An Abundance Rampage
Mar 24, 2020WHENEVER you need to take a moment to let go of scarcity mindset, to change your state, to connect back to joy and to be more open to receive money and abundance - THIS is the episode for you.
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone Masa, Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money podcast.
Welcome back to another episode of the kiss, my money podcast. Thank you so much for being here. I am really excited about today's episode because it is so truly needed. And what I love about this is this is something that you can come back to anytime you need to change your state, to tap into abundance, to remind yourself of everything that surrounds us every single day. And right now, everything going on. I know, I know that we need a bit of a reminder of, and you know, a bit of an opportunity really to come back to positivity, to light, to love to the abundance that is still surrounding us, even though we are globally going through, you know, a different time right now. So I want to give you guys an amazing, um, essentially abundance rampage. So this is something that a lot of other teachers, uh, I have followed in the past, um, really have inspired me to teach and to give, and I do this with my clients and it is an amazing way that I also use to get back into state, to bring myself back into a place of joy and love and light and happiness and abundance.
Because honestly, like if you have a roof over your head and you know, you have food in the fridge and you have people to call, uh, really that's all that we actually need in life. And so we are already abundant and full of amazing gifts. Um, it's also absolutely okay to have and want more. And I want to remind everyone that even, you know, even in times, when you not feeling amazing that you can always come back to this, um, and go on a bit of, uh, you know, uh, money, gratitude, abundance, joy, happiness rampage. So I'm going to start this off, come back to it whenever you want. And, you know, use it as much as you want to shift and change your state because every single moment we have the choice to change how we feel. We literally have over how we feel, how we process, what we choose to believe what we choose to think.
And so this is the way for you to come back to that. Okay. So today is a new day, every moment, every second, every minute is a new moment. New second new minute. And we have an amazing opportunity. We have choices and the ability to shift our state, our emotions, our thoughts at any given time. And today's an amazing day. And every day I deliberately focus on what is good in myself. What's good in the world. I focus on the abundance in my life. I focus on the love in my life. I focus on the opportunity and possibility of my future, and I am so excited about what I am creating. I am so excited and tuned into all of the desires that I am working towards. And I allow myself more than ever before to be in the receptive mode of everything I desire.
And every day I become more of the person I need to be to receive all that I want. All I need to do is open up and receive and let go of everything that I see as holding me back, because everything I consciously focused on everything that I working towards creating manifests into my physical reality. Every day, I create an intention to tune into abundance, to focus on love, to see the money that surrounds me to tap into the opportunity and possibility that surrounds me every single moment of every single day. Everything I desire is readily even immediately. Some eventually definitely, definitely everything I desire is all eventually available to me. And as I expand and receive abundance, the more others receive massive amounts of abundance to my success is completely and utterly inevitable. And I'm well along my way to the success that I desire, the success that I want, that the success that I deserve, everything I've asked for is making its way to me.
Every day, I wake up my financial condition improves, even though I can not yet physically see it. It is improving moment by moment because my financial condition is always improving and I am so grateful and so happy for everything in my life now and in the future. And the more I'm grateful, the more I maintain the feeling of abundance, the more I am grateful, the more I can tap in and tune into the joy and the happiness that is already a part of me that already exists within me. It is already there for me to access at any moment. Choose all I need to do to feel abundant is to feel good and I'm worthy of feeling good. I am worthy of feeling joy. I am worthy of feeling abundance. I am worthy of receiving abundance and I am worthy of receiving everything that I desire.
And as I let go of my resistance, it is replaced with abundance. My doubt is replaced with belief and abundance becomes evident to me every single moment that I choose to focus on it. And I am tuned in, turned on tapped into the abundance that is surrounding me all ways. I am so worthy of all the money that I receive. And it is my right. It is my time to receive. It is always my right. And he just always my time to receive. And I am already well along the way to my greatest desires and the more I connect to my desires, the more I take aligned action, the more grateful I am, the more grateful I am for everything that I continue to receive into my life. And every moment I breathe in love and I breathe out, worry, every moment I breathe in money and I breathe out, lack every moment I breathe in abundance and I breathe out resistance.
Every moment I really breathe in receiving my desires and I breathe out fear and doubt because if path to financial abundance is already the path I am walking. I am already on the path towards what I want everyday. My resistance becomes smaller and my capacity to receive and bring in what I want becomes greater and greater. And every day I look for reasons to feel good and I find them. And when I have a thought that does not support the reality that I am focused on creating, I let that thought pass by me. I let all non-supportive thoughts and beliefs go. And I come back to my focus and awareness on feeling good. I come back to my focus and awareness of the true abundance that surrounds me every day. And I come back to being grateful for everything that I have in my life, because every moment I want to shift into a better vibration, a better feeling, almost supportive, and a more abundant version of myself that brings in everything that I want.
And I accept that any non-supportive belief is not mine. It has never been mine. It was offered to me. And I took that thought on and I believed it to be my own. And I do not judge myself for it. I don't worry about having the thought. I simply let it go. And I forgive myself because I am surrounded by potential. Ready for me to connect you, to tap into, to call in. And this potential is always and constantly surrounding me and all I need to do to bring in what I want into my world is to show up as myself is to be myself because abundance is my birthright and my destiny. And I can always find and connect to the feeling of abundance, of wellbeing, of joy, of happiness, whenever I want to. And when I accept that money is simply energy, I see that money is an unlimited resource.
I see that money is constantly and always surrounding me. And I see that money just like love and joy can be called in and brought in and tuned in and tapped into any moment I choose to. And so money is all around me and I am open to receiving massive amounts of money because money comes into my life every single day. And I am so grateful and so appreciative of everything that I have and everything that I receive and everything that I continue to receive into my life, everything that I want, I am meant to have. I am meant to receive. I am meant to live a life full of my desires. And when I receive more and become more wealthy, I show others that abundance is overflowing and it is good, and it is right to receive it as good. And it is right to feel and be abundant.
The more I allow myself to have everything I want, the more I allow others to see how truly they can step into their power, their potential, and honestly just live the life full of their desires too, because every moment I have a choice and I choose to receive money comes so quickly and so easily and so rapidly. And it is always coming into my life. And every day, more and more, I believe that I'm worthy of all the money that I receive even more so every day I step into being worthy of everything that surrounds me and everything that comes into my life because money does come to me so easily. So effortlessly. My income is constantly increasing and I am so worthy of being wealthy. I always an easily find massive ways to amass wealth and make money in my sleep. And I am so in love with my life and so grateful for everything that I am creating.
Money, making opportunities are sent my way on a daily basis. And every day, every day, I focus on the money that I have and I pay attention to everything in my life. The more and more I become better at managing my money. And the more I do this, my bank account expands and multiplies consistently all the time. The income I receive is constantly increasing and everything I desire. I deserve. I am an excellent receiver and I am open to receive massive amounts of money into my life. Abundance flows. It flows to me so easily and so effortlessly and so quickly and easily into my life. Every single day, I am such a magnet for money and prosperity is naturally drawn to me. It is naturally drawn to me and everyone that surrounds me and I attract money in expected and unexpected ways. I release the, how I let go of the how, and I simply open up to receive. I simply tap into the potential. I simply see opportunities everywhere around me. Thank you for everything that I receive and continue to receive. I am so grateful for my success, for my abundance, for the love that surrounds me. I am so grateful for money and wealth to come into my life. And I am so grateful for that to continue and build every single day. Thank you. Thank you for the abundance always.
Alright, beautiful. I hope that you enjoyed that and I hope that you can come back to this at any time that you need to let go of scarcity mindset to let go of lack and to step into honestly, just opening up and receiving and rewiring and reprogramming your subconscious and conscious mind to see everything that's around you and to tap into the wealth that I know that you deserve. I hope you've enjoyed this episode and as always, I would love for you to share it and leave a review on iTunes so that I can share the love even more. All right, beautiful. See you next week. Bye. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Way. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more podcasts and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Welty official for even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will see you next week. Another app.