The 3 Levels to Master the Money Game
Oct 29, 2019Where most of the population are focusing on just one part of the money game, I want to bring you the roadmap of the 3 Steps that make up the money game so that you can truly master it!
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone Mercer, Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money.
Hey, babes. Welcome back to another week. Uh, I have just spent the weekend having an amazing time. It feels like summer has finally arrived for us in the Southern hemisphere and the sun is shining. The beach has just been absolutely stunning. And you know, when there's that buzz that excitement about the months to come knowing how Epic it's going to be. I love this time of year. It's the start of that lead up to Christmas. Everyone's dad's getting excited and what's also really amazing is I always find the back half of the year to be the most always reflective because you're closing out the year. And for me, it's that time of like, okay, what did I say? I wanted to achieve? Where am I at with my goals? How far have I got? And how long do I have left this year to start getting real, start closing in, start stepping up on all that stuff that I've said I wanted to do.
So I don't know what it's like for you, but for me, this is, this is that kind of time of year. And we're almost in November, which is courageous, right? Crazy. And so for me at the moment, I am really focusing on bringing more women into investing bootcamp, because I want to make sure that before you guys get to 2020, that if you have said that you wanted to get real about the money game. If you have said that you want to actually start investing, start taking control of your money, get serious with your finances, step up. Then I want you in there. Like you need to be in there because it is the thing that's going to change the trajectory of your financial life and your, you know, what you're doing with your money and how far you get in the wealth game. So that is part of when I wanted to talk to you about, but really the focus of today's episode is to talk you about the money game, the overall money game, because I think I see a lot of people.
In fact, I would say the majority of the population play at just one part of the money game, and it's not even the part that makes up half of the entire money game, right? So I really want you to listen in on this and let everything sink in because once you start to get this, once this starts to really make sense. And once it starts to absorb into your conscious, it will change the game for you. You'll actually see it from a different light because I've got to tell you, I didn't always understand money this way. So as you probably know, I've spoken about it before I started my journey towards wealth and money and personal development and starting to understand parts of how it work. I mean, it's, it's a lifelong journey. It's something that continues right. Never stopped always growing, but it started to me now over 10 years ago, but really it's only become super clear about that, that there are literally three areas that make up the money game and one over arching element that affects all three.
So I'm going to talk to you about that today. And it's something that I know will help to make sense for a lot of people, and it will help a lot of you to navigate this and make it a lot clearer because I know some of you guys are confused, frustrated, uncertain, and there is a lot of doubt and vagueness to all of it, right? To making money, to how to save more money to how to get ahead faster. And once you understand these three things, I think that it will help you to see where you are in your life, where you are, want to go and how quickly you can get to that next level so that you know, how long it's going to take you to get to the end game. Okay. So, you know, I mentioned that most people, I think in the world spend most of their time working just on one part of this one part of this money game.
And it doesn't even make up half of the game. What moves most people spend their time on is working on making more money. So there's this constant, there's this constant, like, I need to earn more money. I need to make more, you know, if only I just had another $10,000 or earned another a hundred thousand dollars or hadn't come to zero, my salary, or, uh, you know, if I could just get that raise, if I could just win the lottery, if I could just get this next step in my income level, then it would all be sorted. It would all change. It would all like, yeah, makes sense. It would all, just, everything would just be easier. But does that ever happen that way? No, because most of us are earning more than we did five or 10 years ago. Right. Most of us have increased our salary and increased our income level, increased our, um, level of money that we get, you know, business by some degree, like most of us are earning more.
And so then the question becomes well, yeah, but there's this lifestyle factor. And of course, as you get older, you start to not tolerate eating toast for dinner and you want to have a nicer, more luxurious life. And that makes sense. I get it. Okay. But still there's this focus on just that one pot, that making more money. And when has that ever worked? There's a reason that lottery winners, that people that win the lottery and they win millions of dollars. [inaudible] the statistics say that mostly did them lose it within couple of years and if not go broke or file for bankruptcy because they don't have the basic skills to actually progress past that first year level of making money. They got the money, but they just stayed stuck in there area. Right. So that's just one part and yes, it is important to make more money.
Yes. I want you to go out and ask for that, raise, increase your prices, you know, sell more, communicate more so that you are putting yourself out more in your business and you increase your income level. Yes, it's important, but it's just the first step. And it's just part of the money game. I would say it's probably about a quarter, it's about a quarter of the entire money game. So what's the next step. Once you get to that point where you're like, okay, I'm making enough or I can getting by, or you know, that you could be doing more with your current income. The next step in the money game is keeping it right. It's about keeping, storing, holding the money that you make, that income that you generate. It's about keeping it more, rather than let it just go immediately out of the bank account rather than let it slip through your fingers or worse, get a credit card and spend more than you're making.
The next step is keeping more of it. And this is where a lot of you guys get stuck. I know it feels hard to save and it feels like so many people are unclear and don't know how, but it's just a skill. That's just a tool. Right? And the thing is there are other people that have worked it out. And if it's not something that you have yet, meaning that skill, there's something you don't know no yet. Right? Because there are, when you have people in the world that have been able to keep more money and at different levels of income, I know some people that are only ending like tiny amounts, $60,000 a year, and they still manage to store money and use that, like to save it up and buy assets. And I know people that are earning multi-six figures easily 200 K and cannot manage to put anything away.
So it's just a skill, right? It's just a basic money management skill, right? To allocate your money, to give it clarity, to give it purpose and to pay yourself first so that you are saving to invest, which leads me on to this third part of the money game. And it's probably no surprise. The third step is to multiply it. So the first is to make it the second is to keep it. And the third is to multiply it. And multiplying means buying assets that pay money, not multiplying it in a bank account, earning 1% interest 2%, if you're lucky, certainly not in today's economy with the interest rates. So low multiplying it, meaning buying the golden goose that lays eggs because the golden goose is only good. If it lays eggs, it's only good. If it pays you money, if it generates income and that's the game you guys like that is the end game.
So if you're currently in the making money phase of the money game, you know where you need to get to now, you know that you need to move on and keep it. And if you currently like, I'm doing that, I'm I'm capable. Great. Then the next step is for you to multiply it because keeping your money in that second stage of the money game, keeping it is pointless. If it's not used for something, having money sitting in a bank account is not valuable. Like money is only ever valuable when it's used, when you use it, right? Otherwise it's sitting there. It's actually losing money with inflation. You lose money. And often inflation is the same as, or more than the current bank interest rates of the one or 2% inflation is about 2%. So if anything, you're actually losing money. So multiplying, it means buying assets that pay in income.
So buying an investment property that pays a rental income buying stocks that grow in capital growth and pay dividend income. So I've spoken to before, and you should know this stat already that the stock market generates on average 10% a year, 10% is a hell of a lot more than one or 2% in a bank account. And you get the benefit of it actually paying you money, regardless of if this tiny fluctuations in the stock market. So the three parts of the money game, I also have this overarching element, which is your mindset. So I still maintain that there are the three things, that's it, make it, keep it, multiply it. That is yet like you guys, that is the money game. That's it. So stop thinking that you just need to earn more money or make more money. That doesn't end there. That's just part of it.
And like I said, it's not even half the game. So when you move on to keeping it, and when you move on to multiply it throughout the whole process, it's so important to continue to keep working on your money mindset. Because what we believe, what we see, what we perceive, what we speak about, what we say all comes down to our money mindset. And it comes down to things like if you make statements or if you make questions, so a statement about I can't afford it, or do you make a, or do you say it's a question of how can I afford it? If you make statements about it's hard to make money, or I can't seem to make more, or I can't make more because I have a job. I don't have a business. Or whatever you say is dictated by a money mindset, which dictates how much you can make, how much you keep and how much you multiply.
And if you can't really in this point in, we're in, you're in this stage where I know a lot of you are of a K, I can make it all right. I can keep it, but I'm scared to multiply it. I'm scared about the stock market. I am scared and fearful about losing money. You guys, that's a money mindset issue because you know, I've shown you. I've told you what the stock market can do. Like when you're buying companies like that is literally what generates and stimulates the economy. It is literally what moves the economy around companies, the housing market. Doesn't I, it's not that I don't believe in housing. You know, I have property as part of my portfolio. I've spoken about what it is in my portfolio before, but stocks, actual companies is what drives the economy because it's based on people buying their products and services, they hire employees.
Those employees use their salary to buy and spend on other things from other companies, which then in turn, goes back into that same loop, right? So you're buying into things that are going to stand the test of time because they have to, we all have to buy food. We all have to buy electricity. We all have to buy whatever, like petrol for our car. We all will have to buy clothes and we all like to eat out, right? And so this actually stimulates the economy. So unless you're going to become a hermit and live in the Hills off grid and never use anything again, well then maybe, maybe investing in the stock is not for you, but otherwise, if you are fearful or scared, it's because your money mindset is
Focused on what you will lose.
But I can, like I said before, money is only valuable when you use it. If it's sitting dormant in a bank account, it's not actually valuable to you. What are you, what is it doing there? What is it sitting there for? If it's not going to be used? And if you're not multiplying it, you guys, you are not playing the money game. That's it like, like
That is literally it full stop
Period. If you're going through these steps, making it, keeping it and not multiplying it, you're not playing full out. Like you are not buying the game of money. And it is designed. Money is literally designed to flow. It dies when it, when it goes stagnant, it dies when it stops. And it's just like,
You put water in a,
The pool in an area and it doesn't have any way to go. What happens to it? It goes rotten, right? It goes stale. The stuff to stink. Money has to flow. That's how the economy works. So I know I've spoken about the three things I'm going to recap for you. The whole money game is made up of the areas. And as you progress three, three through those three areas, you get better at the money game. So you making it, you keeping it and you're multiplying it. And then you can continuously rotate through that because we can all make more. We can all keep more and we can definitely all multiply more. And what dictates that is how good and how strong your money mindset is and how much that dictates your success is, is evident of where you currently are. So if you currently feel like you're struggling, if you're currently in massive amounts of debt, if you're currently just can't get ahead.
If you currently make broad statements about how hard money is about how scary and risky the stock market is about how it's impossible to ever keep and save and store money, then that's dictated by your money mindset. And so these three things, what makes up the money game and the overarching principle of mindset is possible to master for everyone. Everyone, there is no one that can't do this. Literally. It doesn't matter what background you're from, what your upbringing was. Whether you come from a poor family, whether you are currently in a job or as an employee, or you have a business, can you make more money as an entrepreneur? Yeah, of course, but I've seen plenty of millionaires be made, having a job. So whatever the excuses are right now, I just want you to check yourself, babe. I just want you to like check in and get real about what it is you're saying, because that's the thing that's stopping you.
And if you're currently only focused on making more, now you've got the roadmap right now. You've got the next steps. Now you've see that making it is only part of the full money game making it isn't even half the game. All right. I would love to know where you're at. I'm going to start a discussion about this in the kiss, my money, Facebook group. If you're not in that yet, I'm going to put a link below in the show notes. I want you to come and join, and I want you to start telling me where you're at and what's stopping you from getting to the next level. All right, babe, till next week, see you then.