How Nikki Arya became a confident investor
Mar 16, 2020Wondered what it's like hearing from other women JUST LIKE YOU who have the same beliefs and myths about investing?
Nikki takes you through exactly what it's like going on the journey from 'how on earth' to 'I totally got this'... and her inside scoop on Investing Bootcamp
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Simone Mercer Huggins:
If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money podcast.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Welcome onto the podcast, Nikki. I'm so glad that you're here and talking with me. I'm so excited. Okay. Just for our listeners, we were literally just laughing about how Nikki's really nervous about being on the bunk. Sorry, nervous. Um, and I do remember, I think we're at episode 48 now, and I do remember recording my first one and honestly it just being like, I can't even remember what I said now, but I know that always people always go back and listen to episode one and it must be so different because I was totally nervous just like you now, um, makes me feel better. Yeah, totally. And this is very normal for anyone that is new to just being online and doing something like this. So I'm really glad that you've come on. Thanks. Um, yeah. And so I'm going to ask some rapid fire questions before we get in and start learning a bit about your journey and stuff. Uh, so first one, where do you live now? What do you do? Ah, I live in Bondai beach, um, beautiful part of Australia and, um, I work as a marketing and sales managing real estate. Cool. Awesome. So you already have that exposure, uh, favorite quote? Um, I picked one from Benjamin Franklin, uh, and investment in knowledge pays the best interest. I thought that's quite relevant.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And is it actually one of your favorite quotes? Cause like, I think I've never made an investment in knowledge and um, in like stocks particularly. And I'm so glad I did that this year. It's really paid off. It's funny you say this year and it's so true. It is this year. It's certainly much, um, okay. Name one thing. He loves spending money on. I love travel. I've done about 45 countries, which I'm quite proud of, um, Amos to get to 101 day. Okay. I mean, I'm pretty sure you'll get there. Um, okay. What does money mean to you? Um, I think money is quite important because, um, I do have quite a few dreams and goals, for example, having a house with the pool near the beach, um, traveling to a hundred countries. So I think all that wouldn't really be possible. Yeah. If money
Nikki Arya:
Was out of the equation. Yeah. Okay. Got it. Awesome. Um, well for all the listeners on here, I announced our Facebook. I don't Instagram that Nikki has actually joined the [inaudible] team. Um, and, but there's actually not where she started. So she came into my world. When did you kind of, when did you find me in the podcast? When I got back from central America to a six week holiday, um, and I read quite a few like self help books and I came back thinking 2020 needs to be a different Gates. The next decade I have to do something different and I stumbled across your podcast. Right. And I started listening to it, like, let's say end of January, that's when I got back. Wow. So then you had like a whirlwind and then joined investing boot camps. Right. Okay. So that's how you found me then you joined investing bootcamp, went through the journey and then for everyone listening, um, it was just an everyone knows I'm pretty into the, we're pretty into universal timing and, um, energy and just things happening for the right reason.
Nikki Arya:
Nikki actually reached out to me about just doing side hustle stuff and it just happened to be that I was looking for someone at the time. And I remember starting when I started my business journey and like working with other, you know, other entrepreneurs and that you all have challenges, everyone has challenges in life. Right. Um, and now we're talking about their business challenges and about hiring people. And when I first started the business ms. Wealthy, I was like, I'm not even at that stage. Like, I'm just trying to build a website right now. Right. Um, and literally coming into this phase now of hiring someone and that process, it has been really hard. It's really hard to find someone that is really passionate about, you know, obviously money and like women and empowerment around that, but also having the actual, just the terminology. Right.
Nikki Arya:
And so the fact that you had been through the program, you already have that exposure on property and you're a smart woman, um, has, it was just, it was such universal meant to be totally divine timing. Um, so that was amazing. So, uh, everyone listening now, Nikki has actually come on to me as well, to help grow the brand and the company into new Heights as we take it to what 2020 looks like. And then even beyond that, so events are coming up this year, a mastermind is forming. And so, yeah, it's just going to the next level really exciting. And then investing bootcamp will literally continue to grow particularly with what is going on right now. Um, and so I guess I want to talk about for you because we've actually never, we actually haven't spoken about this. So this is really exciting for me to hear this from you firsthand, um, what it was like for you in terms of the stock market or investing, like, what did you have
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Before even embarking on this? Um, this was a couple of years ago, about three or four years ago. Um, I did want to invest in stocks, so I got a couple of tips from my friends and like, you know, just randomly picked some stocks, some blue chip stocks and created a portfolio, which I didn't know much about. Do you have any knowledge? Um, my beliefs were, was quite risky. Um, so I, then I had a holiday plan, so I just took out all the money. Cause I didn't really know what I was doing. I was unsure. Um, and I just went away and then I, um, decided to revisit stock investing because property is quite expensive to get into. Yeah. Um, so I wanted to diversify my portfolio, try and do something different. So stocks was always on my mind, but I just didn't know how and where to get started and to get the knowledge.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
So it just worked out really well after the podcast and the investing bootcamp. Right. And so you said that you kind of, you thought it was risky before. Yeah. Isn't that interesting even though you've well, you've already been investing in property. Do you think your belief around that has changed? It has definitely, you know, because of learning how it works and the ins and outs. Yes. What other beliefs did you have? Um, those were the two main ones. Um, I didn't know that, that our stock picking was the right way to go about it. Um, I think I learned a lot through the boot camp as to, um, what's the safer bet. Yeah. Um, and um, yeah, the longterm investment plan, like not thinking short term, so yes, the knowledge. Yeah. I think most people do get caught up on that, which is really funny because when you think about property, people don't think about property in a short term view, but for some reason, the default belief pattern around stocks is short term.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Um, and it's just about kind of breaking that break, breaking down that belief really. Um, okay. And what about like, obviously you said, so you, some of your friends had kind of also started picking some well, okay. What's it like, like in your group of friends? Cause I'm always interested to know, like, because obviously everyone has their own like cluster and belief patterns within your own groups and you talk about like certain things and you might have a bunch of groups of friends that like, um, you know, some people listening might have groups of friends that spend all the money and have massive amounts of credit card debt. Some group of friends might have friends that like aren't even investors have any been considered. It what's it like in your cluster? Um, I think my cluster is pretty similar to me. Like everyone, you know, like they say, but at the same feather flock together, so everyone's quiet, um, career focused and we talk about money, grow the investment. Um, couple of my friends have got, um, investment properties as well. Um, they do invest in stocks, um, their partners working, like one of my friends, um, partner works in Google. Um, he, um, he gave us some tips. I get it. Yeah. So yeah, like everyone's quite switched on and wanting to do more. Um, and I think even in the last five to 10 years we have definitely gone.
Nikki Arya:
Right. Is yeah. Okay. From what we were back then. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think when your focus is investing in growth and the next level, of course you will. Yeah. Um, okay, cool.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And I guess the longterm view for you, like why is it important obviously a no travel and you want like a house, but like why, or why is all that stuff important to you? Um, I think in my twenties, I didn't think about it that much once 30 hits. Um, I think you do start thinking about your super about like different things. Like, you know, where should you invest in, like you start thinking that, I mean, as a female as well, like, you know, if you going to go on maternity leave and like, um, there's so many things that could happen. So you just want to kind of make sure that you have your future secure, um, and think of longterm investment, um, and just not short term as to next five years, you want to plan for the next 10, 15, 20 years. Um, financial freedom has always been a talk of town. Right. But it's just hard to know how to achieve that. Um, I think till like your light bulb doesn't turn on, you don't start thinking about it. So not until this year, I started thinking about it, um, and decided to take action. I think so
Nikki Arya:
That's, I mean, that's impressive. Like you, it sounds like you decided to start thinking about it early and then made like literally a decision like that. That's right. That's good. That's the way to do it. And you're so right. Like, I feel like maybe the millennials coming through now and starting like to think about money and financial future and all that sort of stuff a bit earlier, but for sure, it's just not something you think about in your, in your twenties. It's it's, you know, and I w I was kind of the same too, um, until I was in credit card debt and I had to learn how to get out of it, and then it was the next thing, but, uh, yeah, so many mid twenties are like, it's just not the focus. Um, just really wish I could change that, but it's so hard to make longterm stuff sexy for
Simone Mercer Huggins:
20 year olds. Yes, it is. But I definitely wish I had thought about this 10 years ago. Cause if I did, then right now I'd be in a better financial situation. Of course. Yeah. I think we all would. I think that's
Nikki Arya:
Literally when people ask like what their biggest regret is, where like around money and investing pretty much the one that features at the top is I wish I'd just started seminar. Yeah. Um, and I forgot, I was just like bottle it up and make a pill. Like it would be amazing, but anyway, um, and what was it like for you going through investing bootcamp blank and that kind of journey?
Simone Mercer Huggins:
I didn't know what to expect. That's in the start. Um, I did the webinar. I was quite interested. I sent you a couple of questions cause I was nervous about clicking pay. Now it always has that mindset that you just don't know what you're getting yourself into, but, um, you made me quite comfortable answering all my questions, my queries. Um, and it was just like a gut feeling too, that this is the right thing for me. And I signed up, which is, I think the best thing I did I'll mention that. Um, and once I started going through the six weeks every week was, um, there was a lot of, um, good content, a lot of knowledge, um, a lot of questions in the group. Um, it was, it was just this journey that took you from knowing not much at all to becoming an confident investor. Yeah.
Nikki Arya:
And do you feel like you can, it's actually funny one of the other members this week, I think commented about how she caught herself, uh, talking about investing and wealth, uh, with one of her male colleagues, you know, in the corridor at work. Um, and that she was just like really impressed and like happy and confident and like just pleased with herself because that is not something that she could have done, you know, two months ago or whatever. Um, which is really, really exciting. And I really love that you kind of go from, I have no idea what the fuck and then to, yeah. Like, Oh, like I know this like now, and it's hard to go back now and think what didn't I know, you know,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Really, and it's only six weeks. Like it goes so quick, you learn so much like the last call last week. I was so sad. I don't want this to be over. It's
Nikki Arya:
Another well, as, you know, doesn't go anywhere. Um, but yeah, the six weeks it does go totally fast. And I know what you mean when you kind of like, you're hovering on that pay now button of like, do I do this because do I like, do I spend the, you know, however many thousand dollars? Because what if I could just like Google the answer? Yes. If I could just like do whatever. And I know for me I've invested like, Oh my God, tens and tens and tens of thousands of dollars, uh, into my own personal development. And yeah, like every time it's like always a bit bigger, like, you know, I've gone to Tony Robbins and sometimes that's five or $6,000 a pop. Um, and it is like, do I do it? Do I do it? And it's totally normal because actually a lot of people had said also I was really nervous about, um, just yeah, like hitting pain out, just joining.
Nikki Arya:
Um, but I'm glad you did. Yes. I'm so glad I did it. Um, and I think everyone listening should, if they haven't yet. I think it's, um, and it's funny, like I used to kind of get a bit funny about talking about the price of the program or whatever, and I'm like, well, you know what, like if you want to invest in yourself, you'll do it. Um, or if you want to use Google as your thing, then use Google and like hope for the best. But I mean, that strategies never worked for me, uh, personally, but, um, yeah, now I'm just very open about this is the price. If you wanna, if you wanna join in, you want to do it. And if you serious too, and I think what I love and I'm really seeing like really clearly from all the women that are coming through is it's not a curiosity it's particularly like you and all the other women, particularly this round, it's like, they are serious about building a hundred K and beyond portfolio. Um, and over the course of your life, what you learn in it, you know what I mean? Like you're dead serious about it.
Nikki Arya:
I see the path. Like I totally get how that is built into a million dollars. Um, yeah. Which is, which is amazing because it's the right women coming through. Um, okay, awesome. I guess I also want to know now, how do you feel about your finances and your future? Do you think it's also changed
Simone Mercer Huggins:
With your habits around money or anything like that? Yes, definitely. Um, the money bonus call that we had, um, and the techniques around money mastery that has helped me a lot, um, in terms of having different accounts have to, um, how to, um, separate your pain to like, you know, how much just putting your freedom account and your savings and everything. Like it's taught me a lot. Um, it was a lot to absorb in the start. It took me a while to get my head around it, but once it's all set up, um, it's really good. I think it's really good to have it because, um, I always thought that you need to earn more, to save more. Right. Um, and I was like, Oh, once I get to this salary figure, I would be able to say this much, but I don't think it's necessary. Like after going through the whole six week course, like you can start saving now.
Nikki Arya:
Yeah, you're right. It's absolutely what you keep and what you do with it. Um, Oh, you see more money as the goal. Definitely. I think all should be high income earners and all women should earn more. Um, but yeah, like trying to solve the same money problem with more money,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
But yeah, that's a hundred.
Nikki Arya:
Um, okay, amazing. I think I had so many other questions to ask you. And I mean, I kind of feel like we've spoken about a lot. Um, but I guess for me, like, it's always been about the belief change too. And like this, like the reason investing Bree camp is built the way it is and not like a belief system is it's almost like you need to do the action to change your beliefs. Do, does that make sense? Yes, it does. Um, cause there are so many mixed beliefs around and like the fear around which stops so many women from investing. Um, do you think you had fear and has that changed now? Yeah, definitely. Like, um, this whole six weeks has changed my mindset and my beliefs and my confidence. Um, it has, um, really motivated me to do, um, to do something that I wouldn't have done six weeks ago, um, to have invested and, um, to change the way I spend my money as well. So yeah, I have learned a lot and I'm very confident now. Good. You say you definitely seem it. Um, and what about, I think we probably need to touch on the fact that right now the economy is in panic stations. Right. Um, and we've obviously had some conversations inside the group about what's happening with the economy and uh, the strategies around investing and stuff like that right now. How do you feel like particularly being a new investor, how do you feel about what's going on with the economy? Um, I think it's a great time to
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Bye [inaudible]. So I'm just trying to say about a bit more and hopefully with all this going on, um, it's a great time to buy cars.
Nikki Arya:
The stocks are at a good price. Um, and yep. And so you don't have any nerves around it? I don't know.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
That's amazing. Yeah. I didn't think I would feel like this, but yeah. I just don't feel anything. So I'm sorry. Yeah. Cause like other people
Nikki Arya:
Actually literally obviously, because of what I do and my focus, a lot of people know. And so they bring reaching out and asking me like, are you for dad? Are you worried? And even a lot of comments kind of like right now I'm on the Facebook page that are coming through just on like, you know, and it's really interesting to get people's I guess fear-based reactions, like people are saying now's a terrible time to buy and like, w you know, why would you do that or whatever. And, um, it's always really interesting to me cause it gives me a clear picture of their belief system where they're from and really then knowledge around how the market works. Um, and then knowledge around, um, what assets you can actually invest in. Um, and it's clear to me that most people staying that just don't have the right knowledge. Um, but also I guess yeah, like you, that you actually taking action despite of it, which is a really massive thing. Um, and I'm seeing like, obviously I'm seeing all the other women inside the program do it too. Uh, so it was just, yeah, it's just amazing. It's amazing to think.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Okay. It's like the 10 years of knowledge that you've got, Oh my God downloaded that in the six weeks. It's I think we are really lucky to have all that knowledge that, you know, you've been through and what you've done and everything to get it in six weeks. I think that's priceless.
Nikki Arya:
And it's crazy. Like I was kind of actually thinking, it's almost, it's actually now, now over 11 years because, and it's funny that this is all happening because I started my investing journey in the middle of the GFC and just watching, like everything happened then. And so just having, like watching this now and having the repeat is like, this is normal. Like, this is just, it's just part of the economy and how it works. And it's just about having the right knowledge about how, how, how it works and what to do for you. Um, okay. Amazing. Is there anything else you wanna add? Um,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
I think we've covered a lot of things that, um, I think I'd just like to add that it was such a great experience, um, learning with likeminded women. Yeah. And they miss investing bootcamp, um, all the questions and just having that support. I think it's, um, it really helps to take the next step cause you feel like you're not alone. You've got all these other people doing it at the same time. Um, so yeah, it was a great experience and I loved everything about it. Cute. That is so true. And you're so
Nikki Arya:
Like, that was always the focus. It was always on, on women. And so many people have asked me, why do you only focus on women? Um, but it's, it really is like we do learn differently and we also need to approach investing differently. Like, like you said about what if you take five years off for maternity leave, like, and then all of a sudden our time and counts it accounts are hit. Um, and that's not, there is no economy that I know of in the world that takes in account for that. Um, meaning, you know, women aren't reimbursed their investment funds for their retirement. And so we end up with less, less women actually invest. So there's a investing gap and there's also a pay gap that is there as always agenda pagan. Yeah. It's very real. And people try to tell me there was no need to go and get that fixed.
Nikki Arya:
Right. But, um, so all those things combined are just like, well, this is even more important for us. And, and you're so right. It's, you're not alone. Like I felt that way when I started investing. And so many women, particularly with the questions they ask, it's like, Oh my God, this is the same question everyone's asking. Like, and I just wish that you knew that, you know, not you, but like, um, everyone thinking the questions that they have. Yeah. I just wish that everyone knows that you are so not alone. Um, yeah. And the more that we can do this together, the more we rise together. Yeah, definitely. Well, thank you so much for coming on. Thanks for having me. It's really good to get, to hear your experience of it. Um, but also to people that get to know you, because they're going to be particularly, you know, new members that come on board this month, um, they'll get to know you more.
Nikki Arya:
They'll get to see you more in the Facebook group and stuff like that. So yeah, I'm really excited that you're on board officially and as wealthy too. I'm really excited too. It's been a great start to 2020. Yeah, totally. Right. And it's only like March or anything like a quarter of the way through that's. Right. Um, and actually, I forgot to announce this at the very beginning, but we are doing a live webinar this Thursday, so that's in a couple of days and then investing bootcamp opens up again, um, for the next round. Um, and this round is going to be kind of, you know, what we're seeing at the back of what you went through with our January round Nicki. Um, but this round is going to, so it's gonna be very similar. I'm gonna watch the economy and really learn about what's happening so that everyone is just as prepared as everyone that's already come through this year, early this year, uh, for the inevitable rebound, which of course it will.
Nikki Arya:
Um, yeah. And so that they're prepared to start investing and capitalize on that. Yes. Best time now. Right. Well, thanks for coming on. And um, yeah, you'll be hearing more and seeing more of Nikki too. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks so much. Thank you. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Rave. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more podcasts and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Wealthy official for even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will see you next week. Another app.