Finding Courage, Certainty + Confidence with Renee Claire
Apr 23, 2020There is one thing that binds us all together: we all experience self doubt and uncertainty. In this episode, I talk to a client of mine who is a coach herself, and helps her own clients live their true purpose, find inner peace and ultimately step in to the courage, certainty and confidence that we all have within us.
We also talk about making money shifts, energetic work and questioning our own belief system.
You can find Renee Claire at: https://reneeclairehealth.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/reneeclairehealth/
You're going to love how relatable this conversation is. Enjoy!
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Simone Mercer Huggins:
If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I've spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kissed my money podcast.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Welcome back to another episode of the kiss, my money podcast. Thanks for being here, babe. Hey, I am interviewing someone today who is such an incredibly gorgeous, so she's actually one of my one-on-one clients. I don't talk about a lot, but I do do one-on-one wealth coaching and shit. What Renee does, who I'm interviewing today is just such a beautiful lesson for so many of us. And I really wanted to share what she does, but also give you some insights into some of the stuff that we all face. Things like lack of certainty, lack of self esteem, the feeling of like, I don't feel good enough, like Holy crap, how many of us put your hand up, have ever experienced that? And if you've been listening to previous podcasts of mine, I've definitely spoken about my struggle with my own self worth that led me to depression.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
So I know it's something that so many people face and Rene teachers about finding courage, finding certainty and finding confidence. And she is a coach herself and she has her clients literally fought, fly her around the world just to have one on one in person sessions with her. She's also been featured internationally and she just has an incredible style. So I really loved and, uh, recording this conversation. And I know that you guys will get so much out of it because we talk about money mindset and literally like going from icon, afford that to how you can actually transform your thinking. We talk about living your true purpose. We talk about finding your inner peace and we go deep into money shifts and also just a lot around energetic work and your entire belief system. So I know you guys are gonna love this. Let's dive in.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Welcome Renee. I'm so excited to have you on here. We've been talking about doing this for so long. Totally. Thank you so much for having me. So I think we should dive first rapid fire, and then I'm going to dive straight into your story because you have such an interesting one and I think it's going to resonate with so many people right now, because I know that so many people are going through the same kind of thing. And also you help women, especially, you know, overcome that. So, but first off before we dive in, because I was literally just about to jump into it right. Then where did you grow up? I grew up in Oakland and New Zealand. Okay. Hence the slight Kiwi accent. Yes. Favorite quote is a Tony Robbins change your expectation for appreciation and your world changes. Yeah. So good at name one thing you love spending money on coffee. Okay, good. Small bit. Sweet. And what does money mean to you? Money means freedom. Okay, good. Perfect. Nice and simple. I was going to say
Renee Claire:
G as well. It does mean energy, freedom and energy, which, you know, only what three and a half months ago. It meant something quite different.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. [inaudible], we'll talk about that in a minute, but I want to kind of talk about your story because you know, particularly for you, things have exploded so much recently and that your story has been picked up by the new cycle essentially. And you've been interviewed for that and it's literally, you've gone. You've got nationwide right now. All you've got and cross countries, I think. Yeah. So we're right. Oh my God. Okay. So tell us about your story because that is essentially
Renee Claire:
What started it off. Yep. So I spent a really long time. So from very early childhood feeling like I wasn't good enough and being around an environment where suicide was kind of a normal talked about thing, if that makes sense. And so I picked up on that because as a child, you pick up on what you were around and at the age of nine, I was sexually abused. And then by the age of 12, I had my first suicide attempt. And then from there, it continued throughout my teenage years. And throughout teenage years, I picked up shopping addictions. I picked up drugs, alcohol sex, you name it like any kind of vice I would latch onto because I was so seeking a sense of self worth, being good enough, being seen, being heard, being loved. And this continued into my twenties, um, and moving to Australia and actually continued even until I met my husband who I wasn't married to at the time.
Renee Claire:
And I actually went through a, I was so desperate for love that I, um, I tricked him into getting pregnant and yeah. Yeah. And thankfully he's an incredible, incredible person. And we've done a lot of work on ourselves, both of us and our daughter was the best blessing in the world. Um, and that she actually changed my life and she helped me see that I was actually repeating patterns that I didn't want to repeat. And I, I had a pharmaceutical drug addiction as well. So I was hooked on patterning, fought for a long time. Even after having my daughter, I didn't have it while I was pregnant with her, but beforehand. And then after having her, I went back to that because again, I actually thought we're having a trial. It would give me the love I was searching for. Yeah. And it didn't. Um, and so I went back to my vices and continue to relive this.
Renee Claire:
I'm not good enough story until my oldest was actually four. So by this stage, I'd had another child as well with my husband and I saw my behavior and my four year old. And it was the catalyst for me for change. She was demonstrating behavior that I'd recognized from myself that I'm not good enough that the unworthiness, she was seeking my lung surgery support, lay that it almost like was a dagger in my heart, but it was a great dagger because it was a real moment of change. And I made that decision then to ask for help. And I went out and sought help when I initially sought help for her behavior. And someone said to me, it was actually a fellow coach. And they said to me, what's going on at home? What's going on with you? That was pretty hard to hear at the time my anger took a bit of a hit.
Renee Claire:
Um, but when I actually looked at me, I was like, yeah, it is me. It's like behavior she's for how else does she know how to respond like this? Um, so then I went and went down the coaching journey and hired my own, my very first coach, which was super scary and super daunting. It was the best thing I ever did, the absolute, this thing. And from there, I broke through my limiting beliefs and found love for myself. And it actually didn't take that long, which was amazing. And from there, I went on to explore further and went to Tony Robbins seminars and then went on to realize that this had had such an impact on my life. I got off the pharmaceutical medication. I stopped drinking wine. I started to see and feel things. Clearly. I started to love my husband more. I started to see my kids completely changed completely.
Renee Claire:
My, my four year old who's now seven. Her life just is so different. Yeah. And from there I recognized that I wanted to help people the same way I've been helped. And so I went and studied NLP and timeline therapy and hypnotherapy so that I could go out and actually help people as well. And in the last 10 months I've built a really successful business where in the last 10 months I've been able to impact over 500,000 people. So amazing. So amazing. Really the transformation from like, would you consider, you know, I know I can talk to this because I know you so well now it, would
Simone Mercer Huggins:
You say you were an alcoholic
Renee Claire:
At the time? No, I wouldn't. I, now I look back, um, maybe, maybe it's not, I'm very big on the term when you give things labels for me, it almost allows you to accept it. Yeah. And in a good way or a bad way. Um, so look, some people may say I was, I was drinking probably one to two bottles of wine on average a night. So maybe yeah. Yeah. Well, at least rather than calling you as a person, alcoholic your behavior at that time displayed, um, I never, if someone had said that to me, my ego would have come in. No I'm gone. No, no, no. Doesn't drink. Yeah. And I would have totally justified it.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. And it's so interesting to see now that you have, well, I know that you have clients who come to you, you know, with some syllabi, similar things, right. You're facing some similar things of like, you know, this is what I'm struggling with, or this is what I'm facing, or I don't know how to get out of my current condition. Um, but can't see
Renee Claire:
That kind of behavior. Yes. Yeah. A hundred percent never the problem. No, of course not. You know, like the drinking with the pharmaceutical drugs is shopping, compulsive shopping. I racked up $40,000 worth of debt in my early, late teens, early twenties, and then paid that off and then went and got myself into some more debt because I was constantly filling a void. You know, I wanted that next pair of editor shoes because it made me feel good for an hour. Yeah. Maybe true. If I was lucky.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. And it does, it does work. That's why it happens. And that's, what's so interesting about addiction. And I see the judgment come up for so many people in our society of like, Oh, they're dried up drug addicts or, Oh, they're addicted to alcohol. And yet unfortunately, probably one of the biggest addiction is addiction to spending why we have such huge credit card debts for, you know, really nothing and a addiction to things like social media. Yeah. And it manifests the same way. Like it's the same thing. It doesn't matter what the actual product is. And so we'll, you know, you know, this people come to me for very similar things of like, I can't stop spending. It's kind of like you say, the problem is not the problem. That's right. When you recognize that it's life changing. Right. Yeah, exactly. Uh, and obviously you came to me, not with that specific problem, but you had reached your point where you had been doing some coaching for a while and you saw certainly money as being something that you hadn't tapped into
Renee Claire:
Simone Mercer Huggins:
What was it like for before you? Cause I hadn't obviously talk to w what things I now, but what was it like for you before, like your relationship with money and what you grew up with and how you formed your beliefs around
Renee Claire:
Your experiences? Yeah. So look, it was actually really interesting. One of the biggest realization moments for me recognizing that I had, I'm going to use the word. I almost had a fixation on money. I thought persons around money. I would probably think about money. I couldn't even tell you how many times a day. Cause it was so often I would log into my bank account and check it regularly. Even though I knew nothing else was coming in there that day, I would just constantly think about what bills I had to pay, what I could do, how much money did I have? Because in my mind I was associating so much self-worth to my money. Yeah. And surprisingly enough, actually didn't have a lot of it or when I would get it, I would spend it when I would get it. I would try and offload it straight away onto all my bills.
Renee Claire:
I've always been one of those people. That's always had all my bills paid and I would, I would do just that. And it was like, I would live paycheck to paycheck. Even when I started my own business, it was a very similar cycle. I grew up with two parents who are gamblers and never touched the gambling side of things. I was repulsed by it. However, I went into the, filling, the void with the spinning, the buying unnecessary things all the time. Like I said, like, you know, the pair of Eddie dads or the pair of labeled shoes, whatever they were the, the, you know, uh, lunar lemon clothes, which I love, but I would, I would go and buy a lot and I didn't need them. I was a hundred percent trying to make myself feel better. Yeah,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Totally. It's it's the exact, what you were describing and see like the exact same thing that other people describe. Like, I can't stop it. I can't stop the spending. Like I need it. I know, you know, in the moment I shouldn't do it, but I just have to it's like, I literally just can't and then go, like, after these things of like trying to fix that problem.
Renee Claire:
And it's, it's always like an underlying belief that we just have to pull out a hundred percent and I didn't recognize it was actually interesting. I said to my husband one day, how many times do you think about money in a day? It was like, I dunno, maybe like five or seven. And I was like, Oh, Oh, okay. Why so little. And he's like, what do you mean? Know? He's like, that's just what I've always done. I don't think like, I dunno, he kind of thought that was a lot and I'm like, Oh, mine's probably more like a hundred times a day. And he's like, yeah. And I didn't even have that awareness to start with around how focused I was and the meaning I was giving to having,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
I was giving to also not having money. It was a catch that was a double edged sword. It is, isn't it, you know? Cause you helped me through all that. Yeah. It was, it was crazy. Um, and Oh, I like even in three and a half months, so much has changed, so yeah. Yeah. You have, you've had a massive transformation in just three short months, which is, I mean, it, here's the difference. You do the work. Thank you. But I'm going to receive that well and which is something that, you know, already, cause I tell you all the time, uh, but you do the work and that's why you see the results. Yeah. And I'm getting my clients too all the time, the ones who do the work, get the results. Yeah. And it's interesting. Cause we've had this conversation before about this whole thing of work, work for work sake and like the whole idea of hostile.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And that's not what I mean when I say like for anyone listening, who doesn't quite know what I mean? Like it's not, you don't, it's not, I'm not saying you hustle. I'm saying you come to a coach and in this case you've come to me and you actually implement what we talk about and what I'd tell you to do right. By the right guide you should do. Uh, and you see the results. Yeah. A hundred percent. It's, isn't that interesting that you bring that up too. Cause even when I started, I thought it was about hustling. You know, I had this, I had this, the more hustle, the more successful I'm going to be in success as my top value yet when I recognized that I could do more by doing less. Yeah. Yeah. Everything changed a hundred percent, a hundred percent. And like I've been talking on the podcast and for the last few episodes, I've gradually kind of been talking more and more about the spiritual side and over the last, like maybe a few episodes ago, I don't think I've told you this, but I kind of, I've literally just got the shits.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And I was like, I am just done with not hide, not presenting this side of like the, you know, the money side, the wealth side, all that kind of thing. I'd always presented miss wealthy as a brand of kind of more of the practical, like actual strategies. Right. Um, um, this is something that I worked on, my part like my coach and after like a bunch of whatever hate stuff recently, which was just like not even relevant to what this brand is about. And I was like, well, I'm done. If you don't want to be part of this message, then don't listen. Like, and it just became so clear to me that I have been hiding this side from public world. Like I do this for one on one clients and we'll, you know, that we do a lot of spiritual work, um, in, you know, on top of a lot of the practical stuff, but there isn't without the other. And so like we, I was slowly and gradually bring bringing in the spiritual side to it. Right. And like the energetic work and like how it actually works. And that is one of the biggest beliefs, this idea that you have to hustle and work harder. And if you work harder, you'll make more money. And that somehow there is a correlation and it's just not.
Renee Claire:
Yep. And you pulled me on it as well. When I mentioned it one day in a coaching call, I didn't even realize I was even saying at that point in time. And it's so true. And it's how cool is that, that you've like, you're owning that like that is such a powerful thing. And I've recently done the same thing with it in my clients bringing in that spiritual side with the practical, everything flows it's beautifully done.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And there is a truly, not one without the other, because we are just energy. Like we had just bowled them energy, money is just energy and everything that we believe manifest into our life. Everything that we thought that we think that we focus on, uh, everything that we do and create manifest into our life. And so that comes from thought and that is literally energetic work. It just is. And so it's, it's been amazing seeing your transformation from like, just honestly week to week where you've come, where do you, where do you think that you are now? Like, do you think that you're, do you feel like you're in a different place or does it feel really gradual?
Renee Claire:
No. I'm in Charlotte different place. A hundred percent. Um, I, my, my, my limit, like my, my upper limit has completely changed. It's it's what it's times by three yeah. Limit from what it was. So I have where I would have in my bank account regularly and I like, I couldn't get, why don't we get past that money would come in. I'd make sure it went out. Yeah. I'd figure out I've been faced in something else or, and not even based on how to invest in a coach or do something different, but I wouldn't be able to actually hold on to having more than that amount. And I'm now I would actually bring three times the amount and we're working through that even more. It's just becomes so easy. I never thought I'd say that about more than money. I felt like I feel like money ruled me my entire life.
Renee Claire:
It was such a big focus because I did recognize a little while ago that money equals love to me for a very long time. So I was given gifts as a kid, for example, and I assigned a meaning that meant, that was love. And when I cleaned that up as well and times that it was very different. So thinking about like my husband, I retired him in October, which was amazing. So he's a stay at home dad and he does some coaching on the side as well. And what I was able to with that as he's able to help me out so I could focus on my clients and then grow and help everyone more and more. Right. And I had this realization when I was getting really frustrated with him because suddenly asset, like he had, he wasn't bringing in an income or such.
Renee Claire:
And I knew it wasn't about that, but I was feeling like he didn't love me. It was funny. I went to the nail salon one day and I'm sitting there and I went off into kind of a trance and it hit me. And this poor lady was like, are you okay? I don't like that. I'm sitting there with tears running down my face. And because I've realized that with him not bringing in money, even though I was in my business was more than enough, more than way more than what, you know, it was beautiful in my mind. My association meant he didn't love me. Yeah. And then in turn I went into, well, what happens if I wasn't bringing money in, do I don't love myself? And that was like this cat, like my brain just went off in fireworks. And I realized that that was the meaning that I had associated to it my whole life. Yeah. So no wonder I was chasing it, but then I also had pain points around holding onto it.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Oh. So much. And it's so you touched, you just touched on like so many golden nuggets. Um, one, you mentioned that like you didn't even realize that it was controlling you and you know, we both have Tony Robbins. He has this, one of his amazing quotes is if you don't master money, it's going to muster you. And it just, most of the time, people don't realize that it is mastering them because if you literally, unless you truly and fully stand in the conviction of believing that you master and control money and your finances and investing, creating wealth, then you don't truly master it. And therefore it is, it is literally controlling you.
Renee Claire:
Our mom was controlling me for sure. No doubt about it.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And you also touched on so many things
Renee Claire:
About how like,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And I think this is an, I don't know if you see this with your clients to that
Renee Claire:
People go, I don't know why my blazer, Oh, I don't think that I have any limiting beliefs around this.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. And it's not until we actually like dive in that they start
Renee Claire:
Coming out. Absolutely. Yeah. All the time. And then you re like, you go from kind of one thing and that leads on to the other underlying causes, right? Another one and another one, like, Oh, that's a lot deeper. And you know what people ask me too, like, I've been asked a few times how come I have, because at the moment I have two coaches, right? In the past, I've had a period where I've had four different coaches for different areas of my life. So when you're at the gym, you've got a coach, like a personal trainer, for example, who is working on your nutrition and your body, you might have a business card for you, but you might financial coach. Right. Because I want to masters different areas of my life. And someone said to me recently, but you're a, why would you do that? Why wouldn't I do that? It's yeah. I'm constantly growing as are you, right. It's a beautiful thing. And I'm really fortunate. I get to hear about your incredible growth as well and how we're continually upskilling and Werning and facing our ego and facing our shadow self and out, Oh, like it's so powerful.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Oh my God. So much, because there's always another layer we are growing until we die, basically. Um, and I actually don't, I don't one of my questions whenever I hire a new coach is what coach do you have? Cause I don't trust coaches that don't have coaches. Yes, yes. If they're not growing themselves, why the heck would I spend thousands of dollars to invest in them? You know? Um, so I think it's a really good segue because we've been talking, we've just touched on a little bit about like what you do and how your story has basically kind of exploded. And because you said talking about your story kind of publicly, and then a couple of news publications picked you up and now you have clients literally fly you internationally to do sessions with him, which is just like freaking amazing. So for people who can you just give you a little bit of an intro into what you do? And then I want to dive into that because it's so powerful, particularly what we're going through now. And for everyone listening, don't stress, I will put all of the show notes of where you can find her name. If you want to follow up and read more, you know, check out more of what she does. But yeah. Can you talk about like what you do in a nutshell? And I know it's so hard to explain.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. So I'll go tunc as I possibly can. So what I do is I help women. I do actually have a few main clients that it's not just women, but generally women who are stuck, um, who are wanting to find the confidence, courage, and certainty that they know they've got that fire inside of them. They know inside of them, they've got more, they know they're not living their true purpose. They know they've got stuff going on in their head that they're trying to break free from. I get a lot of people come to me asking, like to help them find inner peace and peace is a beautiful, beautiful thing when you find it. And you know, from my messages, I send you regularly many beautiful moments I have on one morning mall. And that's the kind of stuff that I do with people. So, um, even like this week, we've had a couple of my clients who have become closer with their husbands.
Renee Claire:
You know, they've actually been able to do different things and different communication skills to help bring their, their relationships closer together, help people create businesses because when you remove the block, they can actually help businesses. So I've actually got a beautiful client who just signed her first two clients last week. Yeah. Like amazing, amazing work. So by removing the blocks that she had finding the love for herself, she was then able to go out and help other people in her way. And that's an amazing, amazing thing to see when I see my clients take what I teach them and teach their children. That's everything a hundred percent because you're changing generations. Yeah. And I know it as well from working with one person. It's not just them, it's their families. It's the people they work with. It's their friends, everything around changes. And you know, I get messages daily just saying, thank you so much for always having my back. Even when I thought I couldn't keep going or whatever the situation, I really, really help people find that good enough, good enough feeling in themselves. And like, you know, when you find that good enough, when it comes to money to health, to relationships, everything skyrockets, right.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
It is so deep. It's not funny. And there's always, you know, like we were talking about, there's always another layer of the onion to peel back. And it's always another layer of good enough. And I mean, I certainly know I've been on my own good enough journey and I still find another layer of the, you know, the same, the same limiting belief system comes up. It just looks a little different or it's just at a different level because you've progressed to a different level. And I know that you face them too. It's never a case of like, you will never experience this again ever in your life.
Renee Claire:
Yes. Yeah. And that's a beautiful thing to recognize because even when I started, I was using language when I first started about like being fixed. Yeah. Nobody's broken. So nobody needs to be fixed to start with. And I was searching for an end goal and I remember going to a seminar and it was a friend of mine, a mentor of mine. And I went and I had just come out of date with destiny size free shelf, Tony Robbins. And I was feeling really good. And they took me down into kind of the pit and everyone's on the floor crying. I was really confused why I wasn't on the floor crying. And I was like, why am I not there? What what's going on? Why can't I get there? And one of my friends has me and said, you're in a really good place right now when you're ready to go through something else, something, you know, when, when the time's ready, that layer of that onion will be able to be peeled back. And it's all divine timing. Right. Totally. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. When you recognize the end result of facing your own stuff. Oh yeah.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
So much. And facing just, just another layer of who you are and going deeper into who you are and what has, is holding you back and just stepping into a new version of you every single time. And I say all the time to listen to, you know, clients that it's not about just doing it one time, it's just like going to the gym. You know, it's just like we eat every day. We also have to feed our mind day. We exercise, you know, every day we also have to feed our mind and like literally work in ourselves in our personal development. And like, literally it is a, also it is a continuous muscle and the I'm not good enough muscle that every single being, and it's particularly more prominent within women, it is a muscle to work on that and overcome that.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. It's so is, and it is a beautiful thing when you find that love inside your heart for you. When you look in the mirror and say, Hey Renee, I love you. Hey, Simone, I love you. Like you look yourself in the eye. When I first started coaching, my coach took me to the mirror and her bathroom and she said, I want you to say, I love you. And I was like, okay, sure. And I went into it and I looked up and down and she was like, what was that? How about, what do you mean? She goes through it again. I said, I love you. I looked myself up and down. She goes, what was that? And I still couldn't see what I was doing. And she's like, you just looked yourself up and down what happened? And the judgment was so strong that I didn't even know I was doing that. Yeah. Right. So I wasn't actually in that position of being able to look myself in the mirror and so many people, especially women really struggle with that.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah, no, no. We are not taught. And if anything, well, I mean, this is why we have the, I'm not good enough thing in a certain rampant in our society. If anything, we are taught that we're not enough on every single adult. Like when not skinny enough, we're not pretty enough. Well, why, because we're showing makeup ads all the time, hair, product ads, all the time we're showing like, you know, diet ads, all the fucking time, gym ads all the time, like parenting, you're not a good enough parent or you're not enough, like good enough, whatever. And actually we were just talking about this earlier about how, even just today, we have both heard conversations about moms saying that they're not very good teachers cause everyone's home right now with COVID and they're doing, you know, at home teaching and
Renee Claire:
Just like the self judgment is crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Massive. And we, um, Oh, like really I overheard this conversation and it broke my heart. Like I felt really upset because upset for the fact that some of these women will be going through this of like judging themselves. Now some of them will be working from home still with, with kids, whether they've got two kids, four kids, one kid, whatever it is, they're trying to feed them. They're trying to close them. They're trying to do all the things I would ordinarily do, but then also skill school them. And like, we, we become so hard and judgmental on ourselves more than anything because of what we're conditioned to with society and all of the different things that we grow up around when you find that you can release the judgment and you can be kind to yourself, everything shifts everything.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. Stepping into a place of love. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And so obviously, like I know that this is something that you work on so much and you work on confidence, you work on courage and all of those elements leading into finding our true purpose. So essentially you can become fulfilled and you can reach a state of peace instead of total confusion. Is that, would you, that kind of like sum up yeah.
Renee Claire:
Pretty much. It's really about like finding that courage, that confidence and that certainty in yourself. Yeah. When you have it in yourself, you'll find you have it in your health, your relationships, all different areas. It's so powerful. So, so powerful.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. And this is the thing, like, it shows up so differently for so many people. It could be as simple as not speaking up in a meeting because you know, you've riddled with self doubt or thinking that your question or comment is stupid. It could be, you know, not speaking up in no. When someone pushes in front of you in a line,
Renee Claire:
Oh, like fobbing something off or like how, what are the ways that it shows up for the people that come to you? Uh, like a lot of the time it'll show up in, you know, not asking that person out on a date because they internally maybe they feel not good enough. So if somebody said to them between the age of zero to seven, that they're not good enough, their unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real and fake. So if somebody say something, say they went to play soccer and someone said to them, you're not really good at soccer. You shouldn't buy. I actually had that happen to me with ballet at five. I was not a ballerina. I'm quite heavy feet now. And at the time I actually took that on. I was like, I'm not good enough at ballets. That must mean I'm not really good enough at anything.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. And that's why that shows up. When people go for promotions, it shows up when they go to start their own business, they've got this business idea, but they think who me, I couldn't possibly do that. Oh, no way. Who am I going to do? That it shows up within friendships, it shows up within their relationships with their parents. And like you said, that, you know, they may not speak up for what they believe. Yeah. It doesn't mean having a conflict or an argument, but it's a really freeing feeling to recognize that they're speaking up for what their values are and not going off what they think they should be doing. Yeah. The joy of the should. And that comes up a lot in coaching. And you know, this is why I have my own coaches because even though I coach other people the way I put it to them as it's like being on a basketball court, right.
Renee Claire:
The people in the basketball court are in the air and they're associated to it. They're playing the game, the coach on the outside of the court because they can see where do they go to score a goal? Where do they need to be, to defend what needs to happen? And that's a really powerful thing because they see things very differently. Yeah. They see the gaps and that's why I have coaches because even, you know, I've got through my own stuff all the time. And what was it? Only last Thursday I spent the whole day pretty much crying. It was great.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
That was a big one that, that breakthrough. And, and so when, when people face, you know, this crippling self doubt and this, you know, female guilt or mother guilt or whatever it is, or that I'm not good enough or a lack of certainty or total, you know, destructive self-esteem what is some of the simple things? And I know it's so hard because sometimes people ask me the same question. I'm like, you got to spend three months with me minimum. I got give you one thing. It's not one thing. But is there anything that you would say that, you know, could just really, even just a couple of things that could really help people, because I know that there are probably so many people feeling us right now, particularly. I mean, right now there's a total lack of uncertainty.
Renee Claire:
Not yet. Yeah. I mean, you mean, uh, a lot of uncertainty or lack of answers.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Sorry. A lot, a lot of uncertainty. It's the total lack of sense.
Renee Claire:
I love it. Um, yeah. So like there's a total lack of certainty right now. And us as humans, we value certainty so much. So the things that like, I, you know, it was really beautiful to see a lot of my clients coming into this. We've already done a lot of the work. Um, even like a little as four weeks work, they were so calm. Some of them didn't have the jobs anymore. Some of them didn't know how they were going to pay their mortgage. And they were so beautifully peaceful. Some of them like, tell me what I can do in this time. I'm going to work on myself. I'm like, this is amazing. And they even said, you know, if this has happened six months ago, they wouldn't be feeling as calm or as peaceful. One of the things that they've got is they've got a sense of certainty in themselves.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. And you can create certainty in yourself. And that's a beautiful thing because when you create certainty in yourself, when this is all over, you may not necessarily be looking for it on the outside. Right. Because that's, what's being taken away is as a, such as I say, taken away, I actually think it's been beautifully, uh, moved for a little while so that people can actually face this. You pump visits, maybe your sense of certainty, your gym visits, maybe your sense of certainty, your trips to the salon, maybe your sense of certainty. They're beautiful, beautiful things, bright and everyone's way, shape or form. If you're using it to fill something inside of yourself, why not change it with filling something inside of yourself without having an external source.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. And it's, so that is such an amazing distinction. And this is where I see particularly that the industry that, you know, the self love industry mixing up self love and self care and self, self care is amazing. And yes, every woman deserves as much damn self care as she wants without reason. Yes.
Renee Claire:
It's also not the same thing as self love and using self care to be self of is not, they're not the same. Yes. They're totally completely different. And I thought for years, I thought my may going to get a massage once a week was my self-love. Yeah. And I talk about this and I thought we're having a bath. I love having a bath. I have a bath regularly. I meditate in the bath. It's beautiful. I put a candle on. Sometimes I'll even have a glass of red wine cause I actually do still drink, but I drink in moderation and I check it in my emotions before I drink. That's part of my new mind new rules. But what is really, really cool is you can create certainty in yourself by doing things like journaling. You can create certainty in yourself by doing things like meditating.
Renee Claire:
You know, some people, it might be yoga. You could create, for example, your own workout routine. Right. And moving your body, doing something that you love to do, I might be listening to your favorite music. Yeah. It doesn't have to be a big, drastic, crazy thing. That's so foreign to you, but that will actually allow your brain to have that sense of certainty. Yeah. And that's a really cool thing. It could be cooking, say you love cooking. I've got several clients that love like baking. That's the certainty, you know, why too, it takes them back to their childhood and fun moments. It takes them back to what they knew growing up. Yeah. Yeah. It's a really cool thing when you can create it in yourself because you will actually have that at the end of this, if you, if you keep it up and consistency with that,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Consistency is key. I mean, if that is basically
Renee Claire:
The theme of every single thing that I say all the time, it's consistency.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
It actually is like, Oh, I know. And it's just like, it's so unsexy and it's so, but it genuinely is that. And I put that down.
Renee Claire:
Sure. People say to me, you know, how, how did you, how did you get to six figures in six months? Yeah. And I was like, and that was six figures in sales in six months. And I said, w it was consistency. I showed up even those times where I didn't want to show up, I showed up. And what I've learned past that six months is I can actually show up by being kind to myself. Now I wasn't in the first six months as much I'm alone in that. Um, but it's a beautiful, beautiful thing to show up for yourself. Yeah. And it's, it's like the difference between the carrot, the stick,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
You know, show up because you want the carrot, not because you're beating yourself over the back of the steak. And a lot of people we've spoken about this before, and I know that you do this for your clients too. A lot of people just don't have the clarity and there is no clarity around like what that carrot is. And so the only alternative is to be yourself with this deck.
Renee Claire:
Yup. Yeah. You got to know your why. Right. You've got to know your yeah. Tony Robbins seminars. And that's basically like the main thing that he talks about,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Basically it is. Yeah. It's basically why. Yeah.
Renee Claire:
And then everything goes off and even, you know, um, and you and I have kind of had this discussion before I think with, you know, how many people go to seminars, right. And they might go to one or two a year, maybe sometimes once, once off either. And they go home, they're pumped up for like two to three weeks and it's yeah, this is awesome. And then three weeks hits something, triggers them, something happened and they go back to old ways
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Hundred. Cause then I even remember, I remember, and this is like, there was this kind of the start. I was quite into a spiritual practice before I got into like deep personal development work. Um, but the very first time I did David destiny, that was like pretty much I, you know, entered with something so massive. I started with David destiny. It was about eight years ago. My first one, I remember standing in line to go in from the first day. And just like, you know, I was pretty nervous. I was there on my own and I didn't really know who this Tony Robbins guy was. And I remember kind of just speaking to a couple of people and one guy was like, yeah, this is like my third, um, my third date with destiny. And I was like, why would you come back? Like, don't you just come and then you're fixed and you're done. It's like how naive I was.
Renee Claire:
No, it's really funny. I think I kind of had a very similar thing when I entered a new PW and you know, what's really interesting is I look back now. I remember that thousand dollars I spent for UPW was the biggest deal.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. I know it is. Right. Like I T I totally agree. And, you know, it's, it's the best money I've ever spent in my entire life
Renee Claire:
Too. Like, I'm, you know what, I would go back and it's been 20 times that to do that exact same four days of him. Yeah.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Well, I know, I know that you and I have both, I mean, I've personally spent well like, well, well, well over a hundred thousand, I'm now approaching $200,000 on personal development. Um, I know you're over six figures.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. My husband and I combined, cause we've both gone and done everything together, which has been phenomenal. I highly, you know, if you can do it highly recommended. Um, and it's, I wouldn't change it for the world.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Oh my God. It's like the only, I mean, the only reason we're here is to find joy and be fulfilled and live a life we love. Right. And impact everyone else around us. And you can't do that if you're held back by things like self doubt.
Renee Claire:
Well, I mean, my second month of coaching with you look at what I was able to do. Oh my God. And I like bringing in February was what? A $30,000 month. Yeah. And then what was March? March was I've got taken overseas as well with the family, mind you. And then that was what, a $20,000 a month or two months. It's $50,000. That was my annual income when I worked for
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. Oh yeah. And you know, I know that, that sounds like some people are like, yeah, but that's you, and I'm not you. Or like, you must have something that I don't have. And I used to think that too, like I would hear like these numbers or whatever, or someone would say this, and it's like, there is literally no difference between me, between you, between every single person, listening to Tony Robbins between like, whoever you want to compare yourself with. There is literally no difference except how we show up and what beliefs are holding us back.
Renee Claire:
And you know, what the most beautiful thing is is that when I did all of that, I was doing it for a place of impact. And I continue to do that from a place of impact and serving flowers. Cause I'm spiritually aligned with myself. Yeah. And like the manifesting staff was, is next level as well. How long do we, how long was I doing? Um, in my journal or my journal activity weeks, wasn't it three weeks.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And it's so funny because like, when I, you know, when I give clients some of the manifesting way, and then you come back to me weeks later, and then you tell me some things it's like, I'm almost, I'm always in tandem at the same exact time, both surprised, but not surprised. It's like, well, yeah, of course it works like this is the story I hear every single time. And yet at the same time, I'm like, Holy crap. I can't believe that
Renee Claire:
Exact same thing happened. So I did that same technique with some of my clients with something else. Right. Just recently. And I got a phone call yesterday and these two clients are connected. Um, and this thing's happened. And we started this process, awaken garden, and I was doing it for them as well. So I was sending this energy and this thing that happened is huge. Like, I can't go into it for confidentiality, but I sure it was the same thing. It was that, Oh my goodness. But I knew it was going to happen.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
It's like, yeah. It's like, it's just, it's crazy how it simultaneously shocking, but also like an inner knowing of like, well, yeah,
Renee Claire:
Like so powerful, it's the faith and the trust as well, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, what a journey and I, I hear what you're saying. Cause I would have been that person listening to this going. Yeah. But 30,000 and 20,000, that's, that's her, you know, do you know what, less than 12 months ago to get this last financial year and I'm pretty sure we've spoken about this last financial year. I was a chiropractic assistant casually. So three half days a week, you know, balancing the kids and doing what I was doing. I had $24,000 for the year 24,000. Wow. I'm pretty sure that was before tax too. So I'm like craziness in what I was able to do by shifting my brain.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Oh completely. And that's the thing like growth is not linear. It's not like the quantum leaps that you can take. And this is, you know, this is not to say that I also haven't had and still have to a degree beliefs about my, you know, for myself of like, you know, the coaches that I use go from, you know, 30 to 40 to $50,000 a month to a hundred, 200 to, you know, million dollar months. And they're quantum links. Right. But it's not linear, but even I was like, yeah, but you're different. Yeah. But you have something I don't. Yeah. But you, whatever, like whatever insert belief.
Renee Claire:
Right. Totally. And it sounds simple. It is actually simple. And this is the beautiful thing is my clients say this to me. I had one the other day and she was talking about, it was like, I'm not good enough type belief. And we were having a chat in between sessions. And I said, don't worry, we'll catch up on Friday. We're all good. Well soda. And she's like, wait, what? I'm like, yeah. Probably take about 15 minutes. And she's like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And we did it and she she's babysitting me. She's like, I keep doing it. I'm testing it. I keep testing it. And it's not there.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. I know. No, but I know that I had it because I wrote it down. Right.
Renee Claire:
And this is the beautiful thing is I've even had people come into my office or, or jump on a zoom call with me and we've done the session and they leave. I've had, I think we'll leave going. What was my problem? I came to you with, Oh my God. I don't remember. And I did the same thing. Like your brain actually forget crazily, forgets how you was. Even when you're talking about, you know, my old money, almost my old money story. I believe my brain's kind of searching for that. Oh, tidally yeah. You mean, I used to have money problems. Are you okay? Some are, I don't know if like, are you talking to me?
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Like, what do you mean? Yeah. And it's so the same thing with my clients. Well, you know, we have had, we have had conversations where I go actually four weeks ago, you started our conversation with blah, blah, blah. Because now I take notes and particularly the major things that I see as patterns that show up and you're like, what? Yeah, this is what you said, what that's exactly what I'm bailing. I'm not what are you talking about? Yeah. Yeah. And that's how quick it can change it is. And I have just, I've loved hearing some of your results. Yeah. I've like from just some of your clients are just like who they're stepping into, being how they're showing up and just, it's so amazing.
Renee Claire:
It's an incredible job. I love, I'm very, I'm very grateful. I chose me. Yeah. Put myself on that journey to the new normal, to help people as I'm sure you are. Right.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. Completely. And it can be scary. Like I know that we have both worked with people who are, who have never, you know, never had a coach before. They've never kind of gone to a seminar and that can, it can be scary. Your first one is scared. Cause I can think back to my first one, I was nervous as hell. Um, but it just, yeah. The difference of transforming who to, who you become is just like the different people.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. Totally. And it's so worth investing in yourself.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Oh it's like the only investment basically that matters. Yeah. Definitely. Like, you know, and obviously I talk so much about money and investing in wealth building, but like all of that's pointless if you want
Renee Claire:
Miserable. Right. We we're talking about this morning about the coffee. Yeah.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yes. Oh my God. Can you just repeat that? Because I feel like that's a message that people need.
Renee Claire:
Oh, okay. So I was watching something on my Facebook feed and something, someone else was doing a mentor of mine or someone that I used to follow kind of thing. And they were talking about how, what you can cut down on in your expenses or, you know, your own. I don't know what the word was that you used, but you were kind of your outgoings. What can you cut down on? And how much could you actually save over the year by for example, cutting a coffee out or cutting the down a car. Um, you know, that sort of thing. And I've heard this before and this is actually really interesting cause this is how my brain used to work. And I've tried this technique in the past, like a day and it didn't work with me because for me that didn't make sense at all with, um, what I saw was like, you know, cut your coffee out and say it's four hours a day. That's gonna add up to, I don't know, whatever it is, 40 bucks a week. And then by the time you do that over the year, you might go live with, I don't know, 500 bucks, whatever the numbers are. Right. Okay. That's awesome. But are you actually going to save that $4 a day? Yeah. Are you actually going to go, Oh, you know what? I'm going to put that $4 in a bank. Cause I know I never did. No, exactly.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And there's different guy. So I would have four bucks. This drives me crazy about this, you know? And it's unfortunate because so many people teach the same thing and like I get it. Obviously there are things that we can cut back on. Particularly those people, we spend a personalities, but really it's the underlying belief. It's not the actual inhabit that needs to be fixed. But things like, like David Buck who has actually awesome books and some really awesome advice. But then he also has this book called the latte factor, which is literally the entire premise cut out your single coffee. And that adds up. And even Susie Orman, Suze Orman teaches the same thing, but it's not the same just because you don't spend it doesn't mean you say even invest it. And it's the same with damn avocado mashed avocado. Like, because if you don't even have to brunch, you don't go, you know what? I'm going to deposit that $30 and invest that
Renee Claire:
Dublin and turn and not enjoy your Sunday morning with your family or your partner or whatever. Yeah. Cause it's about quality. I guess it comes back to what you value. And I get that a hundred percent. Get that for me. My morning coffee, as we spoke about as part of my morning routine, I go for a walk in the morning. I get a coffee. I love it. Yeah, it is. I genuinely love it. And if I want to save some money, I'll earn more money. Yeah. That's what I'll do. I'm not going to cut things out that I love to do. And like allow myself to feel disadvantaged. Doesn't mean I don't make sacrifices. Yeah. I don't have to go a lower limit. It's been $500 on clothing if I don't need or want it, you know, like a daily thing like that. I was just, it blew my mind. It's all about a different level of thinking
Simone Mercer Huggins:
It is. And it's different for everyone. Like I personally don't drink coffee so that one just like, I just, it doesn't even enter my mind because it's not a thing, but I know that it's such a big end, particularly for you. I know it's part of your morning journaling and meditation practice and timeout and self care and self love, uh, that it's so important. And that's what it misses out on the literally your actual values of what is important to you. And cause then there is no, right. There is no right answer
Renee Claire:
For every one's different. Right. And I know some people that would work amazingly well with, because their values would align with that and they would feel like they were moving forward to what they want.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. And it doesn't let you know the total. Yeah. And if it's in some areas where you can and if you are an over spender, but most of the time that whole like, despite a lot of people having credit card debt, it's actually not over spending. That is the issue. It's just a lack of clarity about how you manage money. That is the issue. And cutting back your spending is focusing on lack and restriction. It's not focusing on abundance and what you value and how to actually manage and allocate and give you a money purpose. Uh, and that's, it, they're completely different things. And for those listening, this is why I talk about the money system so much. Um, because it's like, it doesn't matter what you spend it on because when you use the money system, you literally can manage everything and you get to spend and you get to save and it doesn't matter,
Renee Claire:
Damn coffee. No, it really doesn't. And you know, I love more than anything is like Dan and I, my husband and I have our own spending accounts and he gets his like percent. I get my percent and we just spend what we want on what we want. Yeah. If I want to buy some little limit
Simone Mercer Huggins:
And how much does that? I, 100% eliminate fighting about money in your relationship.
Renee Claire:
Oh, hugely. And it gives us both a sense of independence. You know, what's really cool is sometimes he'll be like, I'll get coffee or I'll get lunch and he's as beautiful. And then I'll do the same. And we're able to, to do that. Like, you know, if that's what we choose to do with it, we don't, there's no justifying there's no, it's just such an amazing, incredible process. And then to know that we've got money aside for a holiday and, you know, paying off things or saving and freedom accounts, it's just phenomenal. It's such a quote. It literally changed my brain the day I did it, I was like, wow, I feel safe.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Yeah. Um, and is that so important particularly then? This is, this is really, uh, definitely more female centric. Yeah. The idea of feeling safe. And this is also why women are more risk adverse because they're concerned about losing my name because they don't have a, you know, nest egg, then they don't feel safe. And it's like this whole trickle effect and yeah, like when you feel safe
Renee Claire:
And that's what I was trying to do my whole life, where I was focusing on the money, the money that might, my concept money, thoughts were a sense of me trying to find safety, get mine was a very much a double edged sword because there was too much pain associated with having money. Yeah. So I wanted it, but I didn't want it I'm unconscious. It was a constant battle and fight. Oh my God. Oh yeah. I'm going to sign it. I'm like what? And then, and then we wonder why you didn't attract more or why you weren't more abundant. Why didn't earn more money was hard. Yeah. Yeah. If you don't want it, I've the unconscious level or you associated it to something else, you ain't going to get it. Yeah. Even though we know that it's there and you know, even to this day, I'm still finding like, Oh, where did like that come from?
Renee Claire:
And you know, I have just, yeah. And like I have to start myself and you probably, um, well I know that you would definitely experience the same thing of like you and you come across this new limiting belief and then you're like, Holy crap. I don't know was that, that I haven't realized, I didn't realize that that particular thing was there. And then I have to stop myself from going to self judgment of like embarrassment that I should have known better. Oh yeah, no, me too. And sometimes some of them blow me away and we've had a few recently, right? Yeah. What was the one in regards to date? I was, I'm in a constant debt cycle for such a long time, because to me it meant I would be successful and give me drive. Yeah, totally.
Renee Claire:
Yeah. And that completely turned my brain on its head in a beautiful way. So when you turn your brain, do you just love turning brains when you did? I love it. Sometimes I get a little bit disorientated. I'm like what has happened? And you know, and that's where I'll do things to get my certainty back and like go for a walk or I'll hang out with the kids. Or I will read a book that I love. I will go and do things that I know can give me that certainty sometimes when I need it. Totally. Without doing a bad thing, like, Oh yeah. Or like drinking a bottle of wine, isn't going to serve me. And I think that's a really beautiful way to put it. Does it serve you or does it destroy you or does it limit you or does it block you like the difference is, and so I know that you do, you work with clients in different ways to work on confidence and courage and purpose and certainty and inner peace.
Renee Claire:
Can you tell us a little bit about how the different ways that you work and then where people can find you and I'll put in the show notes as well? Yeah. So I work on the unconscious mind and getting a run down on, you know, things that hold them back in life, you know, what they want, where they want to go start with what their struggles have been. And I go through like a really detailed history with them to get to the root cause it's always the root cause. And the way I like to describe it, and this is my amazing, amazing metaphor that I love because I'm a visual person. So I, what I do is it's like having a high rise building, you know, I talk about surface paradise a lot in the gold coast. You know, you've got all these high rise buildings there, right?
Renee Claire:
A lot of these high rises were built back in the 1970s or eighties. And a lot of my clients will bloom in the 1970s or eighties or nineties. Thanks. Buildings are Brown and orange. And these really not very nice colors and they're old. And I say that with respect, these buildings were given to them. If that makes sense, this is in mind that I'm talking about, right. So what we do is we all win. Or we demolish that Highrise building. We demolish it. And then what, from there help them rebuild the concrete foundation and then brick by brick, by brick, we rebuild their high rise. And I say to them, Hey Simone, how many bedrooms do you want your high to be? How many bathrooms do you want it to overlook the water? What color do you want it to be? Not the color you were given, not the Highrise you were given back then, how do you want life to be?
Renee Claire:
And it's a really cool thing to do because people start to own their truth. Yes. And it's, yeah, it's just, it's amazing. And I was really fortunate to have somebody that was a coach that helped me out and start me on my journey and change my life. Yeah. And I think it's a really beautiful way to put it because it, we have to unlearn as much as we have to learn the new way of, you know, what will actually serve us more will actually work for us. And also it just that everything, every single thing that we believe in this moment to be true has been given to us and we've accepted it as truth. We've accepted it as ours. We've accepted it as our belief system when it was handed to us, by someone else. Yeah. And often, you know, so much, some time you walk around not knowing that, right.
Renee Claire:
When you recognize it, you go, wow. Okay, cool. I want to change that. Yeah. I don't like the belief that I can't attract money or I'll never going to be wealthy or whatever it is people hold onto. Right. I was in my mind, um, and life changing or the I'm only worth $50,000 a year and the worst thing, ah, that I'm not good enough thing. I'm not good enough to have that thing. He's at such an unconscious level. Then that rolls out that rules our life without us even knowing. Yeah. So cool. Amazing. Okay. So where can people find you if they want to kind of check you out and find out more about how you work and what you're doing? So I'm on Facebook under Renee clear, I've got Rene Claire house on Facebook as well. And Renee clear house.com. You can jump on my website. You can shoot me a message. I do have my own podcast as well, which is on courage, certainty and confidence. Amazing. I'll put the links notes. Thank you so much for coming on and chatting about this. Like I just, I know we've covered so many topics, but men, they just all interrelate. And I do thank you so much for having me and thank you for helping me build my wealth three and a half months has been the most incredible three and a half months. And my husband even says, he's like, man, I love it.
Renee Claire:
Well, I'm handing him over his side, like spending. It was just like, thank you so much. It's I love, I love
Simone Mercer Huggins:
These guys, you know, and I think it's beautiful because you do it to, you know, you both do the work together.
Renee Claire:
That's, what's so powerful. Thank you so much for everything you do. And anyone who's listening, I highly recommend getting in touch with Simone will rewrite your life when it comes to money. Oh my goodness. I would never have it. So months ago, did I have the money I have in my bank account now? No, no. Right at all. And I like it. It's just, I don't even have words for it because it's so normal for me now. And that was literally four months ago. Yeah.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Quantum leap. But you know, it's the same with your clients when you try to explain what you do and then how your life can change. It's just, you can't explain it. It's not something, you know, when you go to programs or seminars like date with destiny or UPW, that's like trying to explain that to someone it's like, I can't tell you what, it's just, you change
Renee Claire:
Hard way. It's yeah. It's so like that. Hey. Yeah. Uh, well,
Simone Mercer Huggins:
This conversation has been amazing and thank you so much for coming on and I can't wait to see yeah. Your journey and transformation. I mean, the fact that you went international Just like a few months in, is pretty insane, really? And it's an indication of
Renee Claire:
How far I know you're going to take things because I know that what you do impacts so many people. So thanks for sharing your wisdom. Thank you for having me. Fine. Bye.
Simone Mercer Huggins:
Thank you so much for tuning in today. Way. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more per class and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Wealthy, official, even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will see you next week on another app.