Are These Money Beliefs Keeping You Broke?
Jul 14, 2020What happens when you imagine living a wealthy life?
Just step in to this for a moment...
See yourself driving that fancy luxury car that you’ve always wished for. Feel the rich leather and the purr of the high powered engine.
See your 'straight out of a luxury magazine' home and your overflowing bank account.
All the bills are paid on time. No more debt and a thriving investment portfolio.
And then, listen to that quiet little voice that tells you it’s not possible.
Watch the next thoughts that rush through your mind:
I’m not good enough
I don’t deserve to live an abundant life
I’ll have to hustle so hard and never have a life
There isn’t enough money in the world for me live luxuriously
Now feel that limitation. The constraint, the shrinking. The resignation.
That’s the story you tell yourself about why you can’t be rich.
(Also known as the toxic money beliefs that are keeping you broke and preventing you from living in the wealth and abundance that you deserve).
Let's expose these BS money stories shall we?
So that you can stop sleepwalking through life... and actually start living.
Stop surviving. And start thriving.
First, let me show you how to break the chains of the toxic money beliefs that keep you stuck in broke-ville.
Then, I’ll want to arm you with new money mantras that will set you free to ascend into your richest, most abundant, most spiritually aligned self.
You ready?
Toxic money belief #1: There’s a limited supply of money
Have you ever felt like if you were to have more money, other people would have less money?
Ever feel like it’s wrong to live an abundant life when other people have so little?
Or do you feel guilty when someone pays you because you believe that you are taking money away from them?
All that is, is a shitty lie that money is scarce.
At its core, it's scarcity mindset. And it's holding you back and keeping you small.
Truth bomb: Money is energy just like love or air.
When you breathe, you don’t prevent others from breathing.
Loving your partner doesn’t prevent you from loving your kids or your friends.
It’s the same with money. It’s not binary or finite.
There's no accountant doing universal money accounting and subtracting from the grand total every time you spend money.
Babe, money doesn’t come from people, it flows through people.
It’s never stagnant, it wants to be directed to you.
The big question is, will that person be YOU?
Do you have the courage to dump the scarcity mindset and let money flow to you?
New money mantra: Money comes and money comes and money comes. I am open and ready to receive it.
Toxic money belief #2: The only way to get more money is to hustle harder
We’ll sleep when we die, 80-hour workweeks, working nights and weekends, and chugging coffee every few hours to keep ourselves from crashing and burning = hustle culture.
We have been misled to believe that working harder, slaving away, and hustling our tails off will give us more money.
But, look around babe, how many extra hardworking people do you who are broke? I bet you know quite a good number.
This is yet another manifestation of the crappy scarcity mindset.
Now, I’m not saying that you can just get rich via osmosis without working.
Work is required.
It's the fundamental piece that’s missing from 'The Secret’, you can't just sit on your ass watching Netflix all day while thinking about the thing you want... and 'poooooof' it appears.
Yes, it takes work. BUT it’s a different kind of work. It’s taking action that is aligned with your goals.
Action that is inspired. Action that feels good.
Not out-of-alignment hustling to exhaustion.
Notice the difference?
This is where the fucking magic happens, you start CO-CREATING with the Universe.
The Universe moves and starts creating WITH you.
Time for a reality check, ask yourself "Am I doing this because I feel aligned, inspired, and excited, or am I doing it out of fear that if I don't work harder, I won't get it?”
New money mantra: I don’t need to hustler harder, I only need to take inspired action and co-create with the Universe.
Toxic money belief #3: You’re not good enough, worthy enough and you don’t deserve money.
Do you deny your desires and the fact that you WANT to be rich?
Do you under-charge your clients and over-give yourself to others?
Are you afraid of setting boundaries, taking up space, and speaking up?
How about deflecting compliments, rejecting gifts, or minimizing your wins?
These are all signs that you feel unworthy and that you are subconsciously rejecting money and abundance.
Remember: everything is energy, including money.
I know that people have told you that you’re not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, and lots of hurtful bullshit.
That’s why you shrink, play small and wonder ‘who am I to be rich?’
How you do one thing is how you do everything.
But this unworthiness story is not true.
The truth is you are worthy babe.
You don’t need to do anything or be anything to be worthy. You just ARE. M’kay?
New money mantra: I am worthy of being rich and abundant.
Time to rise up
Here's my challenge for you: break the chains of your bullshit money beliefs.
Let the powerful, rich, and abundant woman who lives inside you RISE (trust me, she's there babe).
Don’t settle for mediocrity.
Don’t shrink yourself or play small.
Step into your greatness.
Step into your Abundance Aligned life.
Step into your unapologetically rich AF life.
This is the work we do inside Abundance Aligned...
So when you are ready to step in to this version of you, we can't wait for you to join us