Hi, I'm Simone

 Can I be real with you?

I haven't always been good with money.

When I was younger, I always felt like I didn’t really fit in. But most of all, I didn’t want to be seen because I didn’t think I deserved it. I wasn't very confident back then. In fact...

I had zero self worth and (less than) zero dollars.

I avoided it with martini's, cute shoes and a whole lotta fun nights out. It was great for a while, until I got bored and my credit card debt got so big I couldn’t keep ignoring it.

Now you know I've been in debt & struggled with battling my own self worth. I was down $20k on a credit card and dealing with the depths of depression. I thought I would never be good enough to live an extraordinary life.

I couldn't be more wrong.

On my own journey towards worthiness and wealth, I discovered just how many women feel powerless over their money and their financial future.

So trust me when I say... I get it.

It doesn't matter if you’re in debt or flushed with cash. It's ok if you feel daunted, ashamed, or embarrassed. 

I’m here to help you amplify you and your wealth to the next level.

 I'm proof you can be confident with money and building wealth.

I love money. And I'm not afraid to say it.

But I didn't always think that way.

I didn't grow up with money. And like most people, I wasn't taught about money or how to build wealth. And what I didn't know until I was older, was that I had a mindset around money that subconsciously stopped me from getting ahead.

So I mastered my money mindset, and became a wealth slayer.

I trained as a performance coach and became a private systems equities trader across international exchanges.
Translation: I’m a wealth trainer and a share trader.

And I do it in heaps of different markets around the world (and nope, you don't have to become a trader to build wealth). It just means I know a lot about money, the financial world, investing, and the most effective ways to build monetary wealth.

I love building wealth and I’m here to help you do the same.


I’m in a unique position. I’ve merged my insatiable desire to unleash the inherent power and potential I see in everyone, with my expertise in investing and the financial world to bring you the most powerful combination of mindset, money and wealth training I’ve seen.

I luuuurve giving women the power and confidence to take control of their money and wealth so they can live an incredible life.

How? With breakthrough mindset training, the best money management formula and easy investing tools and strategies.

Want to know more?

  • I'm honest and direct. Straight talking is my jam.
  • I’m an adventurer at heart (thanks mum) and I have been fortunate enough to inherit calm as my super-power (thanks dad).
  • Raised by the beach, the water is in my blood. Travelling is what makes me feel alive, and I’ve lived my life as a semi-nomad.
  • Growth is my number one value. In fact, I trained as a lifestyle and performance coach so I could understand more about myself and others. I'll always be a life-long learner because I can always grow and expand in all areas of my life.
  • I think my pug Harley is the cutest pug in the world (Eerrrmmm, not biased)
  • I choose progress over perfection. I don’t have all the answers, I make mistakes and self doubt can still trip me up occasionally. I’m human, just like you.
Come say hi...I don't bite! OMG hold up, all I read was pug

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