Reaching your goals faster

Aug 01, 2019

We can't commit to what we're creating if we don't know what that thing is we're working towards. 

Being SUPER clear about out goals is so damn important - how else can we reach them if we don't know what they are?

And if you DO clearly know your goals, are you burnout? Or worse, overwhelmed?

Tune in and listen up, AND I'll tell you about a big epiphany that happened just this week for me.

Hit me up at [email protected] to work 1:1 with me and start actually hitting those massive money goals you have!!! 



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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I've spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone Masa, Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kiss my money podcast.

What is up? You guys? I am so excited to be joining me today. It feels like for some reason, this last week has gone on forever. It feels like so long since I last spoke to you, I am super excited for today's app. It is something that I actually hadn't been planning on, but it's come up this week and I'm going to share with you something that I know a lot of you can relate to. It's going to be actually super vulnerable for me. Um, and I got to say, I'm probably telling myself as much as I'm talking to you about this topic, and it's all kind of surrounding this idea of committing to our goals and how this relates to money. Well, obviously everything we do kind of requires money to some degree, right? I mean, we at least need it to eat and sleep, but also most of the time, specially the people that tune into this podcast, I know you guys are driven, right?

And so you want things in your future that are massive, big. Like you have big plans, not just dreams and money is something that is going to help get you there. And that's a good thing. As you know, we don't shy away from that. There is nothing wrong with that. And I kind of want to talk about this idea of committing to the goal that you have and, you know, the idea of having a really clear idea of what that goal is because otherwise, how can we actually commit to it? How can we get up every day with the intention of what we're creating with the plan, with the view, with this idea of what we're creating. If we don't clearly know what it is I've said before that the reason people don't get what they want is because they don't know what they want.

And I say, people in general, like me too, and it's so true. And when it comes to also actually stepping up and committing to something like committing to a goal, that's where it becomes super important because otherwise we're kind of just left foiling about, right. So how can you commit to something if you don't know what that is in the first place? And I am not about having no direction, like we need clear direction, whether it's, you know, to expand yourself spiritually or to focus on travel, coming up or build a family, like whatever it is, there's no right or wrong, it's what's right for you. And particularly for me in this last off, I would say, I'm going to six months, it's been six months. It's been a super intense journey for me. And in, in all areas of my life, actually, um, you know, in February of this year, I started with a private business coaching that it is both a time and energy commitment to the next level degree, but also a financial commitment, you know, because honestly when we put money behind something, we are showing our commitment to that.

We have all feet in all hands in, like ready to dive and jump off. And like when you actually back yourself in that way, particularly financially, you don't just let it fade away. It's, it's, it's not something that you're gonna just let pass by, right? When you put money behind something, you take it seriously. And I am exactly the same. So back in February, I started with a very private group coaching program with a guy called Russell Brunson, who is just an incredible based when it comes to business development. So I've been focusing a lot on ms. Wealthy, and there's so much behind the scenes. If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, then you know what goes behind it, right? Even if you have a side hustle, it is not as simple as a few clicks of a button and all of a sudden having a fully fledged business.

So I love what I do though. You know, you need to know that I would do this regardless. Um, so that's been a really big focus for me in this last six months. Very, very intensely. So the journey has been vertical, literally like quantum leaps. And it got to a point last month where I kind of actually probably happened about two weeks ago, three weeks ago now where I kind of just almost hit like a wall. And, you know, I know what overwhelm and burnout looks like. I think that we've all experienced it to some degree in some part of our life, but it wasn't that, and I could not put my finger on what it was. It was almost like I just couldn't keep going with the path I was on. Like something was stopping me. It was almost like, I felt like it was, I was pushing it.

And at no point, and you know, I'm a total business, new meat newbie. I have obviously been investing for 10 years being a trader for six. And now it's actually more like 11 and seven years. Um, you know, I've been dominating in the money space for well over a decade, but in terms of actual business and setting this up setting ms. Wealthy the company up, it's probably about a year and a half, so it's still pretty new. And it got to a point where I was kind of it for the first time. It felt like I was pushing it. I wasn't pulled, and I could not put my finger on what it was. So many people was like, you know, you just, you need to like stop and like chill out. I was like, you know, I just that's Nadia. Like, I don't know, like, it feels like I want to keep going, but there's something missing.

And I realized that I did need to kind of take a step back, get some perspective, bring in a bit more play because I was probably Nick neglecting that part of my life, like the play and the fun area and living in Sydney right now, it's winter and being such a beach, babe. It's not part of my life so heavily right now, you know, I'll spend hours in the water every weekend. Uh, and at the end of every day, at the beginning of every day, and it's not part of my life massively right now because it's winter and it's freezing, but it was local. It was just something else missing. And I just, it was bugging me so much. So I kind of, I did take a step back, took a bit of a breather, you know, I just like reset. And it literally wasn't until last week that I realized, and really it's kind of, it's almost been like this slow epiphany.

That's come to me. That has happened kind of beginning from last week and kind of really early this week where I realized I am not clear on exactly what I'm working towards. And that is so weird for me to share that with you. It's so weird for me to say, because I have always known exactly what I want, what I'm creating, what's the next thing, you know, and I'm still, fortunately I have a really incredible daily habit practice of gratitude that I both am present and focusing on future. It's not that I kind of don't stand still, but I am always very focused on the next thing, but I realized literally it wasn't until of last week, this week that my massive epiphany was Holy crap. I'm not actually crystal clear on the next big thing I'm creating. It was always kind of like, okay, launch the business, did that, you know, then it was like the tiny things like website and like the, the money that, you know, course that I essentially take one on one clients through, uh, to have massive money breakthroughs in their mindset to massively up level where they're at, because I see so many women particularly earning good money, you know, I'm talking like easily 80 K a hundred K a year and has nothing to show for it, have no savings.

Can't pull together like a two, one or $2,000. And once we start transforming that, Oh my God, like, just like I had quantum leaps early in my life when I realized how money works. Um, I helped my one on one clients and VIP do that too. Right. So once I started with that, that was when I first kind of started in business. Then I launched investing bootcamp pro program, which helped women invest in the stock market well and successfully to build a longterm portfolio to create massive wealth. So I did that then, you know, that's been kind of a slow build. Then I launched the podcast, then the other side projects going on and it was like, okay, now what, but I didn't realize that I didn't have the next now what until last week, this week. And it's so ironic because when I took that step back, that kind of pause when I let go to a certain degree of pushing things and working towards the next level, when I kind of paused a little bit, it actually was the time that things started happening even more exponentially.

That was the period in like the biggest growth, almost like things have happened this last couple of weeks, both in the business. And, uh, like personally in my, in terms of my portfolio, investment portfolio and financial life and big things happening in my personal life as being the time when I've actually pressed, pause, stepped back and like, let things be for a bit. And if you're a little bit like me, you're a little bit worse, then you might also be thinking, I'm not surprised about that because it's almost like the universe going well, duh, like just take a minute, like, let me just work some things out y'all. So that has kind of happened. And you may have noticed if you're an avid kissed by money listener that the intro to the podcast has changed. And if you didn't pick it up, basically what happened this week?

You guys, we crossed the million dollar investment portfolio Mark. So I literally hit seven figure and fitment portfolio, which is massive, but it's so it's so kind of almost surreal and weird, even though obviously I've been working on this for a while now, it's kind of like, Whoa, that happened, but there's no stream is this no fireworks is no. Right. So what do I do now? And it's, it's almost like this really bizarre feeling of massive achievement and so incredible and also so weird to be like created seven figures. Like what, from being 20 K in debt, it's almost like my mind hasn't caught up on the believability of it, even though I've been seeing the numbers progress over the years. So that happened, massive things have been happening in the business side too. And me making kind of, kind of big decisions and massive decisions about where I'm taking it and solidifying it and having kind of big discussions.

And I'm not going to talk about and reveal what that looks like, but, you know, partnering with some people in the future and like big names. Right. So that's really exciting too. And I just wanted to share this with you because I know that we all go through periods of massive intense growth. And like, like I said, that's what I'm being on for the last solidly six or seven months until a few weeks ago, I just needed to like, press pause and bring in play. And it was at that point where I kind of sidestepped and just, I call it plateau, but not plateau in a bad sense, like plateau is I kind of needed to like, like just breathe for a bit and we all need that. We all need to have quantum leaps in areas, but then also pause and like plateau for a bit.

That's good. That rest period is what helps us like regroup some of the like best people in the world that I follow are take massive chunks of time off like big performers, massively successful. Part of that, essentially their long term peak performance strategy is to not be in peak performance 100% of the time, because we need that stagnant stage for us to like recruit. And often that's actually in a period of time where you get the creative that you get the most ideas you get the most inspiration of what's next, what's coming up. What are you creating? Uh, and almost like the drive and the motivation to take things to the next level. Otherwise if you're on this like constant growth path and never stopping, it's hard to continuously go on. So I wanted to share that because it's pretty big for me. And also honestly, it's hard to admit.

It's hard to admit that I am not crystal clear on my exact goal that I'm creating. Like the big things are still there. I have shared before about my big five bedroom, beautiful house in the beach with massive white billowing curtains, but steps out onto the sand, right? That's my big like beach home that we don't currently have yet that I'm working towards. But that's just one aspect. That's just one thing, other things I'm kind of, not really crystal clear on. And so I kind of wanted to share with you in the hope that that might be inspiration for you to go hold on, what am I creating? What am I working towards? What is the thing that I really want to like step up and go and create whether it's shifting, you know, jobs in your career and taking a massive leap up. Maybe you're currently a little bit too comfortable.

Maybe it's creating a side hustle. Maybe it's finally taking that step towards investing in the stock market and getting rid of the fear about it. Maybe it's, I don't know, like changing your current lifestyle to create a new one in your future, whatever it is like. And I'm telling, I'm sharing this with you. As much as I'm sharing with myself, we need to get crystal freaking clear about what that is. What does it look like? How does it feel like what is the day to day impact of your life? Who are the people in this goal, this dream, this plan that you're creating, like let's get super clear about what it is that we want to work towards. Let's speak it, declare it, be clear about it. Be super intentional intent, intentional about what we're actually doing and what we're working towards. I do not want to be just in the process of living life without consciously thinking about what I'm creating.

So I want to say to you, what are you consciously creating? And let's do it together. You know, maybe you have also been on a super intense vertical climb in your life too. And so maybe you need to take a bit of a platter for a bit and be like, okay, regroup, recap. What am I doing? Or maybe you realize you're too comfortable. And actually you haven't had that big vertical growth climb in your life for a really long time and whatever area it is, you know, that you can find someone who's created that thing for like as well that you could mentor mentor off that you can model off that someone that can coach you guide you, you know, when it comes to money and investing that I'm here and I'm going to go and I can help you do that. Whether it's one on one as a VIP, whether it's in the investing boot camp program with the other girls, whatever it is, you know, that I can help get you there.

Like I said, just hit seven figures, which is super exciting. I'm going to, I am. I promise you, I am going to go and celebrate that, but I want you to share it with me, whether it's on Insta, on Facebook, wherever it is, I want you to share with me what you're consciously creating so that we can hold each other accountable. And so we can massively create huge things in our future. It's pretty exciting, right? It's exciting to sit in that place of possibility and inspiration. I certainly feel like it's a pretty awesome. All right. Well, this has been a big episode, more kind of consciously. It's been a big episode. Uh, I hope you've enjoyed it. I hope I've inspired something within you and something in your future to until next week, babe, I will see you then.