How I Use The 10/10/10 Rule To Become Seriously Wealthy
Jan 28, 2020The most successful people have some serious tools in their kit to pull from (and helps sets them apart).
It is used to bypass crappy subconscious decision-making (based on limiting and unhelpful biases and beliefs). This one method is something I use to apply to EVERY part of my life, especially finances. It truly is what has helped me become financially successful to this day - and it's something I still use.
Just as Jim Rohn says, “You cannot make progress without making decisions.”
P.S. Doors to Investing Bootcamp close in just 2 days time. Get in now babe!
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I've spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone Masa, Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kissed my money podcast.
I am on a bit of a hi. We just had the most amazing, amazing, amazing call last night with all of the new investment bootcamp vapes that have just joined in the last like six weeks. Um, and it was so good. You girls asked so many amazing questions. Um, I loved it. And so many of you are already diving into the replay because there was so much that we covered. So which reminds me if you are listening to this, uh, the doors to investing bootcamp close in just two days. So by the time this is uploaded and up live, the doors will be closing in 48 hours, basically. So if you've been sitting on the fence or if, you know, you're going to join in, get in now before they close, because I actually don't know when I'm opening this back up and we have literally just had over 17.
I think we just hit 17 yesterday, um, that have just joined in the last week or so. So you guys are amazing. I cannot wait to share the next six weeks with you on the journey together. Uh, and honestly kickstart 2020, um, make this, uh, the start to an incredible decade. I'm seeing so many of you just pushing through the fear, pushing past the scariness and the worry and the, Oh my God, this is there's nerves and it's freaking you out. Um, and I just really honor you because honestly, it's just like the quote. It says, field, feel the fear and do it anyway. And so often we all get sort of stopped with our belief system that like tells us, you know, all of these ridiculous things, because we've been brought up to believe certain things in our entire life. And that literally just perpetuates the story.
Um, and whatever you decide to just need to know you're making a decision either way. So whether you decide to join us or do you decide to delay either way, it's a decision. Okay. So make sure you don't miss out on this round. I'm also seeing, uh, I've spoken about this in the last episode or the episode before that, that I have invested a lot in myself for literally the upcoming next six months with a woman called manifestation, babe, her full name is Catherine Zen keener. And she currently has her program that has just opened up called the manifestation babe Academy. I think it's called basically to essentially become a manifestation master. And then she also has a rich baby Academy, which I will be also doing. And I'm going to her retreat to fully, fully immerse in literally upgrading my own mindset and bringing in more tools around a belief systems and money mindset and breaking down all of the crap that I know holds so many of us back, including me.
And I'm in retail. I have, I still have my mindset blocks that continued to come up, but it's like, you get to a different level. It's like new level new devil, right? Like previously my, my blocks were around debt and then it was, I could add a debt and then it was how to save and then it was, um, how to invest. And then it was, you know, I had a new devil. You mind that devil that, you know, it was, it felt scary or stopped me from getting to the next level and every level beyond that is another level. Uh, and ever since I've started to implement some of the learnings and trainings that I have been taking over the last, uh, about six weeks now. Uh, literally everything has text. I'm not even kidding, uh, not just in the business, but personally as well, uh, to fully like I've taken a quantum leap in so many areas because I'm implementing all of this stuff.
Um, I know that so many of you listening, uh, also into the world, um, but here's the thing, the word doesn't work unless you do the work. Right. And yeah, that's why I'm so excited because as you probably know, I'm all about taking action and even the biggest law of attraction and manifestation experts out there. Talk about how there are 12 universal laws. There is the law of attraction, which is one, but there are also living others. One of them being the lore of action. So it's not just about trying to visualize or imagine something and then sitting on the couch. Um, it's actually about taking action aligned action with what you want to create. Um, so, you know, I'm all about the action. I'm also, I approach manifesting and law of attraction and tapping into the universe in a very quantum physics way. Um, even though I see all the energetic signs and all this sort of stuff for me, I really, I was used to be a skeptic in this area.
Um, and I used to think that didn't work and all this stuff, the more I research it, I learn about it. The more I dive into it, it is freaking mind blowing things like the double split, uh, slit experiment, um, things like, uh, literally the water changing under a microscope. Um, I think it was dr. Emoto, um, that did these experiments, um, things like, honestly, I, I can bring so many more to when you actually do the research around some of this stuff. It is absolutely freaking mind blowing. And in that way, I just, I realized I couldn't ignore the actual physical signs that this stuff is freaking real. And ever since I've been implementing it literally for the last six weeks, that's it? Um, things have just been incredible. And I can't wait to share more of that or over the next, literally over the next year, because I know that it's for myself, I'm going to take a massive quantum leap this year.
And that means I can share more with you. And that means I can help you take another quantum leap in your area of whatever you want to increase. Right? So that, wasn't what I was going to talk about. Today's episode is actually talking about, uh, something that I use in my life that helps with decision-making. Um, and this is something that is it's. I haven't come up with it myself. It's actually something that Warren Buffett uses and it's kind of known within the entrepreneur space. Um, but not that well known because when I talk about this method for making decisions, um, a lot of people don't know about it. And so I have to get out of the mindset of thinking that everything that I know most people know as well, uh, I fall into that internal trap a bit. So that's what I want to talk to you about today.
Um, and basically it is called the 10, 10, 10 rule. Um, and it's not like the 10, 10, 10 when it comes to splitting your money. Um, it's actually a different process for analyzing decisions because the thing is, we are all, all making decisions every single day, constantly like literally constantly. And so many of them are subconscious. And so many of those decisions are based on our belief system. So we can only make decisions based on what the brain knows how to process, right? And so when you you've programmed your subconscious mind to believe and see and think a certain way, it will make decisions based on that being the correct or quote unquote right. Decision, right. Answer for you, even though it may not be, it's just that your belief system hasn't been explored or rewired or reprogrammed, but you can use this to really help with avoiding decision fatigue and really analyzing stuff on the basis.
I'm going to stop using the word analyzing because that's actually not what it is, I guess, just coming to a conclusion for you. That's right, because we have enough decision making and we get to decision fatigue, right. Um, and so this is also for people who sometimes struggle with the instant gratification thing, and this comes up so much around money. I mean, I've spoken about this before that we live in an instant gratification world. Um, and I'm not immune to it either with Instagram and Facebook and whatever the newest version is, tick-tock or YouTube. Everything's pretty much at the click of a button. We can order stuff on Amazon. We can order clothes. Often you can get them the same day delivery. We can order it, eats and have it, you know, to us in half an hour. Uh, we can get an over within five minutes.
And so we're so used to everything just being there and available, and now, and this behavior habit conditioning is so, so affects how we make decisions around money. And this comes up so much around spending patterns and people feeling like they're spenders, um, and really never getting ahead, never getting past the paycheck to paycheck cycle, or just struggling with how to get out of debt. And I also have so many of you DME with honestly, honestly, babe, such similar stories. And I want you to know that you are not alone with what you're going through around money. Um, one of the most common ones is me hearing essentially that, that your procrastination level is at like expert. You are a master at procrastination, and here's the thing with procrastination. You're still making a decision cause delaying is still a decision whether you think it is or not.
But probably the reason that that is happening is because you just don't have the right framework to make the decision to hit, go to just do it, to dive in. Yes. There's the fear. Yes. There's the, all of the limiting beliefs holding you back from where you want to go. There's your ego at play. There are so many factors, right. Uh, and often is also the, just the you're asking like, is it an empowering, helpful question or is it a limiting question is going to keep you stuck in the same place. So instead of saying, how can I afford it most say, Oh, I can't afford it. That's not possible. It's just not a reality right now, but what if it could be, what if I could make this reality? And so that is often also what's at play. And so this 10, 10, 10 role, uh, actually really helps to really analyze and look, Oh, that's that word again, analyze to, to really determine whether something is right for you.
And this is not for decisions around your daily coffee, but it is for things that are a little bit bigger than that. So how it's, there's basically three, three parts really, really simple. It is the first one. How will you feel about your decision in 10 minutes? And if it's like, Oh my God, I'm going to feel amazing. I'm going to feel like this is like actually doing this and committing to like, yes, the fields still be there. Yes. I will still be really nervous, but the fact that like I took action and I did it and I decided, and I crossed it. If, you know, you're going to feel amazing in 10 minutes because of, because of that decision you're making, then that's a step in the right direction. Right. And then the second part is how will I feel about my decision in 10 months?
And this is where it starts to get interesting because this also helps with the decisions we make day to day on stuff that often doesn't matter. It also helps in, you know, you don't have to just apply this to your financial life. This can literally be for everything, uh, and making a decision around, you know, it could be a big purchase or it could be a smaller things in your life. And then the third thing is how will I feel about my decision in 10 years? And so many people don't ask that third question. So many, like I can't even express to you, babe, how many? And the reason is, is most people don't have a 10 year outlook. They either don't have a vision or a goal, or they just don't see past the next three months, or maybe it's just too hard to think about.
Or maybe it seems too far away that it seems maybe it's boring. Maybe you're not connected enough to your why. Maybe it's just, it doesn't seem as joyful or as exciting as you want it to be. And so often that can be because we have limiting beliefs around what we believe we can do or can achieve or can have, uh, because when I look at my 10 year goal and I don't know exactly how I'm going to get there, but it's more about your why and the, what you want rather than the how. And this used to get me stopped so much worrying about the, how thinking that, because I didn't know the, how that I couldn't possibly get to the, what I wanted. Uh, but when you ask your question, when you ask, how will they feel about my decision in 10 years? That's a different question, because think about if you were going to make a decision today that changes your 10 year future.
If you were to do that now, and that's going to impact you in 10 years, you know that you're going to be in at whatever, a better position or, you know, that actually this is the right move for me. And so this is how I love these, this 10, 10, 10 framework, because you can apply it to air everything. Things like going to the gym. How I feel about my decision in 10 minutes, uh, probably feel good cause who doesn't feel good that after exercise, you always feel good, right? It's just that in that moment it was a cold and you don't want to go or you just want to sleep in. And the alarm is just, you want to hit the snooze button. Right. But when you get up and you go, you might be tired, but like what happens after that? You're going, gonna feel amazing.
And how do you feel about your decision in 10 months? Well, that one morning that you want to sleep in is really not going to matter in 10 months. Right? Cause it's all about just be consistent, just like stick at it. So that fleeting feeling of, Oh, I'm tired. Oh, I can't be bothered. Oh, I'm cold or whatever it is that stops you. Um, that's often what stops me in the middle of dead of winter. I know that it's not gonna matter in 10 months. And really it's just all about getting to the gym, get it. I go to Pilates, but getting out and going. Um, and I know that if I make that decision every single time and I don't go to Pilates and I don't do that every single time, I'm not going to feel good in 10 months. Like I know that's reality.
I know what happens when I don't exercise for a long period of time. And then how you feel about your decision in 10 years? Well, for me to know that being consistent in my health and consistently looking after my body is super important, particularly because I had a lower back injury about three years ago now. And so the rehab was so long that it is so important to me now to make looking after myself, make training mate, make moving my body. I'm part of a daily routine because I, I feel it massively when I don't. And so applying is 10, 10, 10 role also works amazingly well when it comes to money. So say you have this like new car purchase that you want to check. It's cute, little red, whatever. And it's exactly the kind you've been looking for. And your car's a bit shitty at the moment and you really want a new one.
And you're like, how will I feel about this decision in 10 minutes? Well, you might feel amazing, right? It might feel really, really good because you're excited that you got this brand new shiny thing. How are you going to feel about your decision in 10 months? And let's think about that because the gratification of buying something big doesn't last very long, right? It doesn't, it States we get used to a new standard of living. We get used to the new thing and that becomes the norm and it doesn't, it no longer brings us the same amount of joy that it did for that 10 minutes. And so if you think about how you feel about your decision, well, what if you take on a car loan and you're, then you feel trapped because of that debt? What if, uh, you realize that the car is actually depreciated massively, cause you rolled up out of the dealership, which actually does happen.
You're paying like double the amount for the car that if you actually sold it now is worth half. And so is that the right thing for you? And then how will you feel about your decision in 10 years? I can pretty much guarantee that every single person will say, you know what, in 10 years time, this car is not, is going to be a blip. It's like, yeah, I'll buy for, I remember buying it, but this isn't actually going to help me going into debt on a car. Isn't going to help me in 10 years time. And I would have wished I regret doing that. How I'm going to feel in 10 years, time is gee. I actually spent five years paying off that damn thing. Right. And this is why it's so amazing because you can step into your future self on anything, massive, anything major, anything you sitting on the fence or anything that you're just like, I want to do this.
Or I think this is going to be powerful or this is really bugging me or whatever it is. And this 10, 10, 10 also helps some of the, like I do this with decisions and thinking it's a really big deal or like getting into, getting caught up in the drama or something when the drama isn't actually there, I'm done this before on like small stuff or whatever. And then if I ask myself the question of in 10 minutes, well, you know, if I let it go, then I feel better. But really if I ask myself in 10 months, I'm not even really gonna remember half of the stuff that I think I get all wrapped up in. Right. And how I'm going to feel in 10 years. Yeah. Like this doesn't even matter. It's a total blip. So it just breeze past it. Uh, this is honestly used to break you out of the autopilot so that you can actually spend time thinking about your answer to each of the questions and rather than getting, you know, thinking and like, don't think in one word answers actually really explore them.
Like where will your body feel it? Like, where will it sit with you? Like, how will you actually, are you going to be a lady? Are you going to be happy and a cry? Like, will it bring you closer to your goals? And this is probably the biggest thing. Will it bring you closer to your goals? And if you feel like the 10, 10, 10, isn't really landing with you, then just use that one question. Will this bring you closer to your goals? That's it like? That's basically in a nutshell. And because when I think about some of the major decisions that I make in my life around money and around wealth and like future financial freedom, which as you know, is a really big driver for me. Um, I think about like whether that one thing will be a massive impact and maybe it won't be, but if I continue to make that decision on repeat, like, will that actually impact my life and will the tiny decisions that isn't really gonna make it an, you know, an impact if I do it once in 10 years time, but will I make an impact if it compounds and I continue to it, uh, just like the health example.
And so I also feel like this is massively helpful when I ask people about what they want in 10 years. And if they're making the decisions right now that are going to get them there. And this is sometimes feels like a punch in the gut because it can be a reality check. Like if you want this stuff in 10 years, but you're not doing it, how do you think it's going to happen? Like is the current plan of not doing it, not working on it, not making the decision to work towards it. Is that working? And the final note I want to say on this is if you have joined me on the recent masterclass I did where I spoke about how quickly something compounds. For example, if you putting in $60 a week or whatever, to your future, how that can actually compound. And this is why I'm making tiny decisions regularly actually makes a massive impact.
Like I showed. I showed you, and if you've already seen it, then you already know that literally just $60 a week ends up getting you to half a million, like easily. And that's not possible if you never start this, this is making sense. All right. That's the information today. I, I really hope that you can apply this and learn from it and use it to get you closer to what you want. All right, babe. I can't wait to see you inside investing bootcamp. When we kick off our six week rout live round next week. I'm so excited to do this with you and just see all of your financial lives transform. It makes me honestly so excited. All right, otherwise,
See you next week.