How to Transform Your Mindset With One Question
Apr 14, 2020Even when we're not in the middle of trying times, it can be challenging to get ourselves out of a crappy state. But the quality of our questions can be SO powerful - and 100% determine the quality of our life.
And there's one in particular that can transform any state, any mindset pattern in an instant. It really is THAT transformative.
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I've spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money podcast.
Hey, gorgeous. Welcome back to another episode. Thank you for joining me and Hey, if you, it is the first time you're tuning into the podcast. My name is Simone Murcia Huggins. I realized that I kind of don't really introduce myself on every episode. I kind of just assumed that you've been in my network or world for a little bit. Uh, but yeah, if you don't know who I am, my name is Simone and I am essentially your wealth mentor so that you can become more financially empowered so that you can step into your worth so that you can wealth build so that you can become financially free. And I just want to give you all the tools and resources to get there, basically, how's that for a summary. Okay. Today, I want to talk to you about something really freaking exciting, and it's something that has been in the works for a long time.
Something that definitely will, for me, has been years in development in the back, you know, in terms of how I've been working on it. It's also been years in development of what I work on with my one on one clients. And it's also something that I kind of sprinkle in and episodes and some content and stuff. And when I started miss wealthy, it was, it was kind of never, I wasn't really sure about exactly the focus of where the company would go or be taken or w you know, how I would essentially bring, you know, this to the world. Uh, but I, I knew that what I'm about to tell you it was going to be something that was part of it, at least to some degree. I just didn't know how, and it's actually, I've kind of like almost vacillated from one end to another about whether to bring this out and whether to talk about it and how much to talk about it.
But I shared recently in episode 49, when I talked about an interesting story about what's happened recently in my world about kind of being authenticity and me stepping into really a who I need to be more of not need to be more of, that's not true. I'm not going to show it all over myself. Uh, uh, stepping into essentially just being me more, um, because that's, what's important. The more I show up as me, the more you can learn, because the more authentic I am, and the more I share about how I've got to where I am, how I'm getting to, where I'm going, the more you can do the same. And I know that the shit that I do freaking works, I know that my journey has been my journey for a reason. And I've been so on the fence about whether I share this because in the past, and I've spoken about this only briefly and only lightly in the past, I have honestly suppressed this part of me that I'm going to tell you about in a minute, um, which is, I am finally, finally, after being asked about this repeatedly, you guys, um, from the community from DMS and emails, and so much, I've been asked about this so much, I am finally bringing out a money mindset and money breakthrough program for you to fully break down and break through the limiting beliefs and the limiting stories and the habits that I know, and, you know, are holding you back from wealth creation that are holding you back from abundance that are holding you back from attracting more and tapping into the honestly infinite supply of what is out there in the universe.
And I've been asked about this so much. And when I say I have suppressed this side of me, I genuinely have, I used to be, and this is actually only until pretty recently. I used to be so worried and it still happens now. And I still have to remind myself now, and it still comes up for me. Like, I, I have my own limiting beliefs that I worked through. Right. And I have just been in the past worried about scaring people off. If I talk about this too much, because I used to, I had, you know, I used to be told from certain people who weren't even in my tribe, these were guys like men, you guys like actual men told me that, Oh, that money mindset stuff, it doesn't work like blah, blah, blah. People don't want to hear about that. And, you know, I've spoken briefly before about who you listened to in your life, and you will find people in your life right throughout your entire life that will help you.
And that will really like propel you forward in your life. And I certainly have incredible mentors that I hands down would not be where I am today if I didn't have them. And I have also listened to other people in my life that I thought were, you know, I guess had my best interest, or I thought were the best person for me to listen to instead of myself, instead of my own intuition. And they just weren't. But that was a really good lesson for me to actually step into who I am more and listened to myself more about what is right for me and how I want to show up. But I have suppressed sharing more about mindset and my habits and manifesting and law of attraction and the universe. And honestly, the, essentially my spiritual side, because I was like worried about, you know, that investing and spirituality don't go hand in hand and it couldn't be more fucking false.
And I really want to drive that home and be clear about that because money is just energy. And however money comes into your life, whether it's investing returns or capital growth or dividends or income or rental returns or job payments or payments from clients or inheritance or gifts like money is just money is just money. And all it is is energy it's. We created it, we made it up. It's been around for centuries. It used to be in the form of like, like literally metal, because that was just the easiest thing to represent a form of value. And so that you didn't have to like, you know, bring around and like towed around your cow and your beans and your rice and whatever to the market, because it was just too freaking hard. So they came up with like literally coins, and then it was like, you know, actual pieces of paper.
And that has turned into what we know today, money to be credit cards and the you numbers on a digital bank balance and physical notes and coins. I know it is his energy, it's just an energetic exchange. And so however that comes in the form of value to you and money to you is really irrelevant, but money is just energy and it's actually very spiritual. It's a, it's a spiritual thing because everything in the world is spiritual. And the one thing I have spoken about before is my approach to manifesting and the law of attraction and the more I learn about it and all that sort of stuff. And I've always approached it from a very, uh, scientific perspective. Cause I've always wanted to know how it actually works. Like how, how, how, how, and so I've always been intrigued about the actual quantum side of it, like quantum manifesting, quantum physics, the actual physics side of it.
And, you know, I've dived so deep into like quantum entanglement and how the actual brains signups as work and how things are processed and like how energy is transformed and how energy is like transmuted and auras. And can you actually feel or affect someone's actual orbit, aura and vibrations, and how are vibrations formed and what creates vibrations and how can we have a way of thoughts actually like turn into vibrations and what vibrations are brain States are in like theater and beta and gamma States that outlet brains actually sit through and go through, um, things like when you look at physical things under a microscope in the, in the, at like an atom level that atoms actually vibrant. And the only thing holding them together is the energetic force, the magnet between other atoms. And there is actually no energy. There's actually space between atoms, but we see it, it comes and appears to us as physical things.
And the reason you can't shove your hand through it is because of the energetic force of magnets between these atoms, that hold things together to be a physical object. Do you see how much I just ranted about Julie, the physicality of how manifesting works? Um, this is how much I know about manifesting and the law of attraction and energy and how you can tap into it. This is something that I have been hiding and has been hidden and a suppress part of me, of myself. And that is actually that that's actually something that I've done to myself. I've suppressed this part of myself, not suppressed as in, I haven't looked into it or dived into it, or, you know, explored it, but suppressed as in I've hidden it from the world. I've even to a degree, hidden it from my husband, because I thought that, Oh, if he thought I was really spiritual, we were like, you know, the term, we were like, Oh, like, she's like so out there that I, you know, people would think I was just like really airy fairy.
And I had this misaligned idea, which is completely untrue that you have to be, you know, really specific and everything's have to be logical and rational to like to explain investing. And that is true. You actually have to do understand the rules of the game, because anything just like in life, there are rules of the game, right? And for you to learn how to win it, you need to know the, how those rules work. And it is true when it comes to investing. You've got to understand how things actually work on a rational level, but when it comes to the other side, there is no, there's no thing in the world, nothing, no thing in the world that you can achieve without having a Bulletproof mindset around it. Like it just doesn't work. You need the actual physical and rational side and you know that pot, but you also need the mindset and a strong mindset and something that actually sets you up.
Even if you think about the top athletes in the world, like Olympians, they have these coaches that spend the best of the best that spend time with them developing their mindset. They put them through visualization, visualization practices that literally envision where they visualize moving through or, you know, winning at the end. And when they put the electrodes on their muscles, the parts of their body actually fire up. When these athletes, when these Olympians go through this visualization process, because the brain does not cannot distinguish between reality and what we imagine, what we see, and this is why sometimes, you know, you wake up from a dream and be like, like, that was just so real well, it's true because the brain doesn't see it as any being any different, the subconscious the way the subconscious mind works. It doesn't see it as any different. It doesn't, it can't distinguish.
And so that's why the power of our words is so powerful. That's why we have to be so conscious of our thoughts and our patterns and our habits and our limiting beliefs of what serves us and what doesn't and what we feed our mind, what we listen to, what we say, because everything that we think comes from our belief system, which has been given to you, handed to you and everything that we think consistently basically becomes our reality. Everything that we focus on, every single thought that we focus on enough consistently becomes our reality. And there is so much that I want to share with you on this. And I'm so glad that I am finally just got over this bullshit limiting belief that I had, that it wouldn't attract the right person. But as I shared, as I mentioned in, when I shared an episode 49, about how I am just showing up way more authentically, and I've realized that even when I get haters that like come across my staff and I'm like, what are you even saying?
And using the word, babe, like, you're so unprofessional, like blah, blah, blah, whatever. I realized that they're just not my people. They're not my tribe and the right people. Uh, you listening right now and whoever resonates with, and whoever it reaches, it's meant to reach you for a reason. You meant to be here for a reason. You went to hear this for reasons, but to touch you for a reason, uh, so that you can learn what you need to learn to get to the next level. And that is literally my only game, my only end game. And I am so glad and so happy that I'm finally bringing this out and into the world, because this has been, like I said, in development for years, because I have been on my own personal development journey, spiritual journey for years, I've been on a spiritual journey for actually longer than I have been on a, you know, quote unquote personal growth journey.
And it is all personal growth, but from a spiritual perspective, it's been even longer. I had been practicing from, you know, from a spiritual practice perspective, um, you know, spirituality and tapping into my spirituality side, way longer. This even started for me when I was literally like a child. And this has been passed down from my mother who actually, uh, gave, she was so into yoga and practicing her spiritual yoga practice that she had a Yogi mentor and I'm not using the right word. It'll come to me. I'm sure. But she essentially had a, um, a mentor of hers in the spiritual space. Give me a name. And that became my middle name. Right. That's right. It was her spiritual Gregory. And, um, she was, you know, so into pro practice that he actually gave me a name when I was really young and that became my middle name.
And I grew up to hate it because in primary school, I, and I will tell you the name and I've never, ever shared this. You guys. So like, this is literally a new level of total vulnerability and authenticity with you. And, and I'm just, I feel so liberated, like sharing it because I wouldn't like actually explain to you how much a spirituality has just been this part of my world, but also B show you how limiting beliefs and what one instant in our past or in our history can create a story in our life that can literally shape a belief system that we believe unquestioned for the rest of our time until we unravel it. And that is that. So this, uh, your Yogi girl, essentially a spiritual girl of my moms gave me this middle name and I got, I got bullied, not Billy, but like, you know, I was, you know, whatever in, in primary school about it, like, uh, people would laugh at me and like, make names about it and I can kind of laugh about it now.
Cause it is kind of funny, but when you're that age, it's not funny and it felt uncomfortable. And because that happened, I formed a story that therefore that spiritual side of me, uh, shouldn't be talked about, it should be suppressed. It should be hidden. Right. And so this guru gave me this middle name of Kiante K U N T I, but can you imagine what it was shortened to in primary school when kids feel like being mean little Boston's that they sometimes are, it was shortened to, or, um, phonetically pronounced as cunty now, as you can imagine, I was mortified and I hid everywhere that I possibly could and suppressed that pot of, you know, my name, my middle name everywhere I could. And I wouldn't tell anyone and anyone that knew, you know, just like I swore them to secrecy. And I tried to hide that part of me.
And even as an adult, I wouldn't even tell people what my middle name was. I even changed my name. So when I, when it was legally, legally possible, I changed my name, which is now what it is today. My middle name is Phoebe, which is my grandmother's second name. Uh, and literally I hated it that much. I had that much, that many limiting beliefs around it. I had, you know, that much like that many stories and, you know, pent up kind of stuff around this name that I developed a story that it wasn't okay to be that, you know, to show up and to be that spiritual side of myself that has been part of my life for so long, because it was such a big part of my mother's life. And I would, you know, I remember things like my mom talking about meditation and practicing meditation and putting on incense and, uh, you know, doing yoga and us going to ashrams and us going to, you know, places that were very, very, very spiritual and, you know, taking and doing spiritual practices and just being surrounded by that and listening to certain songs that are used today, what I've come to know that they used in meditation practices.
And I actually use, now it's gone full circle because I use Kundalini as a very specific meditation practice that I use today. And I'm going to do a whole nother episode on that because, you know, meditation is such an pot of any like practice, but also mindset practice. And I think that meditation is so severely misunderstood and there are so many different ways that you can meditate that aren't sitting in silence in an uncomfortable cushion with your hands, you know, whatever, and having to deal with your thoughts or whatever. And it doesn't have to be using Headspace. And I have done, you know, so many different meditation practices that I want to share all the different options with you because some work and some don't, and it's not about the right one for everyone. It's about the right one for you. And I've even, you know, spent a thousand dollars on transcendental meditation programs and practice that, but it just didn't, it wasn't the thing for me.
And so I actually now use Kundalini meditation because it involves you, um, music and a specific mantra that are so incredible and so incredibly powerful that it's actually been a massive game changer for me anyway. So Kundalini is a practice that I now use that I, you know, when I tap into those memories now, because I've released so much of the crap that I used to suppress and hide and, um, you know, not talk about and not explore because I thought it was like bad thing. Um, I use, I now remember that that was actually part of my mom's my mother's upbringing like too, and you know, what she was filling herself with. And she was on a personal development journey from a very young age herself. And she had me very young. And even today, now my dad has traveled to Japan to, you know, like he basically had barely ever gone overseas at all.
And he saved up and saved up and saved up and finally talk himself to Japan so that he could visit and stay at these places that practice deep meditation and stay and explore, you know, like these Zen gardens that he's now really into. And some of the things that now I have conversations with my dad about even as well about how he uses some visualization practices too, that just associate embolic and so simple and so incredible that, you know, I can't believe that I spent so many years not talking about it and only ever internalizing it and practicing in secret and exploring it in secret and like that. Now I'm discovering all these things about my parents that it's no wonder I have all this wealth of spiritual knowledge that I can bring, particularly of why it's been so pivotal in my success in rewiring my money mindset and tapping into universe and exploring abundance and understanding, manifesting, and really stepping into manifesting.
And I want to, like, I want to tell you guys, I actually, in the past have had an episode and I can't remember maybe it was like around, you know, 10 episodes at 10 or something. I dunno where I spoke about a, uh, like a meditation program that are not a meditation and manifesting program that I was part of that I explored, uh, with a woman called Lacey Phillips. And I even kind of stepped through her manifesting process. And I don't particularly particularly like her style or her approach to, or of attraction or to abundance or to manifesting because I think that it's actually quite limiting. Uh, but even when I remember now, when I was recording that episode a number of months ago, now, maybe he was like, I don't know, four, five months ago that I actually, in that episode, in that recording of that episode, I pretended as if I was a beginner.
I pretended as if I didn't know much, I pretended as if like, Oh, I'm just like passing on this like knowledge of like what this woman does. And I are, I now am like remembering recording that episode of actually like, that was so inauthentic of me, not intentionally, but where I just, this for me is not, I'm not a beginner. And me coming to that, me stepping into that really is what is going to help you put in the same practices now. And I've spoken to recently, I've been speaking to a couple of spiritual mentors where I've looked at using them as, you know, being a spiritual coach for me. I I've spoken a lot previously before about how I have multiple coaches and I have multiple mentors that have been pivotal to get to where I am today and in the process of kind of exploring the right spiritual mentor coach for me, it's really become clear.
And it's only been through this process of exploring and chatting to some spiritual coaches, uh, and some, you know, I guess, quote, unquote gurus or whatever that I kinda had to come to the realization that I'm not a beginner I'm very experienced in this. And that even sounds really like, what's the word pompous. It sounds like, it sounds like I'm like talking myself up or tweeting my home and home or like, whatever, but I've just, I want to be so real with you now because I want to help you do the same thing. And I want to show you honestly, just how much I need to give you as well in terms of practices that you can use yourself to tap into this and coming to the realization that I have been suppressing this side of myself and pretending I'm a beginner and can pretending I'm baby at this, um, has been an interesting self realization that, Oh my God, I had such a massive, massive ego belief that was stopping me from stepping into this.
Um, so that was a very roundabout way of basically saying that the money mindset program that is coming out in may is going to be a combination of actual practical work combined with spiritual practices as well. And obviously it involves you doing the work. Like it's not like you can just like, you know, whatever, do a couple of these practices, whether it's actual money mindset or limiting belief work or spiritual work or whatever, that, it's just one thing and it doesn't work. It involves you doing the work. And if that is someone that you recognize yourself as being that, you know, that you do the work and when you do, and when you have the actual tools, then you know that you get results, then I want you to come and join me in that program. So the first round that I'm going to do is going to be a beta round.
And that essentially just means it's the final piece. It's the final round, essentially of a program before we, it goes into like being released into a wide audience, right? It's final round of the testing essentially of the program to really just make sure everything's fully mapped out. So this is something that they are practices that I do with all of my one on one clients, right? And I can, I'll share like stories with you so that, you know, the actual results that people get, which are insane. And a source of result that I get for myself, I'll share stories that have happened to me in terms of manifesting money and bringing in money and tapping into the universe and seeing signs and all that kind of stuff that I just so beyond comprehension. So beyond coincidence. So beyond like that is actually ridiculous that even if you're a nonbeliever about the universe or the Rover traction, or if manifesting works, or if you don't know much about it, that like, I will tell you these stories and you just be like, what the hell?
And they're the kind of tools and practices that actually freaking work. And it's such, such, such a combination of so many things that I've done over the years from as long as I can remember that just work there. There's just stuff that just works. Um, it's, it really, there's no other way to say it. And when you actually learn to tap into the universe and the law of attraction and how it shows off you, how it's determined, you know, literally how the universe serves you. All it wants to do is serve you. It is here to serve you. It is here to deliver for you. And I really want to show you how you can step into that. And it's kind of like how I've likened it before is like, imagine yourself as having your arms tied behind your back. Right. And that tied up and you just like, you don't know how to, like how to wriggle out of though.
You don't know how to like break the rope. But the thing that you want is literally right in front of you, it's like right in front of you. If it's like money, if it's a pot, not if it's love, if it's like a job, if it's like, whatever, whatever you want is right in front of you, it's just that all you have to do is reach out and grab it. You just, haven't been given the tools to release the knots that are tying you back. You haven't been given the tools of how to actually reach out and grab it because everything that you want exists around you right now, everything that you want is already within your reach. It's already there. So it manifesting is not about like creating something that is, you know, pulling out of thin air or like literally coming up with something it's already there.
It's already there. It's just about pulling it into your reality and really just about the processes and the tools so that you can do that. And recently I've spoken a lot about manifestation, babe. Catherine's in kina. I love her podcast. She also has a program called MBA manifestation Bay Academy. And even going through that over the last month, it's been really awesome. But again, what I've come to realize is for me, it was such a beginner program. It was really, really beginner IX. Like for me, it was really basic for a lot of people. It's not. Um, and for a lot of people, it's, you know, the first step perhaps into manifesting, uh, and I've even spoken about Gabby Bernstein before. And the reason that I haven't kind of stepped into more of her work is I have also found her work relatively beginner. And I wanted like the next level, like the next development, the next, like the next progression, the next thing, like, what is it like more evolved?
What is it, how do I get into quantum manifesting? How do I like take a giant step? How do I take a quantum leap? And that's what I've been talking to with about some spiritual mentors. And what I've come to realize is when they are talking to me about their processes and tools and like strategies and, um, you know, the steps they do, what they use or their practices that it like hit me like a ton of bricks. It hit me like a freight train of like Simone, Oh my God, you already do all of this. Everything that, you know, you do everything that they're talking about. Everything that they're telling you, everything they're explaining to you, you already know you're already done. You already, I've already practice. You've already learnt that you like, you already told that to your clients. And I've been like under this bullshit veil, pretending that I don't know that, that I should hide it from you.
And I'm done with that. Now I'm just done. So the program is going to come out in may next month. And I'm so excited to share it with you. Cause Holy crap, I'm going to give you every freaking toll. There is going to be nothing left off on the left, nothing left off the table, nothing, nothing left onset. Nothing is like, literally it is like the end, like everything that you need. And the thing about all of this work, whether it's mindset work or limiting belief work or law of attraction and manifesting, there is no one thing that works like I've shared before about my daily practices that I use, which isn't specific to manifesting, but it does. It, it is like part of, you know, it can help and it can play a really big pot. Um, but I don't actually talk about the steps of how to go through it and the actual processes, but really it's about working out what is right for you.
And that is what the program is going to be and giving you every single tool so that you can like pick out the ones that work because anyone that ever teaches that hate this one thing, this one thing is gonna be the thing that works is not, that's not true. Like it's not that journaling workspace or every single person. It's not that like, you know, um, this specific yoga practice works for every single person. That's just not true. And so it's about finding the thing that works for your blueprint, your DNA, your model of the world that is most successful for you, so that you find your Holy grails, that you find your quantum leap, um, and that you have every tool under the sun to get there. And there are so many, you guys, there are so freaking many and so many that aren't talked about, like I've done now.
I don't even know at least, at least for manifesting programs and every single one has been like, yup. Okay. Yup, yup. Yup. There's nothing really new. It's just taught in a different way. And it is important to find someone to you that resonates, like if I didn't resonate with you, great, go and find someone else that does like go and find someone that says it in a way or explains in a way that resonates with you so that it's going to sink in. And so it's going to work that you're going to show up and do the work so that you can get the results that you want. And if that's me amazing come and do it with me and I'll give you everything that you need. Uh, but one of the biggest things I've realized is this, no, I haven't come across a program that gives you every single tool that you need.
Like, and I don't want to hold anything back because I don't want to assume that my staff is going to work for you. And everything everyone says is it has to be the thing that works for you. And yet it's not given in every single, in every single program that I've at least I've done. And so that's essentially what we're going to go through and it's going to be like, it's probably going to be four weeks and it's going to be just literally taken quantum leaps in every single week so that you can massively up-level and said that you have every single thing available to you so that you can break through every single thing that right now is holding you back. Because here's the thing, even if you're studying that and you're like, how could I possibly I'm on X paying, you know, amount of salary I'm in a government job.
I, you know, I could never earn X amount, right? Because this is how much I earned in my career. Like, that's just what people make or, you know, I'm an entrepreneur and that's just, I just can't charge more people. Don't pay more for like what I do, or I come from a poor family and it's just know where I live or whatever. All of that is conditioning that has been handed to you by society. There is nothing you cannot do. There is no life that you cannot have. And there is literally nothing that you can't cocreate with the universe that is out of your reach. There is no difference between you and me. There is no difference between someone living in a multimillion dollar mansion and you, there is no, there is no difference from a multimillionaire and you, and the reason, the biggest reason is that they have a different money blueprint, a different energetic money blueprint that they have.
Luckily being handed to them, you know, by their peers, by their parents, by their friends, they've many have consciously watch create what they have. Some have unconsciously got there because they've just had the parents that have, you know, the right energetic blueprint, which is purely, genuinely just thought processes, beliefs, stories, thoughts, patterns, habits, practices, that's it. That is all that makes this up. And I want to give every single one to you so that you can be that multimillionaire that I know that many of you want to be. And so yes, this program is specifically focused on manifesting and limiting beliefs and mindset, work on changing you to create a blueprint that works specifically to attract and create more money. Here's the thing, even if more money, isn't what you want, which most of the time it is because most of the things that we want aside from love, cost money, like that's just the truly, it costs money to have the things we want.
That's how things work, right? Uh, money is just energy, like I said. And so you can apply every single practice to attract and bring in and colon everything that you freaking want, because everything is just energy. Wow. I spoke about a lot today, but some of you, you have, you kind of known, you've been picking up that. I've been talking about this for a while, for S for others. This might be like a total shock and you'll be like, hold on, Simone, all you talk about is investing in. All you spoken about is investing in investing bootcamp for like months and what the hell, but I'm so excited to be bringing this because this is the missing piece of the puzzle that I haven't been speaking about so much. And it's the piece of the puzzle that is so pivotal in any, anything that we do, the mindset work, the energetic work, the spiritual work.
And when you step into that and tap into that, Holy crap, babe, your world is about to freaking explode and I cannot wait. I cannot wait to bring this to and work with you. And for those that decide to join me, Holy crap, we're going to have a fuck ton of fun. Huh? All right. So stay tuned for more info about how to join me or DM me if you want to reach out and make sure that you're going to be included in the program when it is released. And when I do it live and deliver it live. And if not, babe, I'll see you next week for another episode. I love you. Thank you for joining me. See you then.
Thank you so much for tuning in today. Way. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more podcasts and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Welty official, even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will see you next week on another app.