it out or like, uh, I also do, um, gratitude, I practice gratitude and it's just three things. Sometimes I write it out in my journal, or sometimes I will say it to my husband. And we both say things that we're grateful for, um, to each other before we go to bed, it's just, it takes like literally again, one minute you guys, um, and then the final praise that routine is I, you listened to a subliminal audio and I'm going to leave this one as the last one.
This is kind of almost like 11 things. Isn't it? Because reading and gratitude and vitamins and sub little audio is all different ones, but I have really specific praise sleep routine for a reason, like I said, for that eight hours. And subliminals are an amazing way to reprogram your subconscious mind because I essentially wipe out and replace and install new beliefs in honestly like the most effortless way possible. It's not something that takes requires any effort. And this is my, what might feel like has been, um, a block for you in the past? Like if you've ever tried to read aloud money mantras, or if you've tried to say it or speak out affirmations, right. What happens if you don't it, I kind of mentioned this before. What happens when you're like, with your conscious mind? You're like, Nope, it's not true. And I it's the same with me.
Like, I'm exactly the same. Um, but what happens with subliminal audios is it bypasses the conscious mind and it goes straight to the subconscious. So, like I said about, you know, when you're in that shopping center and there's a song playing, but your conscious doesn't pick up on it, but your subconscious is listening. So subliminal audios actually play with affirmations, playing with me with binaural beats or music, um, specific out for a beta waves playing. So it sounds like just like harmonious music, you can't consciously actually hear the mantras or affirmations that are being said. Uh, so it just, it feels like peaceful music. So this is the kind of thing that you can play at when you are working play with when you, when you're driving. Um, I do actually use these every single day. So I should put this as, as my number 11, not just pre sleep, but I also put on a pre sleep, some blood more audio as well.
Um, because I've already harped on, about leaving my subconscious mind. Fate was, uh, so this is really, really, really important for me. Now, I am going to say with subliminals like, um, even though you don't hear the affirmations repeated, like consciously they work, they work by circumventing your conscious rejecting anything. So it goes straight. Like I said, it goes straight into your subconscious, because if you hear something like I'm rich beyond measure, what is your conscious mind gonna do? Cause you'll know I'm not I'm in debt or no, I'm not, I'm not rich beyond method, I'm working on it. And so it blocks you from hearing anything, but your subconscious mind picks up on everything, even like conversations happening on the TV advertisements happening on the TV. Right. Um, and we have years to reprogram, right. Years and years and years to reprogram from everything that you've heard in your upbringing to today.
So using this on a daily basis, it was a really effective way to, um, essentially just like literally rewire the brain. Okay. Now I will say that with this, unfortunately, there's been some reports about YouTube, subliminal, audios, um, being, you know, programmed with negative or like dim, demonic, subliminal messages in their recordings. Um, and apparently like there's been some negative effects and like, I'm sure that this has been taken down yet, like now, but I don't use YouTube ones. I use ones that have been specifically created by people that I trust. Um, and so if this is something that's roots, really, that you're understanding the power of, can you write into me or DM me on Instagram or post in the Facebook group and just tell me, cause if there's enough of you, then I will create a subliminal audio for your priestly retain and or for your, um, daily routine.
So like working or driving or just walking or whatever, um, so that you know, that you can trust it. Right. So that you know, that it's, you know, and it'll be specific to your like abundance and especially around money and financial abundance. Right. So can you, can you do that for me? Like, if there's only one of you, then I won't do it. But, um, if there's, you know, at least a few of you, then I can create something for everyone to access because I like this is so powerful, even though if you're currently thinking, I don't fully understand, I don't fully understand how this works. Um, just try it. Why not try it? Like, why not try all of these things or some of these things, um, and just like try it out and see how it goes, because there's no skin off your back, but there's no skin off your nose by trying new things, particularly if they don't don't take any extra time.
Um, because what if it does rewire your brain for abundance? What if, what if you start actually making more money? What if you start literally becoming more wealthy, like isn't, isn't that a better way to approach it? Right. Um, okay. So quick recap, before we finish. Cause this has probably been, it has been Holy crap. It has been the longest episode yet. And I didn't realize it would be this long. Um, but this is me explaining it, right. This doesn't just cause we're coming up to an hour, doesn't mean that all of these processes and routines or these practices take an hour. So like the first one making my bed, it takes 10 seconds. I'm a meditation I do for 10 minutes. So yes, that is, that is a 10 minute process. I'm right at my goals every day, that takes probably 60 seconds. Not even, um, when I pull a card from my inspirational car deck that takes 10 seconds, uh, exercise and movement.
I mean, that one, I am gonna lay visit that just has to be done every day. Like we just have to move our body. Like that's just important. Right. But it can be like, you can just do 20 minutes, right? Uh, number six daily reminders that's using like that app to reprogram money mantras into your phone. That doesn't take any time. Like, it'll take you five minutes to set up, but it doesn't take any time because the daily reminders are just like, they just gently pop up on your phone. Um, number seven, passwords, Rupert re doing a positive that doesn't take any time you're already putting in passwords, uh, number eight, podcasts, do this in, in net time to do this when you're driving or walking or commuting. Right. So that doesn't take any extra time money tracking that takes like 30 to 60 seconds to just like sit there and think about what came into your bank.
What did you find? What did you receive that day? And then pre slate routine. This is, this is probably maybe 20 minutes maybe. Yeah. Maybe 20 minutes. So like vitamins, whatever. That's like a couple of minutes subliminal audio. So you can actually fall asleep to this. Um, and then reading, well, that's, maybe that's like 15 minutes, even if you just do 10 minutes. So if you add all of those things up aside from exercise that that's not even half an hour in a day, like honestly, and aside from the reading, well, like at least we're not even at 15 minutes in a day. And so I know it seems like a lot, like I've gone through like 10 or 11 things. Um, but when you actually add them into your life, like this is genuinely something that you can create to completely expand and get what you want, reprogram your life and create the life of your dreams, because I know that you deserve it and I want you to have everything that you want. And so when you start reprogramming your body, mind, soul intuition, everything to make this reality and make this happen. Um, I can't wait to hear about the amazing things that, that actually come into fruition when you implement this. All right, I'm going to leave you there. I can't wait to hear what you will do and what you will add. And I will see you next week.