A New Era of Authenticity + A Lesson From the Haters
Apr 08, 2020There is ALWAYS a lesson in every single moment and experience in life. Even when if feels tough or challenging, or we can't yet see the reason. But here's the good news: we can grow from it, learn from it and become better humans from whatever crap is thrown our way.
This episode is the start of a new era of authenticity.... and I'm kicking it off by showing you some behind the scenes of keyboard bashers (and what I've learnt from it). 'Cause babe... I want you to learn from it too!
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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kiss my money podcast.
Well, Hey babe. Welcome back to the kiss, my money about cost. I'm so glad you're here with me and you're joining me and I missed the last week. Uh, you know what? It wasn't, it wasn't a mistake. It was actually intentional and it was just a last week for me was just a bit of a pause. I took a moment to just chill the F out and I have been resting more and taking breaks more. And I know that for a lot of us, we are taking this isolation and, uh, you know, pours to our society and to look down and quarantine, whatever you want to call it, pandemic. Um, very differently. There are so many mixed emotions. There's fear, there's uncertainty. Um, there are also, there's also a lot of positivity and, you know, I wanna just take a moment to say whatever you are going through is totally okay.
And it's also totally normal. There is a lot of volatility in emotions and the energy out there right now. Uh, and what if it, like, you're feeling whatever you're doing is totally okay. You know, I know that there's like this there's so many shirts, right. And Tony Robbins is like one of the best, best quote producers in the world. Um, but he has, he has a saying that, um, of like, you know, when we should all over ourselves, like we should be doing this and we should be doing that. And I'm like, I know I should be XYZ. Like whatever we have. So freaking many of them. And I have definitely been someone in the process that has done that to myself. And we tend to, should all over ourselves, particularly in times like this, like if you're a business owner and entrepreneur, you're like, I should be pivoting or I should be stepping up or I should be like, whatever, if you are, you know, an employee, like, I shouldn't be doing more for my company or I should be looking for a job or like, whatever.
But like, guys, even if you don't feel like being productive or if you don't feel like starting a project or going outside and exercising, or if you don't feel like trying something new or learning a new language or all of the amazing suggestions that are out there right now, and they are truly amazing. Uh it's okay to also just rest, like it's okay to take a break. It's okay to just have a Netflix and chill day. Um, you know, I know I've bagged it out before about the, you know, the difference of sitting on your couch or versus working on yourself. But the thing is like, you also need balance in your life and you also need to take a pause and it's okay to just take a break. Like one of the biggest things in life is that, and I am, I'm a true believer and I didn't always used to believe this, but I am a true believer that everything that happens in our life happens for us.
The universe is conspiring for us. Like everything that happens for us, even though they are, there are challenges and there are tough times. And, you know, sometimes you just like, I don't even know why this could possibly be a lesson, but I truly believe that life is happening for us. It's not happening to us. Even literally have a sign in my office that sits behind me that says live as though the universe is conspiring for you. And I actually first had that quite, you know, it's one of the things that goes around. Like, I didn't even know who originally owns it, but, uh, I originally, I think heard, it said in that way by Chris Hodder and he has an amazing podcast called for the love of money. If you're an entrepreneur, definitely check him out. And I truly believe it. I truly believe that the universe is conspiring for us.
And I think that every single person, regardless of where you are right now, what you're going through, how you're taking this, there is a lesson, maybe the lesson is I need to take a break. I need to take a rest. I need to slow things down and [inaudible] patient. I need to connect to my family. I need to look after my health. You know, maybe it's wow. I was really like hustling and going really hard and like setting all these goals and whatever. And I just needed to like, take a chill out and balance and like, just be present. Maybe that's just the lesson. And for so many of us, maybe the lesson is also, Hey, I needed pay more attention to my finances. I need to get my money shoot in order. Maybe I just need to like build up that emergency fund that I keep hearing about.
I know I've talked about it a lot and it's not a new concept obviously, but the idea of an emergency fund and having something that in emergencies like this, that come around every seven to 10 years, literally, they really don't come around this often, but this is truly what mercy funds and taking care of your finances and being prepared. This is what it's for. And I shared something with my God, by the way, if I ever repeat a story or a lesson or a quote, and I I'm telling you something on repeat, and I've already said it in a past episode, or even like, literally like the last episode, can you just like, excuse it, just like, just go with it because I never actually remember in what hot and am I telling you, am I telling the story, or am I telling the lesson, or am I like sharing something?
Because sometimes it's on a podcast, sometimes it's on live Q and a calls inside investing boot camp. Sometimes I'll do lives on Instagram. Sometimes I'll do live in the public group. Sometimes there'll be on one-on-one client sessions. And I genuinely con sometimes remember where it was, but sometimes, you know, something will happen and I'll just be like this amazing gem. And there's so much that I'm just like, did I share that? I need to make sure everyone knows about this. So if I am repeating myself at any point, uh, just, just go with it and just remember that, um, maybe it's just a lesson with hearing twice. Anyway, what I was going to say was the importance of an emergency emergency fund. And like I said, it's probably not something that you've, you know, it's not a new concept. I'm sure you've heard it many times before, but so often, sometimes just like the basics, uh, things that we hear about time and time and time again, but we don't actually put into place things like emergency funds and having goals and blah, blah, blah.
But I have, I do speak about this a lot because you know, you're really not ready to invest unless you're properly financially prepared. And I shared with you an amazing story with one of, in one of the Q and a calls inside investing bootcamp about how essentially the lesson was that the success and not successful because they got lucky the success is successful because they're prepared. They just, uh, ready for any situation. And they know, they know that things like this, like the current economy, it's just part of the process. It's just part of what happens. It's literally normal. This is normal. You guys, it doesn't feel normal. I know. And being an isolation is obviously not normal. The world reaction is not normal, but how the economy is reacting and the decline we've seen and the crash we've seen is a normal pot of market cycles.
And when you're a longterm investor and you're building wealth over time, regardless of what, um, you know, asset class or what vehicle you choose to build wealth in, even if it's in property and it's not the stock market, then cycles are part of it. Like every single market is cyclical to some degree. And so there will be ups and there will be some downs. And this is just part of it. And what we know is the market always rebounds. I've said it so many times before, and what we can learn from the 2008 crash is that we can always prepare. We can always prepare, right. And when there is a crash, it always rebounds. And so how do we prepare ourselves for the next downturn? How do we invest in things that, uh, preparing us for anything like this? And that's also what I talk about inside investing bootcamp, but, uh, it's really just this notion of preparedness.
And maybe that is just the lesson being a little bit more prepared and stuck in something. And now is the time because we have, most of us have time on our hands, right. To do something. And if it's just resting, then do that, whatever it is, don't judge yourself for it. Just like, sit in whatever you need to sit in and just do whatever you need to do to just honestly keep mentally sane, keep healthy, keep safe, because this will end. We will come out of this and we will come out of this stronger. And you know, I think right now the entire world in terms of the actual universe, in terms of mother nature is taking a breather. Like I've seen so many names, like main life is just, it's on point right now, right? I'm sure you have also seen many of them.
But one of the memes I saw is basically, you know, that there's no way that everything could be shut down to lower emissions, you know, like slow climate change and protect the environment. And then mother nature comes around and goes, Hey, here's a virus practice. Right. And so maybe it is just the universe needing to take a breather and just like to breathe. Right. We use, we use global resources and put so many emissions into the air and so much into the earth that maybe it just needed to breathe. Maybe we need to be put in the naughty corner. You know what I mean? And you know, I know that I'm making light of, of everything. And I know that I'm not talking to the seriousness of it. And it's not that I don't get that. You guys, it's not that I don't understand how serious it is.
It's not that I don't understand that there have been deaths. And I have zero doubt in my mind that there is not a single person on earth that isn't affected by this in some way. But here's the thing. There is always another side. There is always another reason of how we could see a lesson. There's always another way that we could see, Hey, like what can I learn from this? How can I help someone? What light can I send out into the world? What positivity can I send out to the world? And there is so much of it going around right now. There is still so much light and humor and love and support and people just giving. And I think that I definitely choose to see that side of humanity and I'm seeing so much of it. And it's really a beautiful thing. It feels like in some ways, the world is a ms coming together, you know, in some ways, and because we're all in this together and we will all come out of this together.
Anyway, that wasn't actually what I want to talk to you about today. But the one of the things is really just seeing what the lesson is for you. One of the things I actually wanted to talk about was one of the episodes in the past on this podcast has been, and I'm going to literally look up right now as I'm talking to what actual episode number it is, so that if you haven't listened to it, that you can go back and listen to it. But it's one of the highest played apps on the podcast. Um, and it is about how to find your success formula. And I actually, I really enjoyed recording this episode. It's, it's an oldie, but it's a real, it's a goodie. And I really enjoyed recording it because I was sharing a story of how I found my success formula. And I've just looked it up and it's actually episode number four.
Holy moldy. Honestly, you guys, if I think back about when I started this podcast and what I actually did and how this come, how this came about, like I could not, I can't even recognize myself on the first podcast episode. So I don't even know what I said in episode four, but I do remember recording it and it is one of the highest played because everyone wants to find out their own success formula, right? Like how cool does that sound? But something came up this in the last couple of weeks, actually that I really wanted to share with you because it is such an incredible lesson and it's not specifically related to money or investing or wealth, but it is, it is related to you and who you are and how you show up in the world and what makes you happy. And I've spoken so much before about how wealth is literally like all the things combined into what makes us and brings us joy.
That is partly money. That is happiness. That is success. That is, um, you know, peace that is serenity, that's abundance and wealth is also time. And there are so many things that come into the wealth formula. So to speak that I want to talk about success because that really does come into how wealthy you feel and how abundant and you feel. And something has, has gone on is last month. And I've honestly been like, I was almost like, do I share this? But I have been on a path recently, just personally guys. I want to be really transparent of being even more authentic. I've been asking myself recently, how authentic can I be? Like even more? How, how much can I show up authentically and show you and share with you, honestly, an insight into my world. Not just, you know, if you are interested, cool, if you're not then like, whatever.
Uh, but also just so you can see that, like, there is so much out there so much on Instagram and whatever that isn't real. There is also so much that Israel, I'm not discounting that, but I want to show up authentically because that is just also part of my personal development path and journey of becoming more of me. And the more I become of me, the more I can share with you about how I have built my empire and continue to build my empire, uh, so that you can do the same and whatever step or whatever way along the path you are. I just want that to help you. And I just want you to get more out of it so that you can build and enhance and create more in your life so that you can be more wealthy and more abundant, have more money and literally live the life that you want.
So anyway, this last month has been a very interesting month, obviously for assume many people, but also for their business. So this month we, I had an econ agency. So ms. Wealthy has expanded on a couple of levels. And one of those was I hired an eCommerce agency that essentially help on the eCommerce side of the business. Right. And they're someone that they're based out of the U S and they are someone that I've kind of known through the, on my entrepreneur network and a mastermind that I've been part of the last kind of year or so. And so we launched investing bootcamp again, uh, in what was it with end of towards the end of March. So it literally, it hasn't been that long. It just feels like, I'm sure you probably feel like this true that, uh, with everything going on in the world, that literally the last couple of weeks almost feels like an entire week in a day, because things are transpiring and happening so quickly and so rapidly.
And then it also time feels so stretched out because we're just, we're honestly living almost like in a parallel universe. It's crazy. If you had said to me in six months time that your entire world would be in isolation and you couldn't international travel. I think everyone would be like, what the hell are you talking about? But, um, anyway, with when we launched investing bootcamp again, because I really wanted to get it out into the world. And so many people that wanted to join in January, couldn't join, and I saw the market turning and my perception, and this is obviously how off I was and how wrong I was, because I have not done a good enough job. I feel in educating or more people about how crashes and corrections are actually an incredible freaking opportunity and how millionaires and billionaires and made out of recessions because of what happens after the rebound.
Because when the market rebounds, that is literally a time in our economy that we never ever see the kind of growth. Again, like you don't see the growth, you do not see the growth that happens at any other point, except after a recession or after Obama could, or after a crash or correction, whatever you want to call it. And, you know, I also see that as partly my fault that I haven't properly educated my community, my tribe, so that you know, that this is the best time in like in history, you know, in the last 10 years, at least for sure. And I spoken about my story of how I actually started investing in, uh, in the middle of the GFC, the 2008 crisis. And it looked very similar to what we are in right now, like very, very, very similar, pretty much the same, except for people being locked in doors.
Like everything else is pretty much almost on par like government bailouts, government support packages, um, you know, like just basically the same variation, but repeated, and I'm not discounting what's happening. It's not being me in me being insensitive to what's happening. It's just that I recognize. And so does every economist recognized that this is what happens, right? This is literally part of the market cycle. And anyway, the point was is what I, we, so we launched investing bootcamp and because I genuinely was like, I know that so many people want to get in. And actually there is a, there has been a massive spike in Google searches, uh, of how do I start investing in stocks, uh, since the correction or the crash has basically started. So I know that there is definitely a market of people that want to learn and need to learn how, and they want to know how to get in, and they want to know how to, that it is actually an amazing time.
There's also a subset of people that have been Googling. How do I sell my stocks? Or how do I get out of the market, which worries me, because that question is one that therefore means people aren't educated enough, right? And so this has actually come from a study that was done. And one of the top reasons, essentially the question was what consumers find relevant right now, the top one was financial relief. And sure, there are many people that have been impacted, uh, right now. So there's no wonder, but the second one is how to pull out of stocks or pulling out of stocks. Um, third one is medical costs and write down as the second one. The second one is how to invest in stocks, right? So in the middle, uh, um, saving, uh, income protection investment portfolio. So basically the top one is financial relief and pulling out of stocks, which really just goes to show me, and I guess, many other people too, that whilst I know that so many people do see this as opportunity, opportunity.
There are so many people that just don't understand that this is an actual opportunity. So basically when we were re was relaunching the campaign, which included advertising to, you know, educate people obviously about the masterclass. And then in the masterclass, I talk about investing boot camp. And if you want to join that, you can come and join. And they, it was a much larger campaign in terms of ad spend. And so, you know, we were testing different markets and we were expanding into different markets. And what I noticed was basically the same level really of when I've done it on a smaller scale. So we like five X, the ad spend in March. And I did this with my econ teen. And what I noticed was this basically the same scale of comments and likes and whatever on ads and, you know, emails and DMS and all that kind of stuff, but just more of it, right?
Because obviously the ad spend was so much highest. We're reaching so many more people. What I noticed this time around was just as much as I get amazing, beautiful messages from you guys, which I appreciate you so much, uh, on how you love the podcast or how you love the master class, or, you know, just that you're so glad you found me or just whatever it is such beautiful, amazing comments, which genuinely make my day, make my week, make my month. And so thank you so much for those. I honestly cannot appreciate you more. And when I get messages like that, just like, by the way, that is what I referenced when I talk about how much I believe in humanity, because I see the love that you guys have. I see, like, it takes time, right? You weren't taking time out of your day to send someone love Amy or whoever you're sending love to.
And so that's why I believe so much in that there was so much good in the world, right. There is also the other side. And if you are on social media or if you've ever been a child, which pretty much everyone has been here. Right. Um, and being in a playground, or also if you are a, an entrepreneur or a business owner, and you've put yourself out there publicly, you all, you know, that you also get hate. Right. And when I first got my first piece of hate, like as like, you know, being an online business, being a online, whatever figure, um, it massively freaking hurt the second time. It was like, it hurt more it, but it stung a lot less. And I got over a lot faster and then there's more, and I don't even know how many pieces of paper maybe I've had, like, I dunno, 20 or something, 25, whatever pieces of, Hey, okay.
And unfortunately hate is just part of life. Like, you'll get it on the playground, you'll get it at work. Sometimes you'll get it on social media. Unfortunately, there is such a thing called bullying. Um, and you will definitely get it as an online entrepreneur or if you're online enough in social media, you'll also get it. And it's, it is actually a hard one for me, because part of me doesn't want to believe that that is real. I don't want to believe that an except almost because I feel like accepting it is therefore like allowing and condoning it and like almost expecting it. But unfortunately that is just part of our society, right? It's unfortunately easy to be a keyboard warrior and sit behind whatever a laptop and have no identity, you know, and just like send through these messages. Obviously you do have an identity cause I know what your name is, but, uh, and so with this campaign has also come hate, right?
And it's just part of it. And I have to remind myself that it is normal, but I've gotta be honest. I kind of forgot. I kind of forgot. Cause I hadn't had like one in a while. And so when we put this campaign out on a much bigger scale, I got a few more and I genuinely had to remind myself and put myself back into my online entrepreneur tribe and just, you know, be reminded that it is normal and just part of it. And there are just, I'm going to say it, there are some crazy people in the world. Okay. They just are. Um, and you know, everyone has an opinion and we have this thing called free speech and they can say whatever they want the day I want. But one of those things that has come up was, and I got it twice, maybe three times, I'm not even going to check because it doesn't even matter.
Um, but it was at least twice. I got it twice, this, this, this round. And I've never heard it before, uh, which was basically a USO unprofessional because you use the word babe. Right? That was, that was basically the message. And I'm not even gonna bother digging up the actual email. I don't want to give it like energy except for telling you this story, because I want to tell you the lesson that's in it. Um, and then another one was pretty much along the same lines of, Oh, I couldn't even listen to you use pet names and it's so ridiculous how unprofessional. And I think both people in both instances use the word unprofessional or something. And you know, I honestly, for a moment almost almost like considered changing my message or turning it down, or like, thought about maybe get that I should stop using the word babe, or that I could, should not call you gorgeous or that I should not make a joke or whatever the hell and that shit's just not going to happen like that ain't gonna fly.
And for a moment, it almost did because I was questioning myself. I was doubting myself. I was trying to conform into some other ridiculous notion of what someone else wanted me to be until I realized that I had to come back to myself until I realized that I just needed to come back to my mission of why the hell I even started ms. Wealthy in the first place. And ms. Wealth is not named after me. It's literally named after you. Like you, you are as wealthy. It, this mission has been about creating you, right? You becoming a ms. Wealthy woman so that you are financially empowered. And in that process, I call you, babe. I call you to investing babe, inside investing bootcamp. I call your money babe, and sent inside the program. I use the word gorgeous. I say, fuck. I say shit sometimes.
Like that's just part of it. I joke I will, you know, use funny meme examples and I use gifts. And I definitely definitely joke and make things a bit lighthearted. And I'll say things like grab a mimosa and take off your bra and get comfortable and settle in. And for a moment, I had almost questioned not doing that and not saying that because of the haters and you know, like I got more than that. Like they were, there were a couple of emails and then I got to some just like, what about people that just have so much hate in them that I headed? I don't know how they get through life genuinely based on some of the comments, but I want to, I want to share this with you because I want to let you know that whatever you're going through in life, if you've ever had negative comments, if you've never, ever had negative feedback, if you've ever had hate or if you've ever had a bully or an enemy or a notch arch nemesis, or if you've ever had like, you know, shit said to you, you need to know, you need to know that you do not ever need to change yourself to fit into someone else's model of the world.
And that was what I almost had was questioning in my head for a moment before I had to slap myself and realize that if I turn this mission of ms wealthy and financially empowering women into something else, if I make this about, you know, trying to fit into being someone else and not myself, then I failed. Like, because that is not my success formula. My success formula is literally based on being so authentic and showing you what I've done, showing you the path to build wealth so that you can do it for yourself so that you can be financially empowered. Do you think can think critically and so that you can unwire and rewire the crap that we've learned in school or didn't learn in school so that you know how to do it yourself rather than conform to societal norms about not saving money, not having an emergency fund, that you can invest yourself, that it professionals know better, which is all fucking bullshit.
And I was even debating about sharing the story because I was questioning like, how is this even relevant for you? How can I apply this to money and wealth? How can I, uh, you know, make this a relevant story so that you can learn from it too. And then I was just like, whatever, I'm just, I'm going to share it with you because I also want to give you some behind the scenes of like, what happens in my, sometimes not rosy world of online entrepreneurship, right? And sometimes not seamless and not linear a version of success in showing up online and, you know, putting myself out there. Right. And I don't know, whatever lesson that you get from this, I hope that you have that you learned something or that you take something out of it, but I just don't want anyone, anyone to ever think that getting, getting hate or getting comments or questioning yourself is like, okay, it's not okay.
Right. It's not okay, it's crappy. But as long as you show up as yourself, as long as it just reminds you to be yourself, because even if you're living as 90% of yourself and you're not showing up or 95%, or even if you're living is 99% of yourself, but you're covering that other 1% up, then you're still not being you. Right. And that is something that I have come to fully appreciate and realize. And I'm consistently reminded of, and a hope that this is maybe something that you can also remind yourself of too, if you've ever gone through something like this. And what I came to properly realize is I am not, I am not an old head, Greg, you know, guy, sorry, I'm not an old guy with gray hair sitting in a high rise, but behind a mug hageni desk, financial planner who sells insurance and gets commissioned and screws you over.
Like that is not my mission. There are plenty of them abound that will not call you babe, and not call you gorgeous. And you know, not joke and not make learning about money and wealth fun. Uh, there are enough of them around, I don't need to be another one and that's not my freaking mission. So if you're listening to this and you have only just come around and come across as podcasts and you don't like being called the world, babe, here's the thing. This is not the tribe for you. This is not the community for you. This is not the message for you. And you can go and find some straight laced, you know, whatever stuff elsewhere. But what you will hear here is me calling you, babe, is me calling you gorgeous and me saying, and swearing, occasionally at least to get the message through because I am so damn passionate about bringing you financial empowerment so that you can step into that more so that you can become more financially free, just faster.
So my mission is about doing that and my message is about creating a tribe that you feel safe in, that you feel that you are part of a community in bright. And that is something that has been so pivotal to my success formula. And basically I wanted to bring it back to that. I wanted to bring it back to how this, to relate to my success formula, um, because having a tribe and being part of that and not being a very specific community of people where we know what we're talking about, that is what is so important. And when I've leaned on my online entrepreneur network and my mentor network about, you know, my own struggles in business development, really, which is, you know, my current path, uh, that is being literally so pivotal in my success. Uh, and my, you know, continued success as I build this company and his brand.
And, and yeah, I just wanted to share that and I hope that it's been somewhat useful. Anyway, that was a long story that I didn't realize was going to go on that long. But, um, I'm glad that I'm back. And I'm glad that I'm like chatting with you and I'm sorry, I missed the last week. I was literally every single day feeling guilty, which I know I shouldn't have there. I go shooting all over myself, feeling guilty because I wasn't recording a podcast, but I just, I wasn't in the zone. I was not feeling it. Um, and I there's so much that I can talk to you about this so much that I can support you with, but my energy just wasn't there. And I don't want to like, literally just record a podcast episode for the sake of it. Right. I want to actually bring you something, uh, and bring me something useful.
But if there is anything that you want, can you please DM me so that I can do a podcast app on it, whatever you need to feel supported through this right now, then like reach out, okay. Like, this is what I'm here for. This is what this is about. Whatever you need to reach out to your tribe and I'll call you babe in the process. Just so you know, FYI, uh, yeah, just reach out and say hello and talk about what you need. Uh, because there are people out there that have the answers and I will repeat just so you know, if you need to hear it again, what am I going through right now will, and right. It will be over. We will get through this. And when we see and come out on the other side, it's going to be magical. Right. Am I going to look back on this and go, whew.
Wow. Well, that happened. That was interesting. And I know this because we come up and out of it every single time. And this is actually, we are sitting in the middle of, you know, it's almost like we're kind of like sitting in the middle of right now where I was when I was properly starting to dive into learning, to invest. And that's, what's so interesting right now. And I guess why I'm so level headed about everything. And I, I mean, obviously I'm also just prepared because I know how to invest in it through this. I know what assets perform in this. And I know that this is the biggest opportunity, and I'm so glad that this is happening because of the opportunity and possibility is going to come out on the other side of this. And that is genuinely what gets me so pumped up and so excited because I know that so many of you can come out on the other side of this bigger and better and stronger and more knowledgeable and more full of wisdom, uh, because challenges are just part of life.
And so even if you don't need a podcast episode in a subject and you're just struggling on whatever, just reach out for whatever reason. Okay. Like whatever you need, there is someone that can help. And if that person is me then great. All right, babe. Thank you so much for joining me. I love you. And I hope that today has actually been a lesson for you as well. I will see you next week for another app. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Way. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more podcasts and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Welty official, even more content. I love connecting with my babes there. Otherwise I will see you next week. Okay.