Drinking Ayahuasca (Part 2) + How to LET GO
Jun 24, 2020Did you miss the KM$ Podcast over the last month babe?
Well we're BACKKK baby... and this ep extends on the last one...
I talk about drinking ayahuasca, aligning with abundance and HOW to let go when you want to manifest... (it's the hardest part girl, so don't stress).
Also, Abundance Aligned is finnnnnally here and OMG we are excited to manifest wealth, attract money and unlock financial abundance with you!
Come and join us here: https://www.beabundancealigned.com/
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money podcast.
Welcome back to the kiss, my money podcast. I'm your host, Simone master Huggins. Who, how long has it been gone? Five weeks. I literally just checked the last time that we had an app and it was five weeks ago. So I was fully intending on kind of just taking a bit of a break and I really wanted to just be quiet and listen with the black lives matter movement and just really step into that, you know, and I just really didn't want any more noise out there. And I wanted to do my own work on that too, and just really reflect and just like I said, listen, so I've been quiet for a bit and it's been intentional and, and yeah, now I'm back and you know, now I having a space and I really hope that this resonates with some of you, because I know that we can all get into the same trap, taking the space and taking time to do whatever it is that you need to do, rather than tell yourself you have to and give yourself the should.
Right. Like when we showed all over ourselves, like, Whoa, my God. So I just let that go. And I dropped a bunch of stuff that I just, I wanted to focus on other things, and it has felt really good. It's felt really, really good to take the space, but I'm also really excited to come back and, yeah, just be talking to you guys again, because especially with, you know, covert as well, we've all kind of gone, I think a little bit inward. Uh, we've all gone a little bit, maybe star crazy and we've all taken a breathe. It feels like, I mean, I feel like the world's taken a breather, um, which has been great for the environment, but also I think everyone has just taken a step back, which has been really nice. Like I know that so many people have had different experiences through this.
Um, and it really, I've just so many ways that myself and my community and other people have been supported and, you know, have just been, have, have really seen that the good part of it. Right? Like the, like this has been a good thing in a lot of other ways. Right. And yeah. So anyway, I wanted to come back fresh faced and talk to you about who like a lot of stuff that has been happening behind the scenes as well. And do part two of what I said, what I said I would do from the last episode, which was five weeks ago when I was talking about, you know, what triumph, what transformation looks like, like what coaching and what inner work and the kind of stuff that I've done in the past, uh, to show you some of, you know, what has, what has been my journey to get to where I am, because obviously I talk about investing a lot, but I haven't really spoken a whole bunch about all of the other stuff I've done.
And I do, um, outside of that, uh, that has gotten me to where I am. And it's also the lead in, and kind of why I want to share this. And I guess why I'm talking about this now is also because drum roll abundance aligned has finally dropped. I have been talking about this, like since the beginning, you know, it's never, it's only had the name have been underlined for like the last kind of five or six weeks. So I can't even remember if I even mentioned what the name was in the last episode, but abundance aligned is the program that really ms. Wealthy started was, was started for. So the whole reason I started municipality was to fully step into this work that our buttons align is about. And, you know, just for whatever reason investing bootcamp was the program that was called to more like that more women just needed at the time.
Um, and it was also a kind of spoken about the Sen I think like on Instagram that I think I was also just, there was an element where I was judging myself and worried about other people judging me because not everyone is into energetic work because people don't either, I don't know, believe it. I don't, I don't really know why, but, um, I think sometimes, you know, because it's not tangible and you can't put like a finger point things, um, some people just think that it's a total load of BS and I was just buying into that crap and yeah, enough, right. Enough turns out I'm human. And I still have limiting beliefs that come up for me too. And I was pretty much like letting that, I guess what I was doing, which is obviously it's bullshit. So I'm done with that now. And abundance in line has fully been birthed into the world.
And I'm so excited for this because it's the work that has been well that I've done for years. Right. And I've done, like I've done so much study on this because that's just how I'm wired. I'm just wired to literally become an expert in an area before I feel like I can teach it. And I feel like I have to have certain things as well before I can teach it meaning I felt like I really couldn't teach investing bootcamp before I had, you know, like the wealth I had accumulated on the investment portfolio to accumulate it. Like I felt like, and I kind of, I started teaching, investing bootcamp before I hit a million dollars in assets for my husband and I hit a million dollars in assets. And I was like, you know, for whatever reason, that was the number in my head, which is honestly, it's silly for that to stop me because there are plenty of people that can have a half a million dollar portfolio in their mid thirties and turned out to be a multi multimillionaire, um, you know, 10 or 20 years later.
So it's crazy that that was the benchmark that I was using against myself, but we all have perfectionism to some degree I'm learning to let it go. Um, gradually. And I think the high bar was really loaning myself really. So anyway, I had these whatever rules in my head of that I couldn't, or could only teach certain things, but I definitely, for me, I have to become an expert in an area because I just want to, it's just how I'm wired. I just want to study it so deeply before I feel like I can really pass on the knowledge. Um, it's also, for me, something that I want to know works like inside and out. Like, I want to know that like the in depth things, but every single facet and area, which is why, you know, it's partly why I'm so comfortable and so confident teaching, investing bootcamp and teaching women how to build investment portfolios themselves because I'm a stock trader.
And that is like a whole realm beyond investing that is so in depth and so intense, um, and genuinely is an Epic and expert field in the stock market. And I feel like I just couldn't, you know, if I didn't know anything about investing, I just couldn't go to someone that wasn't investor and didn't know about the trading side, because there's so much more to know that you can bring to investing that can strengthen your knowledge and confidence anyway. So my point being was, um, around, you know, me holding back abundance align. I've always done this kind of work with one-on-one clients. And it's finally, it's finally now where I can bring this to the tribe, to the collective and like, Holy crap, when we all increase our energy and frequency and vibration and energetic match from money collectively, it is so much more powerful.
Like when you do this work with other people that are doing the same work, like whew, right. It's, it's so much more powerful. Um, so I'm really excited to do this with a tribe of women, a group of women, and really just dive into all the things that I know work and, and bring you all of the stuff that I have done over the last, at least decade or also, um, and some of the stuff you will know already, some of it, you know, I really want to give you a different perspective on it. Things like if you have, if you have ever been told that the universe tests you, for example, um, or that you can't have, you know, one plan like one dream, um, and not have like a backup plan or some people say we can't have a backup plan because then you're not committing to your first plan.
And then you're telling the universe different things. Like there's so much confusing. There's so much confusing stuff out there. And I just want to give you my perspective. You guys know you should know by now that I am pretty blunt, pretty real honest. Like I just lay it out on the table. And I don't want you to have just one view of how particularly manifesting works, because the reality is we're always manifesting. It's always happening. It's just happening. It's happening, it's happening all the time. Um, whether you think that you're, we, we, or spiritual or energetic or not, we are all energetic beings. We are literally made up of light. Um, we are all made up of atoms that are interrelated. Um, and I'm actually reading something right now that is blowing my mind about it's like deep into the quantum physics work, uh, because that's always how I've approached manifesting and law of attraction and how honestly getting into a vibrational match around money actually works because I'm a very logical, rational brain based thinker, even though, um, I, you know, I've learned I've pretty much taught myself to step into my heart, um, as much as I can, because I think we all need to learn how to step into a heart more.
So I've always approached it from a quantum physics perspective cause of wanting to understand the mechanics of how it actually works rather than for me in the early days, I couldn't blindly put my faith in it because I didn't believe in it. And if you don't in it, then of course it doesn't work because we literally attract what we believe. And so I, I've done a lot of in depth, deep work on the quantum physics side of understanding how it actually works and it's just, it's heavy. Um, so I'm not going to bring the heavy part of quantum physics and quantum mechanics to it, but I will give you understanding inside abundance of line of how it does work, um, in layman's terms, right. In English terms. So that it's like, Oh right, like I get it. Like, that actually makes sense because the more you fully get behind this and put your faith in the universe and your trust in what you want, rather than denying your desires, um, the, you know, the quickly it will more quickly, it will happen in the more easily it will happen as well, rather than this hustling bullshit that our society has conditioned us all into.
Right. Um, how many tangents am I going off today? So really like the problems that I see for UN it's not just women, but obviously, you know, I focus on women, all the problems to me, how I see it is a boils down to this number one, women hit an income plateau and they feel stuck. And for some of you, you might even, you may not even know what that income plateau is like for some of you, you may not even know like what you earn, like what you make. Um, this isn't about shaming, your guilt in you, but like, and please don't do that on yourself. But so many women just don't even know what they own. Or if you do you feel like you've kind of plateaued like a level and you just see no other way. And there's all these reasons and excuses, right.
I have a job or like, um, I could just never, or like people don't earn more than that in my industry, whatever, insert, whatever. And there is a reason and a belief, right. And it's just an excuse of why you can't have more. Um, and you're so committed to that, right? You're so committed to that reason. And an excuse like you would probably argue with me and rationalize why it's just not possible for you. Right. So that's one area too, is that you feel like it's so damn hard to make more and you probably burn out or you're burning out or you're overwhelmed. And you feel like hustle equals more, doing more equals more money, which is an utter and complete freaking lie that you have been sold. Number three, you may not believe that you deserve more money anyway. And you might say, do we know?
Like, I want to know when I deserve it as ever, but if you are subconsciously and so many of us don't actually know what our subconscious habits and patterns are that are denying us are that we play out that are actually repelling money. Um, really often they lie dormant until we kind of uncover them and like, Oh crap, I didn't realize that was there. Right. And if you don't feel like you deserve more money, if you don't feel like I could just give you a hundred thousand dollars for no reason and not just be okay, then we need to change that because you are subconsciously resisting money. And this is, these are the problems that we basically completely demolish inside of abundance aligned the self sabotaging habits that I used to have, um, that so many people have that was really making, making money hard, right.
Making financial abundance hard. And it was the biggest freaking breakthrough for me when I hired a really, really, really high level coach to just reveal the stuff that was missing for me. Um, and really just call me on my shit. Um, and just like really step out of the crap that I had been sold and that we are all sold. We are all sold. Right. Um, and it wasn't just one coach. I mean, I took courses and joined masterminds and did programs and went to events and like seminars and like, you know, like I said, I fully immersed myself. I became like an expert in the area and because that's just how I'm wired, um, which is amazing because it means that now I can teach it. Um, and yeah, so for me, it completely changed, changed the game to the point where I was in debt.
And I think a lot of, you know, my background and my story, I was in debt and I was living paycheck to paycheck working two jobs. And like from going from that to creating multiple passive income streams, right. Building a multimillionaire million dollar asset portfolio and still traveling the world still taking holidays, like it wasn't like I was living in some like dungeon or, you know, someone's granting flat or anything. Um, and really just like financial abundance. It's just, it's, it's normal. It just now is what is that next level? As in, we all have an energetic match, we will have an energetic blueprint. We will have an energetic minimum of really for you, whether you're conscious of it or not. What you, um, really is your minimum, that you are just not prepared to earn any less than per month. And for me now that increases every month and increase every month, then increases every month because there was just more money and there's more money, more money comes.
And my money comes right. When you actually do this work, when you actually commit to these methods and really put yourself in to this fully. Um, so now that's my goal. My goal is literally to put more money and more freedom in the hands of more women, because we need to be wealthy like we really do. Um, and the reality is like, when you actually transform your money blueprint, you do change your life. Like money is power. It really is because it's the power to do what you want with it, right? It's the power to buy the things that you want and create the life that you want. So that's the goal that is the aim inside abundance aligned really. It's about a bigger, a bigger bank account without the burnout. That really is, that really is out, um, making money easy, right? Like breaking down and breaking through your mental money blocks.
You don't have to worry about money again, like knowing how to use your actual, your energy within you already. And this is the thing this isn't about whilst I talk about in financial empowerment, as like saying I'm giving you the power. And that, that is true because so many people think that they don't have it. So I'm just, I'm just showing you that you already have it within you. So it's actually not about being a different person. It's actually about coming back to you. It's actually about tapping into the energy you already have. Right. And learning how to use that already to easily attract them on. And it's like to easily attract wealth. Um, it's not about you being someone else or someone different. Um, I really, it's just, it's just making it easy and actually having the desires that you have spent so many years denying yourself of, because fuck, that is, that is genuinely the thing that I see the most denying your desires.
And I used to do it too. And I still have to catch myself too. And you know, sometimes I'm really given the opportunity to affirm that to other people when I'm other people's beliefs come up and challenge my own. Right? And some people like other leaders, whatever, we'll say that you're being tested, the universe has never fucking testing you. It's always reflecting. You always, it is reflecting what you believe. And it gives you opportunity to affirm and step into your power, your new found power around what you truly believe around money, right? Because here's the truth. Here's the truth. You are worth more like you were, you were born worthy, you were born worthy of everything you desire. You can have whatever you want. And there was always another level. Like there was always more, there is literally nothing, nothing different compared to you and like a billionaire or a multimillionaire or whatever it is that you want.
There is no difference except the belief and their willingness to commit to that's what they want. And it isn't about how, like, notice how I don't say it's that you have to hustle for it. Does it require some work? Yes. It's not like it's not about sitting on the couch. Like, unfortunately the secret missed a really massive pot of the manifesting, like, you know, bit, it's not about sitting on the couch and it just coming to you. Of course there is some work. The difference is that it's aligned action. It's taking action that is aligned and that it comes to you and it's inspired. And you're like, yes, this feels right. It feels good. It's just that so many of us have spent so long. I'm really not knowing what that is being, you know, doing stuff that we think is the right thing, or like hustling for it.
Or we have to take this certain job, like whatever, but it's not aligned, like the number of jobs, my God, that I've taken, because it was more money or whatever. And it didn't feel right. I was just, I was ignoring my intuition and not trusting and not stepping into like, okay, what if I could have this job? But like, what if the money came to me? And in another way, I guys, I get sent checks all the time from, from places that I'm like, I don't even know why they're sending me a check, why I've gone. And yes, of course, it's in my name. And like, you know, like ones, it was an insurance check. For example. Now it gave me like this big refund. I don't even know why there was no claim. There was no insurance claim for whatever reason. They gave me a refund and like, stuff like this just happens.
Right. It just happens. And I want you to know that it can happen for you too. Like the stories that come out of this, just like yeah, of course, of course that happens. Right? Like, yeah. And, and so I want you to know that it's possible when you put your faith in, like, when you put your trust in it, it's just that we have to remove what has been limiting you and really show you how to step into your infinite power and your infinite potential and how to unlock that infinite version of you. Because once you also understand how the energy of money actually works, like people, most people think that money is like this physical thing. It's not like we made it out. Like we made the concept up. So money is an energetic exchange. It's just energy. Everything is just energy. Um, and your beliefs literally emit a certain energy in a torsion field who, okay, I'm not going to go into it.
Cause I could talk for hours about it, which isn't going to do in avant and salon. I'll put the link in the show notes, come and join us. Um, I come and do the work with us cause it's going, it's honestly, it's going to be so powerful and I can't wait to share. I just go, I, to see all of your stories, like I'm, I'm always, particularly with my clients, I'm always equally kind of like shocked and surprised when stuff happens, you know, like when they, whatever, like receive, you know, $20,000 and they've done like four hours work. Cause it just comes to them like money just comes or like new clients come or, you know, the exact thing they wanted, like manifested or like things are just like so aligned that it just, it was no possible way for that to happen. It just did.
I'm always equally shocked and surprised, but then also like in a state of, yeah, of course. Like of course, like of course it happened because it's how it works. And so, but what if that's, what's so amazing, like that's the paradox about it? That's, what's so amazing about it. That's like, yes, of course. And Oh my God, I can't believe that happened even though you can anyway. Um, and you know, what is amazing is like I've talked to, I've talked about the collective energy before, when you do something just for you, for yourself versus when you do it in a group, like when you do it in a collective and a tribe, like when you do it together, like in a container, right. When the people around you are all doing the same work, there is a collective op level. There's a collective energy. Like energy is so much more powerful when it's just more than just you.
Right. And, and so that's what is so powerful in a group. And what I love too, is that when I like when other people experienced breakthroughs or new things or an Uplevel in their financial life, like it inspires and impacts the other people around them. And they're like, well, yeah, well, she can have that. Why can't I have that? And it's happening for me too. So like recently I started working with a new coach actually in the last, I think it's maybe been like five weeks. Um, and it's been amazing. It's been amazing and exactly what I needed. And it's really making me look at my own stuff too. And it's really upleveling me and it's really taking me to like that next, that next quantum leap level. And I noticed this always happened. I noticed when I have my own breakthroughs in, in my own life and in business and like, whatever, you know, I won like my own just breakthroughs.
It happens to the direct people around me. So whenever it happens for me like clockwork, it happens for my clients too. And it's just how it works. Right? Because that is the power of the energy field that we all emit and that we all have that exists within us all. Um, and that is what is, I just love so much because I will never stop doing the work. Like it's just how I'm wired growth is my number one value. I get so much joy out of it. It's literally, it's, it's my blueprint. It's my DNA. It's my human design. It is just, it's just me. And so I'll always take another leap up, always take another quantum level. Like I'll always work myself and always grow and always push myself. And so those breakthroughs are always going to be there for myself, but also for the people around me.
Um, and that's what I love about. And I'm so glad I'm just now doing this in a group setting. Um, so I also wanted to talk about in this episode, cause I've just spent almost half an hour talking about abundance in line. Obviously you can tell how excited I am about it. I wanted to talk about the other kind of stuff that I didn't quite get to in the last episode around, you know, like work, right? And like transformational, transformational work, transformational coaching, and not necessarily about kind of money, but here's the thing. Money is energy, just like any other energy is and how we do one thing always impacts another. Like there is, here's what I want, I want to say as delicately, but also powerfully. If you are experiencing a lack in one area or denying or desires around money in one area, there's also potentially a pretty solid chance.
You might be denying yourself in another area too, like love or friendship or, you know, like self fulfillment in your career or whatever, or your environment. There's always another part of you that when you unlock one area, it always impacts the other. Um, and so where did I get you with the last step? So I was talking about Alaska, which is a very, very, very powerful plant medicine that takes you on a spiritual journey and shows you, so shows you some areas where you can get transformational breakthroughs of stuff that you really just didn't even know that was holding you back. Right? And it's not legal kind of everywhere around the world is only a couple of countries where it is quote unquote legal to do. Um, and it involves a ceremony where you drink the brew of, um, a specific plant, uh, that is, you know, brewed and grown.
And it's done in a certain way by shamans and most shamans don't even true shamans don't even like being called shamans, but then other shamans will say, you don't need to be attached and it's fine. Anyway, um, you are guided, let's just say you are guided by sharmans through the whole experience. Um, and it's not kind of like a, whilst it is a one day thing. Um, it really is kind of like a three day, three day experience of kind of getting your body into alignment with being at, you know, being ready to drink or you asker. So that might be things like literally connecting back to mother nature, um, you know, things like meditating and like there's a whole experience. Things like, you know, intention setting and obviously different people do it differently. Um, and some places around the world, for example, like Rhythmia in Costa Rica do ask a ceremony, ceremonies kind of like over, I think it's four days.
So you do it literally for four days, which is intense. I haven't done that yet. It is on my list to do, um, I do want to do it as much as it is extremely challenging. Um, because you do most people purge meaning throw up because you're just kind of getting stuff out of you. Right. And this is also why it's so good to cry just as a side note guys, like it's so good to cry. Don't ever apologize for crying. Don't ever like deny yourself of crying. Crying is a way for you to release trauma from your body. That's literally it, we store trauma in our genes, like in, out in our body, it's like physically stored, just like we have DNA that dictates, you know, how we look and the color of our eyes and the color of our hair and the color of our skin.
And like, you know, whether my more predispositioned to weight or, um, our height, like that DNA makes up our physical attributes, but we also store trauma in our, like in our genes and if it's not released and if it's not dealt with it is literally stored in our body. And so are you asking is also like it's a process of literally releasing past trauma and just like letting it go. Sometimes it's not even your trauma because trauma can be passed just like DNA in, in our genes that, you know, kind of dictate our physical attributes. Um, can we pass down from our mothers and our grand mothers and fathers and our great grandmothers, uh, the same is for trauma. So when you do certain ceremonies, like, are you asker and even other stuff to guys like you don't have to, you know, do plant medicine to have these experiences and transformations.
There is a lot of other work that you can do. And that it's also the work that we do inside abundance online. Um, it is obviously we don't do ASCA inside abundance online. We do a lot of other stuff. So you don't have to, like, if you know, it doesn't feel aligned to you. And if it is definitely not something that you want to do, just know that you don't have to. Um, but any like really any trauma release is a letting go of what is, has been stored in your body that dictate and impact the patterns and beliefs that you have around your subconscious mind that repel or attract, or you, you know, align you with money, love, like any energy, really like, you know, desires, anything and anything that you want. Um, and so releasing that, and it's just really important. And that is why crying is so important.
And another amazing way that you can do this is to scream into a pillow. I'm not even kidding you like or scream to scream out loud. If you don't have neighbors that aren't going to come over and knock on your door, if they're going to be worried about you, then literally scream into a pillow and the release, particularly because it comes through an out, like out through our throat chakra, like it is a release, right? Like of energy in our body. Like literally do that anytime. Like anytime you want do it every day, like do it every morning. Um, crying is a, is a really great one. That's what also, why dancing is a really good one because you move your body and you're like, you literally like release the energy, like, like flicks off, you know what I mean? And anyway, that was, that was a tangent.
Um, so that is why you purge in Musca. I was resisting it so much when I, when I, when I did it. Um, and I was very called to it. That kind of say that before you go often, you're really called to it. Like, you feel like you just it's aligned with you. And it was just something that I don't know why, where it even came from, for me, it just, it, it came up and I was like, I felt really called to do it. And recently I've been feeling cold again. Um, which is interesting because obviously with COVID, um, as well as most of, you know, I'm in Australia, right? I mean, North Bondai and Sydney, Australia. And so the prospect of going to Costa Rica right now is really not on the cards, but it's a ceremony that I was resist. Like I was resisting the purging because I had a belief and it really is a belief because since then I've thrown up for a number of different reasons, very easily without fainting and stuff.
But I had a belief that I couldn't throw up. I just wasn't someone that threw up. I just, it wasn't possible for me. Um, and I would only ever do it if I was literally like that drunk, like I'm talking when I was 18 or 19. And, you know, I went through those lovely periods of time where I didn't understand the impact of alcohol. Um, and so I had this like, you know, story of like, it's so horrible. Like I just, I don't even know how to throw up. Like I just can't do it. And so it was resisting it so much with ayahuasca. Um, and until it wasn't until like one of the guides came over and was like, just let go, just let go, let go, like stop resisting. And, you know, kind of when I just breathe into it, because it's a long experience, or you asked her as a really long experience, it's like six or seven hours sometimes like even eight, depending on how many drinks you have, you know, depending on like your capacity and your threshold.
Um, yeah, so, and it was really, it was a really intense, but also incredibly powerful experience, um, to go through because it was a process for me of really understanding and learning to step into my heart and like connect back to my heart rather than being so, so in my head and probably most of all it was, it was so powerful to learn, to let go, like to let, just let go just in general. Um, cause this, this part is the bit that most people get stuck on the letting go because we are all internally control freaks. Whether you think you are or not, we are all control freaks. And we don't know how to let go and just release resistance to not knowing how, how something is going to come to you, how you're going to get the thing that you want, how it's going to happen.
And this is why this is why so many of us cannot see or believe that we can have things that we can have desires. We can have more money that we can have, whatever we have financial freedom. We can have like holidays without hustling, like, because we don't know the how, cause we haven't seen it yet. And that letting go process is probably the hardest thing. It's the hardest paradox in manifesting and the hardest thing in attracting anything you want and stepping into believing, you can have anything you want letting go is my God. Like it's so powerful. And yet it's really hard to do. It's really hard to do. And it's, it's a process and it's also a practice and there are a lot of things that you can do to train yourself, into teach yourself, to step into that or what have to apologize.
Guys. Someone started drilling outside the joys of working from home. Yeah. In times like COBIT anyway, we're just going to push story. So the letting go of the, how is it's it's also a beautiful thing when you, when learn to do it, because it is about trusting it's, it's just that you have to be shown how to, you have to be shown how to trust, you know, ironically you have to be showing the how so you can learn to let go of the how and how it comes to you. Because particularly when we're so fixed to, you know, money coming to us or anything coming to us in any one way, we are blocking and we are limiting ourselves from it coming in a different way. Like what if it could come to you in all this, this, you know, other incredible ways that you don't even know yet.
Right. But you know, you're stuck on this one thing. Like it has to come from, you know, the money has to come through my job because how else could, could it come? How else moan? Right. And I get it. Cause I've been there too. I've been like, well, how, how, like particularly, you know, even in business, like, well, the only way for me to make more money is to like get more clients, whatever it's like, well, that's not the only house. Um, so yeah, that the, how is how is a beautiful, beautiful thing when we learn to like, you know, step into it and just trust and put our faith in it. Um, and it's also, it's all collectively intertwined as well because when you really look at the beliefs that are holding you back and the reasons why, like some of it, you know, we dive into past stuff that you didn't even know is that, like, I remember doing some, some, a beautiful practice.
You might have heard of it before called ho Pono Pono. It is this just stunning, stunning, stunning practice. And when I fully did it and fully like learn to like step into it and connect, you know, connect to it fully, like in my heart and in my heart space, not in my head space. Um, I actually release the trauma that I had or about my earliest memory and this, it wasn't even about money, but like I said, all interrelated, um, when I released that, I actually remembered an earlier memory B like from the one I thought was my earliest. And this is like the kind of stuff that is so powerful because what happened? You release trauma. And that wasn't even that wasn't even through you ask guys, I was just through hope Autopano was at, um, a day with destiny event with Tony Robbins, like about five years ago.
Um, and because I was just crying, I was just crying and crying and crying and just like letting go and releasing it. Um, and that's what happens when, when, when you release that trauma, right? And you like, let go of that resistance. Then you just, you step into that infinite being that infinite, like version of yourself right now, some of you are probably thinking, what the hell do we even do inside at abundance align? And why are you talking about so much crying? Um, it might happen. It probably will happen. And it's good. It's a good thing. Um, but we, we, we do a lot of just, some of it is really fun. Some of it is easy. Some of it, you know, might feel hard to, and that is where the growth happens. Right. That's where your quantum leap happens. So I know I've just gone off and around in circles on different tangents it's episode.
I feel like maybe I'm a little bit rusty from being away for five weeks talking to you guys. Um, so thank you for being here. Thank you for tuning in and Hey, I want to let you know, in the, I don't know which episode is going to be maybe the next one, maybe in the next couple, I'm going to tell you about a really exciting story. Not exciting. Exciting is probably the wrong word. Um, really interesting story around financial fraud, and it's going to blow your freaking mind. Um, and it's going to be some, have some really great lessons there for you to just so you're like really understand how big this financial wealth is and what can happen, what to look out for. Um, I mean, not that you guys should, would ever should really fall into that trap. Cause if you're in this world and if you're particularly for an MBA in investing bootcamp, you know what to look for, but I'm a, I'm going to tell that story over the next couple of episodes.
Uh, so stay tuned for that. Thank you for being here. Ah, and thank you for tuning in after it being so long. I'm so glad I'm back. Um, stepping into stepping into like showing up more for you guys to particularly around this like money work, um, and just bringing more abundance to all of you. Alright, beautiful. I'll see you in the next eBay. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Way. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more podcasts and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Welty official, even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will. We'll see you next week.